[chrisaldrich]Just for /fun, I've added an IndieWeb emoji to the Slack as a potential reaction. You can add it with :`iwc`: or by searching for iwc within the emoji to appear as thus :iwc:. Hopefully it doesn't break irc and actually works for others.
[chrisaldrich]Slack users should keep in mind that while these reactions can be seen there, that users on other platforms won't see them or know that you've used them on their messages (at least I've not seen them before myself).
Loqiusing is the name of an authoring and/or publishing application, or can also be a page of tools and services that someone uses or likes to use https://indieweb.org/life-stack
[tantek]we also looked at http://plaintxt.org/ as inspiration for simple minimal website designs, and discussed maybe sending pull requests to add mf2 support to the themes (GWG)
[tantek]it's a little too hard for me because I'm still using a bunch of style attributes and I'd have to figure out how to shift all those uses to style sheets
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "fraidyc.at" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "fraidyc.at is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiFraidycat or Fraidyc.at is a browser extension for Firefox or Chrome that lets you follow people, see a summary of who has recently posted instead of a news feed, and expand the summaries to see recent titles/excerpts https://indieweb.org/fraidycat
[KevinMarks]danah boyd defined social network sites as a way of automating the answer to asl while missing the point that it was an excuse to start a conversation.
[LewisCowles]KevinMarks, isn't that sad that some people care about the first two. I do find location helps, but I don't really care about the first two so much.
[jgmac1106]the community group been meeting about a year the Credibility Coalition just rebranded themselves JournaLIST some of the article parsing tools are pretty neat, biased toward recency more current events
[jgmac1106]this is what I did my dissertation on...but on measuring and teaching skills....there will be no good technical solution for credibility judgements
[LewisCowles]I found a solution using the inspector that works for me, but I'll bookmark and read in a bit. I took way too long writing the response to jgmac1106
sscarfe, KempfCreative, [jgmac1106], gxt, loicm, nickodd, jeremych_, kensp, mauz555, electronicmaji, [grantcodes], KartikPrabhu, wolftune, opal, gRegorLove, anotheryou, [fluffy], [tantek], myravery and [asuh] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Loqilegacy contact is the ability to designate someone else who is given permission to manage your profile / site when you die https://indieweb.org/legacy_contact
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "after you die" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "after you die is ____", a sentence describing the term)