#indieweb 2020-05-26
2020-05-26 UTC
wolftune joined the channel
supernovah anyone know a quick plugin for deleting or modifying specific cookies per domain? the chrome developer extension makes it kind of a tedious process for testing
KindOne, KindTwo, wolftune, wowaname, opal, nickodd, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, kensp, jussi^ and ronox joined the channel
ronox hi, can anyone help me understand some stuff about sitemaps?
bltavares joined the channel
Loqi A sitemap is a list of pages on a website https://indieweb.org/sitemap

[tantek] Wow https://foursquare.com/ says "Sorry! We're having technical difficulties. / Check status.foursquare.com for the latest." but status site doesn't show anything as being non-operational

[fluffy] joined the channel
ronox specifically what im after is if i need to give google a complete sitemap for my site or not
ronox logically id think that a sitemap is only used as a guide, not something absolute because then how does that work with blogs that get new pages added regularly, surely you dont have to resubit the sitemap, but, i dont know how it works in practice so i was hoping someone could give me some insight there
nickodd left the channel
ronox my blog is what really matters anyway that needs to be properly visible in the search engines
ronox its wordpress and soon i think can generate its own sitemap im just figuring out the plugin i hope is free, so it works
ronox and makes one, but it wont map the whole site since the blog is in a blog directory
ronox i need it to speed up the domain change transition
ronox see, i used to go by oldmanbeefjerky, used it as my online name for a long time, turns out, its not a great name
ronox my domain used to be oldmanbeefjerky.com, now its not that, i use the name ronox
ronox but, turns out you cant have 2 domain names for the same site, at least on google, so everything prioritized and got locked to ombj
ronox ages ago i disabled that domain but the changes still havent been reflected
ronox google is apparently just ridiculously slow about this and supposedly a sitemap saves them a bunch of time and energy meaning they can proritize updates and stuff in the search engine more
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] is that a personal website?
swentel and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
vika_nezrimaya I have a power outage and I can't post in my blog about it! 😭
vika_nezrimaya Because my blog is hosted on a Raspberry Pi in my home and it's not powered anymore! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
vika_nezrimaya Considering renting a server when I have the money and software scalable enough for the dreaded cloud
vika_nezrimaya Or... getting a battery backup
vika_nezrimaya Probably will be cheaper unless the internet is also down which it might be!
[LewisCowles] 15-20 dallars get a 20,000mah power bank
[LewisCowles] a server to compete with a rPi is only about $5/pcm
ronox if your power goes out im pretty sure your internet would go out too, unless your RPI cant reboot after
[LewisCowles] the internet would be out, but you could just post to the pi via ssh
ronox post what?
[LewisCowles] files, commands
ronox im a bit confused about the relevance of that
[LewisCowles] because it's a pi within your home, there is a lot you can do
[LewisCowles] > I have a power outage and I can't post in my blog about it! 😭
[LewisCowles] > Because my blog is hosted on a Raspberry Pi in my home and it's not powered anymore! 😭😭😭😭
ronox aah
[LewisCowles] so if you had power, you could locally network
ronox yeah offline over local you should still have access
ronox and it would work as normal
ronox provided you hard lined to it or had power backup for the router as well
[LewisCowles] you might have to change some things, but that is an argument for a battery
ronox nah youd still be able to access it and post to it through its local address im sure
[LewisCowles] in order for it to have a local address, you either need your router on, or to reconfigure it
ronox it originally would have had to have had a local address, so thats just a matter of if you disabled that or not
ronox disabled it after exposing it to the internet that is*
[LewisCowles] this is totally dev chat, but that is total nonsense. The local address is an address provided by a router in a lot of cases (DHCP), so without the gateway (router) having power, you'd need to re-configure the pi. The one way around it would be to use the Pi as a gateway
[LewisCowles] IF (large if) the Pi was a gateway, the addresses would still be valid, but you'd have severely limited your connection
ronox i was talking in the scenario where you powered the router
ronox otherwise yeah, of course, youd need to configure an alternative route
[LewisCowles] it's a staged post nekr0z
[LewisCowles] ronox, powering a router + pi + pc (maybe laptop makes PC case easier) is quite a lot to ask for in a power cut
[LewisCowles] easier to focus on the lowest power staging device (pi)
ronox in my own experience theres very little actual formatting done on blog software, its pretty basic
ronox theres no reason to really wait
[LewisCowles] nekr0z, sure, but that isn't their setup
ronox just write it up and post it when the power comes back up
[LewisCowles] changing their setup, might require... the internet
[LewisCowles] giving a pi a static IP, can be done without the internet
ronox also, powering a router is actually easy, since my router and NBN box is satelite during the last big cyclone that took out power for 2 weeks where i lived, was no big deal to plop a solar panel on the patio, have that charge a battery and use the battery to power both things using a 12v and 24v converter
ronox you know what
ronox for a situation like this the smart thing to do would be to have your RPI have your phones wifi saved in there too
ronox your phone may or may not support the neccesary functions to connect it to the internet, but locally, it should
ronox mine does anyway which is not exactly a good thing but then again hotspots dont have to be that level of secure
ronox or, just do it in word and be patient
cweiske joined the channel
ronox to clarify, i often use my phone to access my ESP8266 stuff, but as i dont have router access, until im ready to implement it i just use my phone for testing stuff
ronox my last 3 phones have all definitely allowed me to connect locally
[LewisCowles] isn't that choice more about the esp chip not having an rj45?
gRegorLove, anotheryou and tinfoil-hat joined the channel
tinfoil-hat Hey there, I decided to make my website indieweb complian, however, since I created the website by hand, it doesn't have RSS. Do you have any ideas on how to generate RSS feeds and maybe add a comment engine? Please only opensource software, I do not plan to add or use propetary software
[LewisCowles] what is h-feed?
Loqi h-feed is a microformats2 draft specification with a top level feed object to contain root class(h-*) objects, usually h-entry posts and optionally a common author, name, and representative photo https://indieweb.org/h-feed

[LewisCowles] what is webmention?
Loqi Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/Webmention

[LewisCowles] tinfoil, meet open standards and the wiki. There is no enforced proprietary software in IndieWeb
Loqi granary is the social web translator https://indieweb.org/granary

[LewisCowles] boom jacky++
tinfoil-hat Ty all! that's a lot to read :-)
neceve, KartikPrabhu and jeremych_ joined the channel
jeremycherfas Good morning IndieWeb

seekr, markopasha, oedmarap and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
tinfoil-hat uhm, I thin I havetried too often to validate my h-card of my domain, I don't get results displayed anymore at https://indiewebify.me/validate-h-card/ is there something I can do? Other pages still can be checked
tinfoil-hat I think I am blacklisted, I'll guess, I set up my own validation server then :(
[schmarty] joined the channel
MSavoritias, jbove, seekr, ronoxx, ronox, jolvera, [jgmac1106] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] if you share a link, maybe we can find out what is up. Indiewebify.me is OpenSource btw
[jgmac1106] this is awesome: https://citizen-dj.labs.loc.gov/

[LewisCowles] that is an interesting government website
dckc and KempfCreative joined the channel
j4yav Anyone able to help with a brid.gy matching issue? https://metaluna.io/notes/2020/05/24/i-got-webmentions-wo.html was mapped to https://twitter.com/j4yav/status/1264636563620868096 correctly, but https://metaluna.io/notes/2020/05/26/have-any-of-you-read.html is not matched to https://twitter.com/j4yav/status/1265196971880579072. I'm not sure what I broke. :) I'm using https://micro.blog/metaluna to replicate to Twitter.
@j4yav I got webmentions working on https://metaluna.io! #IndieWeb tech is a bit wild west, but it's really cool. (twitter.com/_/status/1264636563620868096)
Loqi [Jason Yavorska] I got webmentions working on https://metaluna.io! #IndieWeb tech is a bit wild west, but it's really cool.

tinfoil-hat sknebel: I got it, the validation shows just an empty page if theres a syntax error
MSavoritias joined the channel
tinfoil-hat What exactly is the difference between h-feed and h-entry? do I need both?
marinin[m] @tinfoil-hat: h-entry is a single post, while h-feed is a collection of posts.
tinfoil-hat marinin[m]: ty
[jgmac1106] tinfoul-hat been working on the MDN docs a bit: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/microformats a goal this summer is to build out articles for all h*

bltavares joined the channel
tinfoil-hat neat
djmoch joined the channel
tinfoil-hat Sorry, I need help with designing my h-feed, my blogposts sit here: https://tinfoil-hat.net/blogposts/structure.html How can I Create an Anchor? I create my Blogposts via Panoc and of I understand it right, I have to create some type of header to my blogposts to get them recognized ... from what? I have problems with the logic
joshghent joined the channel
marinin[m] I'd say that each link to a post is a <a class="h-entry">, and the first container wrapping all the blog post links could be an h-feed.
[jgmac1106] yeah I could mark it up correctly in a gist if that would help but we should move convo to #indieweb-dev channel

tinfoil-hat oh, okay
tinfoil-hat ty
JP and [tw2113] joined the channel; MSavoritias left the channel
[LewisCowles] I think I hit this issue that h-feed should be singular per-page, so the sub-categories you have could be tags, labels or categories, within the h-entry tinfoil-hat
[LewisCowles] did you know you've got meta-tags in your body?
marinin[m] "did you know you've got meta-tags in your body?" this is cyberpunk
j4yav imagine hacking on your body the way we hack on our websites :)
[tantek] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] first hack. A fat and carbohydrate powered thought generator
[prtksxna] joined the channel
[prtksxna] ↩️ Thanks!
[prtksxna] ↩️ I can’t seem to find a way to ship it to India 🤷♂️
[prtksxna] ↩️ And its quite expensive too… oh well!
[LewisCowles] ↩️ my tip would be to use libgen if someones capitalism is infringing on your knowledge
[LewisCowles] ↩️ make best efforts. Oh well, you don't want to be paid. Add to a list of life debts
[prtksxna] ↩️ Hehe, yeah! Thank you!
[prtksxna] ↩️ I’ve been trying to figure out a way to read more papers
[prtksxna] ↩️ I like the free journals like first monday
[prtksxna] ↩️ I really can’t be shelling out 30$ for every paper I want to read
[LewisCowles] ↩️ I believe it mirrors sci-hub. Local libraries may be a more traditional route
[prtksxna] ↩️ Right, I do visit the local library often, but they don’t have this kind of material 😞
[LewisCowles] ↩️ Knowledge is problematic, in that we covet the very things that could help others progress. I get into trouble sometimes at work for writing off my day to help others. Logic is simple, one of us has a % chance of not doing something valuable today, but together we can increase the chances of one thing getting done.
[LewisCowles] ↩️ *one of us -> each one of us
[prtksxna] ↩️ But knowledge unlike property need not be owned, right.
[prtksxna] ↩️ ‘the more of us know, the more chances of getting it done’. Is that what you meant?
[LewisCowles] ↩️ Yes shared freely, so that people who are not us can do things we might not have time or be able to otherwise do
[LewisCowles] ↩️ if the knowledge was free, I'd argue it pushes up the value of the doing
[LewisCowles] ↩️ because things become verifiable
[prtksxna] ↩️ Yep, right. Absolutely!
smashgrab, [KevinMarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
jeremycherfas @prtksxna I find that paper authors remain quite willing to send a pdf of the paper or preprint if you ask directly.

emilbayes, [snarfed] and jimpick joined the channel
[prtksxna] jeremycherfas: I’ve never tried that. Should give it a shot 😄
emilbayes, jimpick, myfreeweb, mitchell, mattl, zootella, [fluffy] and wolftune joined the channel; smashgrab left the channel
[KevinMarks] what is a blogroll?

Loqi A blogroll is a list of other sites that you read, are a follower of, or recommend https://indieweb.org/blogroll

wolftune joined the channel
[KevinMarks] blogroll << http://interconnected.org/home/blogroll

Loqi ok, I added "http://interconnected.org/home/blogroll" to the "See Also" section of /blogroll https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=70072&oldid=70062

[LewisCowles] Do you know that person KevinMarks? It seems like something only someone that knows the person might find
[LewisCowles] Also !tell jeremycherfas. I'm making bread, and just finished a new flow for writing blogs. I still have a backlog of older content to sit through updating, but I'm mildly happy. Thanks for the tips RE: word. I've chosen to instead copy and paste into word from my site. It's a manual step, but I do feel like I need the control of authoring HTML and hoping for better native HTML tooling for editorial assistance.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] That’s terrific news. I hope the bread is satisfying for you. I too have a backlog of things I need to write ... Doesn’t everyone?

joe-1 joined the channel
[LewisCowles] the blog was about learning, investment and fixing up software. Word Only complained about Lea Verou name when I checked, but always welcome 👀
[LewisCowles] I also have something backlogged from Greg, who noticed an unexpected hole in my serviceworker. I try for a fresh-copy first in all cases. I really need to revise that to start with stale and refresh in another way
[LewisCowles] if the fresh copy takes > 200ms I fall back to cached, but that 200ms can be jarring
deathrow1, gRegorLove, jbove and [tw2113] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Only one actual bread recipe in the backlog at the moment.

[LewisCowles] A thought occurred to me (just the one mind) about curry flavour bread
[jeremycherfas] That’s astonishing. The bread on backlog is turmeric flavoured.

[snarfed] joined the channel
[LewisCowles] Water still has not had yielded more rising since the doubling for me. I'm trying flipping the loaf part-cooked. I may need to purchase a different oven Something 10cm wider, hopefully taller. I'm looking for 20cm height. Cutting got me maybe an extra 1.5 cm
[LewisCowles] I think after transfer to tin I also need to leave it a bit as the rolls I've made are looking wonderful
KartikPrabhu can we call ir microdough?

KartikPrabhu :D

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] tantek, in case you hadn't seen it, jeremycherfas has a separate site dedicated to bread with lots of recipes: https://www.fornacalia.com/

[chrisaldrich] And then he's also got a bread related podcast at http://eatthispodcast.com/bread

[chrisaldrich] wishes he had enough bread related posts to need two other sites to post it all... 😉

wolftune, alxd and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
@ladyaeva wow I can't believe twitter is shutting down for good on June 1st https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY-R6BeWsAAlcHb.png (twitter.com/_/status/1265391017366339591)
opal, KindTwo and kensp joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [LewisCowles] I'm curious what made you think that blogroll kevinmarks shared seemed private? https://chat.indieweb.org/2020-05-26#t1590517747759900

Loqi [[LewisCowles]] Do you know that person KevinMarks? It seems like something only someone that knows the person might find

[LewisCowles] Oh not private chrisaldrich, but not private doesn't mean easily discoverable.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[LewisCowles] my main curiosity was that they were not using microformats, rel=me etc. It's also not a criticism, more a curiosity
[LewisCowles] also apologies [chrisaldrich] some using app, some using slack, I can forget to "@" people at time
[LewisCowles] *times
[chrisaldrich] no problem [LewisCowles], I'll see them sooner or later usually. 🙂

[chrisaldrich] I understand what you mean by private vs. discoverable and the idea of pseudo-private. I was curious if it was something about the data, the layout, or the content.

[LewisCowles] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] The thing that stuck me about it was that it was a full page. I'm not aware of many people who have full page blogrolls and have only seen a few small examples in the wild.

[LewisCowles] Ah, nothing so visual
[LewisCowles] when I joined the internet people had "click here to enter". I still quite like the site. It's clean, if not a little cluttered in HTML
[chrisaldrich] I often find that not having microformats on a blogroll typically means it wasn't made with WordPress.

[LewisCowles] Haha. I'm writing mine in raw HTML, was WordPress, then Jekyll, prior to WP it was a custom PHP CMS, and prior to that just a collection of PHP, HTML, CSS & JS files
[chrisaldrich] I feel like the default definition of a blogroll is one of overly public data. I've always read them to mean "I subscribe to these people and I've kindly made a custom presentation to help you subscribe to them more easily".

[chrisaldrich] Usually I've only seen them as widgets in sidebars. It's been relatively rare to see full page examples.

[chrisaldrich] What is blogroll

Loqi A blogroll is a list of other sites that you read, are a follower of, or recommend https://indieweb.org/blogroll

[tw2113] joined the channel
chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich Looks like most of the IndieWeb examples are separate pages though....

[chrisaldrich] The people on that blogroll are all some of the most followed people in both the old- and new-school blogosphere(s).

[chrisaldrich] I keep meaning to look at the old WP core code for blogrolls and updating it with mf2....

[chrisaldrich] Or maybe copy it and make it a new plugin altogether....

[chrisaldrich] Do you have a current one [tw2113] [LewisCowles]?

wolftune joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I still need to figure out how to most easily convert mine to be able to import it into a social reader.

[chrisaldrich] either?!

[chrisaldrich] If you know which URLs to check you can find some interesting old blogroll data from old WordPress sites that no longer publish the data for people to consume.

[tw2113] i believe https://achooandthesneezes.com/recommendations/ is mostly all blogroll based links
[tw2113] and then the middle column above the footer area of https://apiratelifefor.me/about/ is blogroll
[chrisaldrich] Recommendations is a good name for such a page.

[chrisaldrich] [tw2113] That middle column appears to be an all rel-me blogroll, no? How did you implement it? Is there a blogroll widget I ought to be using for something like that?

[chrisaldrich] I know there's a plugin that will do it, but a line of code in the right place works too. That's how I've done it for https://boffosocko.com/about/following/

[chrisaldrich] Though the breaking it out into its own page took some digging.

[chrisaldrich] I think it may be the simplest plugin in all of WordPress.

[tw2113] look at these first results https://cloudup.com/c4zJ9NS1MuB
chrisaldrich Ha!

chrisaldrich How to know you might care a little too much about blogrolls on WordPress...

@rboren @photomatt I recall the jokes made about crusty blogrolls when we deprecated the links manager. Now, folks are exhuming it for use as their canonical OPML source to feed OPML subscriptions. https://boffosocko.com/2017/11/10/a-following-page/ (twitter.com/_/status/1019275363522895874)
[chrisaldrich] I was pretty proud to see this in the wild: https://twitter.com/rboren/status/1019275363522895874

[chrisaldrich] [tw2113] you should add your example to the /blogroll page.

[LewisCowles] [chrisaldrich] I don't, but I don't RSS or do any of the cool thinks bloggers do
[chrisaldrich] [LewisCowles] Only the coolest of bloggers use h-feed...

[chrisaldrich] This means you've got an RSS feed for free via https://granary.io/url?input=html&output=atom&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lewiscowles.co.uk%2Fblog%2F

[chrisaldrich] (technically an Atom feed, but you get the picture....) 😉

[KevinMarks], [snarfed], KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel