[LewisCowles]KevinMarks, if you had awesome links to things from sysops and standards to customs, I wouldn't complain. I literally use slack out of ignorance of IRC, which I can use, and have used, but have never felt familiar with.
[tantek]This feels like some of the most accurate analysis of Twitter/FB (maybe even Slack?) UX design focus since (perhaps even broader/clearer than) “The Argument Machine”
@extrafaceI’ve been studying nonreactivity in buddhism. It’s one of the tactics of the path and also a goal. Today I noticed that Twitter and Facebook are built around literally giving a voice to your reactivity. Blogs were too, but they weren’t as effective. (twitter.com/_/status/1268141616717537280)
[itsjustk]I'm not 100% sure what you mean by that, but i always thought that it would be cool to have CMS "packages" or distributions as drupal calls them for indieweb enabled sites, modules, theme etc. Or is that not quite what you are asking? 🙂
Loqireactions refer to the subset of responses/interactions with a post that are quicker, more impulsive, but still a conscious act, typically a simple UI gesture without writing any content, such as likes (reacji), reposts, bookmarks, or perhaps multiple simple UI gestures, such as selection a text range and posting a quotation of part of a post, or picking a person from a list to post an invitation as a response to seeing an event https://indieweb.org/reaction
Loqireacji is an emoji reaction, the use of a single emoji character in response to a post, introduced as a feature by Slack[1] https://indieweb.org/reacji
[jgmac1106]why I prefer "owning voice" not sure...have a bunch of reflections on the term. It is a matter that argument got defined as the highest form of intellectual discourse
[jgmac1106]been watching reactions on Tumblr...there is so little engagment, you see posts with 1,000s of notes but they are just likes...no note at all
@extrafaceI’ve been studying nonreactivity in buddhism. It’s one of the tactics of the path and also a goal. Today I noticed that Twitter and Facebook are built around literally giving a voice to your reactivity. Blogs were too, but they weren’t as effective. (twitter.com/_/status/1268141616717537280)
@extraface@andrealee_b I left Facebook. I have drastically reduced my Twitter time but it has kicked up in the current moment. I've always thought the reifying of reactive blog writing and commenting was suspect, lol. On the other side, you have to work at cultivating nonreactivity daily. Recommended: (twitter.com/_/status/1268158826580267010)
[jgmac1106]no liking poetry and encouraging people, I am cool with...the like is ephemeral for me...do I know I am feeding Twitters machines..yes...but can't be perfect
[jgmac1106]but I think I can react to content in positive ways...and I will fully admit as a teacher I take advantage of the human craving for connection
[itsjustk]I've found that if you have built a community through a reactive medium like twitter, it inevitably grows too large to stay there (or at least use it as their daily driver) and so explores other tools to better facilitate that community?
petermolnar"reaction" in this context, is a forced replacement for what your body (feromons), your body language, and your mimics would do to a certain scenario. Most people are not good enough with writing and words to replace them, and in most cases, it's not possible to fully susbtitute for them. That said, I believe they are useless, and a cheap imitation of a reality-feature that doesn't (yet?) exist online.
[jgmac1106][itsjustk] we were on G+ which was actually really good community and kinda webmentiony (blogger only). Now just a web ring and an rss planet, and a twitter hashtag, and a facebook group: https://clmoocring.jgregorymcverry.com/
[jgmac1106]and writing, and art, and music have sucha gravitational force...plus it felt a bit 1990ish, especially tiling the gif...huge waste of resources
@LeonieWatsonI deactivated my #facebook account months ago because facebook could not be trusted. I've now deleted it because Mark Zuckerberg will not take a stand against racism and violence. (twitter.com/_/status/1268169353956114434)
aaronpkthe other problem with deleting ones facebook account is that then your friends on facebook can’t really tell that you’ve deleted it or for what reason
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "feed fatigue" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "feed fatigue is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[LewisCowles][tantek] RE: thoughtfulness, I think encourage editorial pipelines and the process we used to see in papers with spell checking, a11y, etc but also retractions would be wonderful. I've a long list of where I would like to get to. Diagrams, features and accessible content has to be a part of it, and that by nature requires thoughtfulness.
[LewisCowles]KevinMarks. I Object to Architecture astronomy as a former contract architect I'd often see developers who were ruining products use the term to get out of change. Unfortunately all attempts at anything but steam-rollering them failed.
[LewisCowles]KevinMarks. I Object to Architecture astronomy as a former contract architect I'd often see developers who were ruining products use the term to get out of change. Unfortunately all attempts at anything but steam-rollering them failed.
[tantek][LewisCowles] even starting with editing / editability at all would be good. Interesting that it’s one of the most asked for features on Twitter
KartikPrabhu, jussi^, wolftune, [calumryan] and [JuJu] joined the channel
[LewisCowles]For twitter I feel like their centralisation is the limiting factor to such things in a much more easy to see way than owning our own websites
[jgmac1106]students are asking for help learning how to organize, and we need mentors, if you have anyone who might be interested in donating a few hours a week please send my contact
[jgmac1106]involvement and yotuh interest so far is ~90% IBPoc children so would really like Black and Brown mentors with experience or willing to model how they learn with the children, please feel free to share my contact info with anyone in your network
[jgmac1106]teens just as fired up as anyone...want to learn digital organizing skills not using facebook....every kid hates facebook right now because of their support for Trump on free leash
[LewisCowles]Ah. [KevinMarks] I was not suggesting hegemonic control or centralisation, which I believe were two of the issues touched upon, nor community moderation, management, catalysts or Troll whispering, although I'm going to read all your links at some point in the future.
[LewisCowles]I started writing up a blog post but short-form or long form.. Very hard to do around editorial control. Perhaps another area of my blog to break-out.
[LewisCowles]By break-out I have an experiment where I've created an area for some posts, which are also listed on my main blog index. At some point I'll need to think about discoverability, but ironically or not, I need to sort out some of my editorial control before doing so.
seekr, [Paulo_Pinto], [snarfed], KartikPrabhu, nekr0z, kensp, [Sadik_Shahadu], wolftune and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel