#indieweb 2020-04-16
2020-04-16 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[snarfed] also http://blog.dataportability.org/ "Error establishing a database connection" oh the irony
[snarfed] aww https://stream.withknown.com/ is also down. only the home page https://withknown.com/ is still up
bear_, tectonic and eeril joined the channel
Kongaloosh do we have a lkink for the west-coast meetup?

[Kevin_Faaborg] joined the channel
[Kevin_Faaborg] is there a zoom link for right now?
[prtksxna] joined the channel
[prtksxna] [Kevin_Faaborg] Kongaloosh: Just saw in the other channel that tantek is having some trouble with his laptop
Kongaloosh talky.io?

Kongaloosh might be a solution?

[prtksxna] tantek: Should I setup a google meet?
Kongaloosh or a google meet :shrugs:

Kongaloosh okie dokie

Kongaloosh no clue

Kongaloosh I can probably

Kongaloosh I have a kick button!

wiedi joined the channel
[prtksxna] [tantek] How can we update https://events.indieweb.org/2020/04/online-homebrew-website-club-west-coast-gCtysFHMyZCP?
[Kevin_Faaborg] ^for when we do demos
[prtksxna] tantek, oh right! Thank you 🙏
[prtksxna] If someone is trying to get into the Meet for HWC and is having trouble please ping me. Since I set it up ad-hoc its asking me to explicitly add everyone.
wolftune joined the channel
[prtksxna] tantek: I’ve been using https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-meet-grid-view/bjkegbgpfgpikgkfidhcihhiflbjgfic for Meets
[prtksxna] Hehe, yeah
[prtksxna] [Kevin_Faaborg]++
kensp joined the channel
[tantek] I did an editorial IndieWebify.me update during HWC! https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/pull/88

beko and KempfCreative joined the channel
KartikPrabhu just joined to see what's going on. thanks to whomever let me in :)

[prtksxna] KartikPrabhu 👋
electronicmaji, opal, tectonic and wolftune joined the channel
KartikPrabhu good to see everyone. I'll try to join in more often

kensp, wolftune, gRegorLove, markopasha and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] gRegorLove++ physical journals
[fluffy], ashaibani_, gxt_, swentel, ru, cutler_ruzi, loicm and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Salt[m] tantek: saw some conversation of alternatives to meetup, this is the one I've been tracking... https://joinmobilizon.org/en/
Salt[m] after reading through all of the info about notes vs articles and am not sure how I feel about the idea that any content can be nameless/titleless... I understand that traditionally things like twitter posts/fb updates wouldn't, and that there is cognitive overhead to consider when naming "any" content, but that doesn't mean a title doesn't exist even if it is automagically generated.
mauz555, neceve and cweiske joined the channel
Trendschau joined the channel
Salt[m] I'm trying to write out the content categories that I plan on supporting at the top level and keep going back and forth between using the origin (self vs repost/reply) or type, and if type, just how spcific to be. For instance, is there any reason to use something aside from "media" why should audio/vidia/photos/images/etc be specified separately?
Zegnat I think those are often described separately because people expect different consuming usecases. E.g. Together’s photo view comes to mind: https://indieweb.org/File:together-gallery-view-2018-11-20.png

Trendschau Hi Community, I was just curious how you selected your list of cms for indie-publishers and if my project https://typemill.net is interesting for that list (Flat-File-CMS)?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Trendschau you are welcome to add a page, people like flat-cile CMS. I can help you with a template, you may want to add a section listing all the IndieWeb building blocks TypeMill has

[jgmac1106] for example is marked up with microformats, use webmentions, have a micropub and microsub endpoints, etc okay if you don't but we like to highlight that

[jgmac1106] here is an example: https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog

[jgmac1106] and this is one just getting started: https://indieweb.org/Pine.blog

Trendschau Hi jgmac1106 that is great, thank you! Typemill uses plugins but has no special indieweb-plugin yet. I plan to create a webmention-plugin in near future.
Trendschau If it is still interesting, I would love to create a small info-page in the next days :)
[jgmac1106] Before that look to your TWIG templating to add basic microformats support to your twig templating: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/microformats

[jgmac1106] What is Kirby?

Loqi Kirby is a filed-based CMS written in PHP https://indieweb.org/Kirby

[jgmac1106] that might be a good template for you to look at as well, people really like flat file CMS,

Trendschau Great, yes, I love Kirby, it is of course a bit more mature than typemill, but Typemill is easy for non-devs to use. So thank you, I will use that and have a look into twig templating...
[jgmac1106] Open Source isn't required people just like CMS to use open protocols and talk with all the other tools, twig may not be the best way to add the markup, that was my guess from reading your site

[jgmac1106] but that will make your webmention work much easier when you look at adding webmention and other IndieWeb building block plugins

Trendschau Yes, with twig and markdown it is a bit hard to add classes or attributes to all that tags. Webmentions are exciting, so I think I will add that next :)
Trendschau I mean in main content. But from the first view it is still possible to create microformat-content with content from the form-builder of typemill...
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Salt - the goal of marking up is to make things clearer. The name/summary/content split does that pretty well overall. The problem with automatically generating them is that they end up being less useful. The classic case of this is that you write a note, and have code fill in the silo metadata in the head, then syndicate the note to twitter and its the same thing 3 times

[KevinMarks] Just because a field exists doesn't mean that you should put something in it

[jgmac1106] lot of people with twig experience can help but those questions better in the dev channel....on a persoanl note anything that makes it hard to use the class attribute scares me...shouldn't be hard to edit an attribute any HTML element can carry

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] salt I would want to filter by media type, I do different pages for my music, poems, photos, and videos...but have to do it all by hand...I wish I knew enough to automate these build with post type discovery like features

[jgmac1106] Trendschau I think Grav uses Twig templating as well, could maybe find some tips and tricks there: https://indieweb.org/Grav

[jgmac1106] Salt I know you are aware just sharing the page for others as well: https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery

gxt joined the channel
Salt[m] so looking through the wiki about post types, there are a bunch of these... historic metrics? I know aaronpk tracks a bunch of these, but I'm wondering if there is a good overarching name/term for listened/read/watched/played/ate/etc? https://indieweb.org/posts#Types_of_Posts
Trendschau jgmac1106 yes, reading microformats again then most of them are easy done with a template. Only adding microformats into the general markdown-content of the page is hard because markdown does not support attributes at all in the pure version.
Trendschau I think I will create an indie-web theme first and then create the entry for typemill here, that makes more sense :D
[jgmac1106] Trendschau++

bjoern, swentel and loicm joined the channel
jeremycherfas Good morning IndieWeb

en3r0 Good morning jeremycherfas!
jeremycherfas Hello

en3r0 I just thought I would say hello, I lurk here but don't do all that much. :)
jeremycherfas That's perfectly OK. Lurkers eventually speak up, as you did.

en3r0 Are you doing anything interesting related to indieweb today?
jeremycherfas Nope, probably not. Too busy with other work.

en3r0 Totally understand. I am busy applying to jobs. Eventually would like to get my personal site running on the indieweb.
[jgmac1106] putting a link to your personal website on a resume can't be a bad thing, good luck on the job hunt

en3r0 [jgmac1106]: thanks :)
en3r0 Are there any sites that "aggregate" indieweb sites?
[jgmac1106] stream.indieweb.org

[jgmac1106] news.indieweb.org

[jgmac1106] indieweb.xyz

[jgmac1106] some others here too: https://indieweb.org/directory but way IndieWeb sites work, if you add just a tiny bit of metadata to your HTML modern social readers can follow the site

en3r0 Nice, thank you!
en3r0 [jgmac1106]: Any recommendations for a wordpress plugin to become indieweb compatible? I see there are several options listed here: https://indieweb.org/WordPress My site is rendered statically, so anything that needs to actively receive or send pings wont work.
[KevinMarks] and KempfCreative joined the channel
[jgmac1106] better to ask in the #wordpress channel, tl/dr easiest path is to use a community supported themes but anything and everything is possible it is WordPress

en3r0 Sounds good, thanks!
[jgmac1106] What is WordPress?

Loqi WordPress is open source CMS software used by many on the Indieweb as well as a blog hosting service https://indieweb.org/WordPress

[jgmac1106] and there

[jgmac1106] thx aaronpk, en3ro I moved the convo there

[Michael_Beckwi], [grantcodes], cweiske, anotheryou, [snarfed], [Steve_Ellwood], nonlinear, electronicmaji, loicm, [tantek], wolftune, [chrisaldrich], cc_, cc__, [LewisCowles], [schmarty], jeremych_ and [Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
[Aaron_Klemm] Known looks pretty interesting from the list of CMS/blog tools. Is that a good place to start if one's goal is to be able to POSSE? I think what I want is to post on my own site, then syndicate out to mastodon, Twitter, PixelFed...and then probably more at some point.
[snarfed] [Aaron_Klemm] you've read https://indieweb.org/web_hosting ?
[snarfed] key first q is whether you want to self host or not. if not, we recommend https://micro.blog/
[Aaron_Klemm] Absolutely self-host, as I have experience and am willing to pay, so I'm doing it all on Digital Ocean.
[Aaron_Klemm] Great, then i'm excited to try out Known. Thank you!
[Aaron_Klemm] Oh, wow, I will! Didn't even notice it there til you mentioned it.
kensp joined the channel
Loqi There are many reasons why you should use the IndieWeb, from controlling your experience on the web (instead of corporate algorithms), to deciding where and when to post your content and where it goes https://indieweb.org/why

oedmarap joined the channel
[Aaron_Klemm] Excellent tips, thanks.
__number5__, [jgmac1106], [fluffy], elioat, dckc, leg, gRegorLove, cweiske, loicm, KapiX, wolftune, [schmarty], [tantek], [snarfed] and kensp joined the channel; leg left the channel
[tantek] photo << Why not to POSSE (e.g. to Instagram), court decided you may be giving up rights: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/court-rules-photographer-gave-up-licensing-rights-by-posting-instagram-1290170

Loqi ok, I added "Why not to POSSE (e.g. to Instagram), court decided you may be giving up rights: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/court-rules-photographer-gave-up-licensing-rights-by-posting-instagram-1290170" to the "See Also" section of /photo https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=69533&oldid=69320

aaronpk (youtube license options https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2797468 only CC-BY)

oedmarap The best practice for photographers using IG is to allow high-res images on their website only, and upload the correctly (re)sized Instagram images with their watermark clearly depicted if not impossible to notice. That's a safe approach to POSSE and gets the best of both worlds.
[fluffy] joined the channel
oedmarap [tantek]: It's more or less known among pro/semi-pro photographers and is discussed in forums a lot, and you'll see it on any popular photographer IG (along with the practice of uploading exact sized images since IG's compression creates a lot of artifacts). Most artists on IG do the same thing as well, a throwback to Tumblr where reblogs without linkbacks still allow you to see the @username or signature etc.
oedmarap beko: I hear you, but you gotta be smart about it eh? :)
oedmarap [tantek]: To be honest I never looked for any blog post like that, I do recall anecdotally seeing it mentioned. I'm sure Google might turn up something. A good idea for a post tho :)
oedmarap [tantek]: Places like 500px usually have a default watermark that you can use, and if someone buys your print, they get the pure image, etc.
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "watermark" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "watermark is ____", a sentence describing the term)

oedmarap [tantek] A watermark is your brand/logo (John Doe Photography or John Galt Studios) that you place at the corner or bottom of a photo, usually translucent to allow it to be seen but not to take away from the photo itself.
oedmarap Pretty easy with ImageMagick server side, or even with Jekyll plugins etc for static sites. If you make your site with like Squarespace or something simliar they generally have the option as well :)
jamietanna and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] aaronpk best part of you cc-by license, you violate the ToS to try and download and resuse the CC-BY content

[jgmac1106] and I have had content id...throw videos as being duplicated on YouTube that had CC-BY license...i dont get views now but part of reason I am trying to move away

[jgmac1106] don't say you support the Commons and then make it impossible to actually build the Commons

[jgmac1106] I would say the line the judge cited is in 98% of all boilerplate ToS people sign for almost any web service

Jamietanna1 joined the channel
Jamietanna1 Has anyone seen this? Title sounds like it may be of interest https://tomcritchlow.com/2020/04/15/library-json/
beko Jamietanna1: No but Fedireads started some weeks ago. I raised https://github.com/mouse-reeve/fedireads/issues/84 =)

[Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
[Aaron_Klemm] There it is, Tantek. It was a good exercise. Anyone who cares to comment is most welcome. https://indieweb.org/User:Aaronklemm.me What have I missed? What is not possible?
mauz555 joined the channel
oedmarap That's a great idea, the bookshelf as JSON
oedmarap Haha
oedmarap Well, practically it'll be YAML and then you JSON it
oedmarap Working in pure JSON is for psychopaths :)
wolftune joined the channel
Loqi YAMLFeed is an attempt to ensure there is always a format war; since JSONFeed claims to be more readable, writable and easier to parse, than RSS, we present YAMLFeed: even more easier to read and write https://indieweb.org/YAMLFeed

mauz555 joined the channel
oedmarap LOL
jacky interesting thread https://twitter.com/andy_matuschak/status/1250602219834978305

@andy_matuschak “Retcon”-ing internet history, it’s fun to imagine what might’ve happened if Blogger and Wordpress never existed. The notion of a “blog” was much more amorphous until it was formalized. Now even relatively simple variations on blog-as-formalized seem quite outlandish! https://twitter.com/Mappletons/status/1250532315459194880 (twitter.com/_/status/1250602219834978305)
@Mappletons Nerding hard on digital gardens, personal wikis, and experimental knowledge systems with @_jonesian today. We have an epic collection going, check these out... 1. @tomcritchlow's Wikifolders: https://tomcritchlow.com/wiki/ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EVrIC7WXgAMh96-.jpg (twitter.com/_/status/1250532315459194880)
mauz555, vika_nezrimaya, ben_thatmustbeme, oedmarap, gRegorLove and KartikPrabhu joined the channel