ZegnatHmm. I wonder how many news paper websites could be used for something like that. Thinking of the way some put the cc pay box right on their paywall.
ZegnatSame for certain paywalls. You pay the 1 USD – or whatever – to gain access to the article. Some papers will give you a sign-up flow afterwards to keep you around, but many are interested in just getting the transaction done as quick and simple as possible
aaronpkwhich is interesting because it has no credit card field by default until you add a dollar amount in the query strin https://aaronparecki.com/pay/
aaronpkbut i could try asking them for an exception and explain that i'm switching it up to first authorize the charge and capture it after manual review and maybe they'll sympathize
mauz555, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], harmetic__, denzukoDiscord[m, Lilz|BetaMeDisco, chris[m], lamborghiniDisco, khalnayakDiscord, wolftune, jolvera, leesan872, placer141276[m], atj[m], jessicaschilling, daveatQCDiscord[, M4star3starDisco, lyon[m], kppDiscord[m]1, n9tDiscord[m], ZipperSKDiscord[ and [schmarty] joined the channel
[LewisCowles]!tell suw while I understand that, a policy to protect those you love might be to delete those emails as they are hacker fodder anyway. You can always use scripts to download emails to an .mbox archive or similar and encrypt that if you want to keep them, but IMAP and POP servers are not a secure place to put your secrets
[LewisCowles]aaronpk: do you have monitoring on your endpoints so you can block IP's, check user-agents and other log data to pass that data to stripe for the transactions?
[LewisCowles]I'm not suggesting you compete with their anti-fraud experts to be the only-one blocking, they should be the only ones with some of the information.
aaronpkme trying to do anything like stripe's fraud detection is a losing battle. the fix is to use the manual capture so i can review the charges before i pay the fee
[tantek]Now that it's the 101st day of the year, I should say I'm so far behind in my 100 Day challenge but I am able to report that I *do* have positive photos to post for each day (taken each day), and that I finally posted my photo(s) from the last day of March. Lots of (likely out of order) backfill coming up when I can. Since it's been a while and I was quite happy with these photos (especially the first one), sharing here: