[manton]Just saw you reply [snarfed], via Webmention to Micro.blog of course. I'm really confused by that post and trying to understand where the disconnect is. What is described in that post does not match how Micro.blog is designed to work at all. (Webmentions should work in and out, and registration is not required.)
Loqi[manton]: [LewisCowles] left you a message on 2020-03-23 at 9:22am UTC: No worries, hope you are well or getting there. Thank you also for getting back to me
[manton]Yeah, maybe it didn't work the way he expected. There's always room for improvement but right now all the basics with Webmention really should be working well in Micro.blog.
aaronpkthis kind of thing is always going to be an issue in the indieweb because people choose to make their software work differently and that's okay. if you're expecting everything to work like twitter, you'll be disappointed, because in the real world everyone's sites do not work exactly like twitter.
[manton]For sure. Also, thanks [aaronpk] for your reply too. Much appreciated. (It is hard for me to know how to respond to being accused of doing something "shady", so I will probably let it go for now rather than nitpick some of the misunderstandings in the post.)
[chrisaldrich]I found it odd that he considered Blogger and WordPress (i'm guessing .com) potentially first class IndieWeb sites. They may be from the perspective of own your domain and have a website, but their ability to deal with Webmentions gracefully is second or third class at best (or awfully expensive at worst).
[chrisaldrich]His hard line that a platform needs to have full Webmention support was over what most here would define IndieWeb. And left completely unmentioned were other additional niceties like IndieAuth, Micropub, WebSub, and Microsub support which Micro.blog has while very few other platforms have all of those functionalities much less a fraction of them.
[chrisaldrich]Anyone know who's behind https://www.threaded.live/? Their twitter account followed me today and of the few they're currently following there seem to be a lot of IndieWeb-centric folks. I'm curious if there's something interesting about to happen here?
jgee, jamietanna, mauz555, gxt, markopasha and seekr joined the channel
[jgmac1106]My really good friend lives in Bengaluru but was visiting parents I think somewhere in Punjabi, got stuck his village, when locked down happen...his work be like W Y U No Remote.....
[grantcodes]I'm starting a new 100 days challenge with work peeps on may 1st, think I'll be doing a lot of indieweb stuff. So if anyone else was wanting a reason to start one now is your chance π
kensp, KempfCreative, apophys and markopasha joined the channel
jeremycherfasCanvassing opinions on time and date for a meeting of the Known Open Collective. Please go to https://framadate.org/T5832rnOcRIBwoeY and express your preferences. Note, I set up timezones for CEST; it will be interesting to discover the time you are presented with.
sebsel[grantcodes]: 100 days is a long time, I know from the previous edition (made it to 45 then, still feels like failure, which is sad). I might join you for 30 :)
[manton]Glad to see that. It does seem like it started as mostly a misunderstanding (or bug somewhere). After sleeping on it, I did end up sending a quick reply to his first post because it kept nagging at me. My reply showed up on his blog via Webmention so something must be working right. π
[manton][aaronpk] Yeah, the URLs are not great. I plan to remove the year, but it's a holdover from how the help site started as a blog. I'll update the footer in the meantime.
[snarfed]oof. [chrisaldrich] bridgy should maintain correct reply threading regardless of timing, so hopefully you just mean to get replies back sooner?
Loqi[snarfed] has 34 karma in this channel over the last year (89 in all channels)
markopasha, [arush], Nuve, wolftune, [jeremycherfas], [fluffy], anotheryou, dopplergange, [KevinMarks], KempfCreative, [mapkyca], [pfefferle], [tantek], manification10, [grantcodes], annadane and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; nickodd left the channel