2020-06-04 UTC
chrisaldrich joined the channel
nekr0z and beko joined the channel
# 02:22 zootella hyper://fb0b0a3a4a8e4cc9e0ccfbd4398a9d82e14f5e171050c449e0fe9636d8709cc5/medium1.html
wolftune, [tantek], jgee, KindOne, [schmarty], jussi^, opal and annadane_ joined the channel
# 04:34 jacky tbh there needs to be some about a mirror to prime the seeding of these sites
jussi^ and jgee joined the channel
# 05:08 zootella jacky: ha yeah--beaker sites are never really "up" or "down"--there's just some number, 0+, of peers sharing a site
annadane joined the channel
# 05:25 zootella right now i've got 2 peers connected to me
# 05:25 zootella but it still may take a new node awhile to find that swarm of 3
# 05:26 zootella when there's only one web server it's really easy to say it's "down" or "up"; here it less clear cut
# 05:27 zootella it would be good to count (centrally) how many clients would like a site they can't currently get, though
# 05:27 zootella and how long it takes them to get it (if ever)
[LewisCowles] and jussi^ joined the channel
thelounge240 joined the channel
# 05:42 zootella except lots of times with this there can be servers that you can't reach
# 05:43 zootella in a CDN, all the servers have domain names, DNS is updated, they're online 99.999% of the time, etc.
# 05:43 KartikPrabhu zootella: sure, for a UX point of view, if I can't reach a site it is down, else it is up
# 05:43 zootella here, none of that is necessarily true
# 05:43 zootella if my site is reachable by person A, but not by person B, it's both up and down
# 05:44 KartikPrabhu no, if I can't reach it it is down for me, hence I said UX point of view
# 05:44 zootella oh, i see what you mean now
# 05:44 zootella the user's experience is that most of these sites are "down" or "really slow" a great deal of the time
# 05:49 zootella this is the other thing i was interested in peoples' thoughts on from the meeting earlier
# 05:49 zootella can i use that to make an iframe, load a text file into it, and then get the whole text file as a var in my js?
# 05:50 zootella im going to try to do that, at least, but am not sure if some (important) browser security restriction will mean that No That Is Not Possible, essentially
thelounge240 joined the channel
# 06:03 zootella sorry and sounds good
markopasha, thelounge240, dckc, swentel, plutes and jussi^ joined the channel
# 08:17 jacky w.r.t to up/down of a site; it's purely from the perspective of the visitor to the resource
# 08:17 jacky but others don't matter immediately to me because I still see it as down lol
# 08:17 jacky or at least some more explicit messaging to the state
# 08:17 jacky (no peers? waiting for a peer to respond? needing some sort of auth?)
nekr0z, anotheryou, [mapkyca], swentel, Mikaela6, petermolnar, garrettw, nsh, jussi^, [grantcodes], [prtksxna], granttests, djmoch, KempfCreative, IWSlackGateway, swentie, Diogo7, danbee7, elioat1, omz13, peterrother_, distopico_, ^ilhalmer, selectric401, quailsti1e, micro_, beko_, sivoais, globbot, seekr, ned0, blueyed, kiero, [jgmac1106], neceve_, [JuJu], dckc, [LewisCowles] and [snarfed] joined the channel; Mikaela and petermolnar left the channel
petermolnar joined the channel
# 14:04 [snarfed] the chrome overcomplicated alternative? this evidently works in safari too so i wasn't sure it was that. or maybe they did it in webkit?
djmoch, twomanytacos, jeremy, KapiX, [LewisCowles] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 15:32 jbove jacky The previous Beaker (0.8) had a feature where you could make it monitor the status of a hyperdrive and connect to it as it became available again. Don't think this is again on the roadmap for Beaker v1
nekr0z joined the channel
# 15:38 jbove Reaktivo has set up a hyper to HTTP gateway: https://hyper.reaktivo.com/ - it's not 100% functional yet. Mounted hyperdrives are not followed for instance and it seems to have issues loading up images.
gxt, [mapkyca], markm, seekr, jussi^ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; markm left the channel
# 16:34 [chrisaldrich] It's interesting to see that there are no actual fragmentions in the URL though... so how exactly have they engineered it?
# 16:43 Loqi A fragmention is an extension to URL syntax that links and cites a phrase within a document by using a URL fragment consisting of the phrase itself, including whitespace https://indieweb.org/fragmention
[fluffy], wolftune, gxt, kensp, kaspier, [snarfed] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 18:14 Loqi [WICG] scroll-to-text-fragment: Proposal to allow specifying a text snippet in a URL fragment
gxt joined the channel
# 18:23 Loqi [WICG] scroll-to-text-fragment: Proposal to allow specifying a text snippet in a URL fragment
# 18:39 aaronpk was this in their security/privacy considerations? the fact that now anyone can essentially make it look like a website says something else by selectively highlighting words like that?
neceve_ and KapiX joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 19:31 [chrisaldrich] As soon as I saw the topic I felt a kevinmarks post coming on... I can't wait.
# 19:35 [chrisaldrich] I suspected it was yours, but though you might not want direct attribution. 🙂
# 19:37 [chrisaldrich] I was writing it up as a fun example myself for some of the annotation/education crowd. Do you mind if I attribute the "found" poetry to you?
markopasha joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
# 19:41 [chrisaldrich] I just suggest to the Hypothes.is crew that they should allow segmented highlights...
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
leg joined the channel
leg left the channel
# 20:25 jacky jbove: that sucks. I'm using the beta version of Beaker (beta version all of the things)
nekr0z joined the channel
# 20:58 jbove jacky: looking at the release-notes for release.4 of beakerbrowser and it looks like the folder sync will be back
# 21:00 jbove whoops. my bad. totally different thing this "auto sync".
gxt, [tantek], seekr, jmac, bltavares_, willnorris_, ramsey, twomanytacos, mattl, jbove, genehack, skalnik, rknLA, voxpelli, anarchivist, justache, mitchell, bigbluehat, dietricha, emilbayes, peterrother, ludovicchabant, themaxdavitt, zootella, jimpick, j4yav, flaki, shakeel, anotheryou, danyao, robla, ecobos, [KevinMarks], gRegorLove, wolftune, mclemens, blah1, KindTwo and KindOne joined the channel
KindTwo joined the channel