[snarfed][kevinmarks] that article seems out of touch. it feels like we've never seen more operations as service offerings. definitely way more than 20-30y ago, and probably also more than 10y ago.
[snarfed]hell, the big shift over the last 10+y is that the big companies mentioned in the article all offer more of their own stuff as cloud services, which were often purely internal before. obviously google, amazon, MS, but also even FB and apple, etc
[snarfed]eh maybe. not the argument he made though. and the industry shift toward containerization, compatible platforms like kubernetes, etc have diminished a lot of lock-in too
wolftune, Diogo, KapiX, bltavares, gxt, KindTwo, [tantek], gRegorLove, leg, [jgmac1106], neonkit, [fluffy], KempfCreative, KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative1, markopasha, [grantcodes], kiryin and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[KevinMarks]True, and in principle microservices should make things more fungible, though in practice if you use, say, lambda you're locked into amazon.