#[chrisaldrich]It seems like the sort of discussion that would make an interesting session at /2020/West.
#vilhalmerthe point about mind maps is good, I've always felt like they should be useful but they always feel so overwhelming to use for some reason
#vilhalmermaybe the tooling for moving things spacially just isn't there yet
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]a lot of so-called mind maps are really hierarchies that do their own layout
#[KevinMarks]Prezi was close to a real mind map that remember space
#vilhalmerit's also possible that I just can't decode my own mind well enough to use one :P
#[KevinMarks]mural.co is interesting for a shared post-its on a whiteboard thing
#[chrisaldrich]There are some interesting patterns in wikis that may make news updats/changes more interesting too...
kensp, KempfCreative and [schmarty] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]finishes some scrollback and thinks there's some overlap with petermolnar's question about time ordered archives. Could there be a more interesting way of linking through these sorts of things by taxonomies rather than dates/times?
#[chrisaldrich]finishes some scrollback and thinks there's some overlap with petermolnar's question about time ordered archives. Could there be a more interesting way of linking through these sorts of things by taxonomies rather than dates/times?
#[chrisaldrich]finishes some scrollback and thinks there's some overlap with petermolnar's question about time ordered archives. Could there be a more interesting way of linking through these sorts of things by taxonomies rather than dates/times?
thelounge244 joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuHTML is not conducive to non-linear relations
#GWGWorking on something for June 10th, on my website
wolftune, [LewisCowles], [tantek] and kensp joined the channel
#[tantek]^^^ this. I've often felt the concept of a "mind map" is way overhyped
#KartikPrabhuright. and displaying the mind map visually would need a lot of CSS/JS wrnagling
#[tantek]that sounds like a fun project for someone that understands the full utility of mind maps, an HTML+CSS+JS mindmap starter project you can clone and add to the markup / links, and get the layout / interactivity automatically
#KartikPrabhubut it has to use some external tool to visualize it
#GWGWell, now that I've finished with the nostalgia, I'm off. Maybe tomorrow I'll do more.
nekr0z, wolftune, daud_2020 and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
#[LewisCowles]KartikPrabhu, perhaps one for dev, but hyperlinks exist in HTML and can be referential. By that definition of "hieracrhical by nature" you could argue all things are hierarchical.
#KartikPrabhuI don't think I can argue "all things are heirarchical, because I know things which are not. Secondly, that is why I mentioned that you need some CSS+JS tricks to visually display mind maps
#KartikPrabhuyou can use links and url to connect non-linearly to other documents, sure. But how do you display them on your website?
#[LewisCowles]Do you have examples of non-hierarchical things? Also again, I think this is one for #indieweb-dev
#KartikPrabhusure a mind map or in mathy terms a graph
#[LewisCowles]An abstract mathematical graph takes on implementation properties, and infers an outer context or category (hierarchy). When implemented, which in this case would be published for the web. It is impossible to retain abstract mathematical properties. to side-step the math graphs are hierarchical for a moment, computer displays of them have to be as you have a logical sequence between the need to define nodes and the connections between them.
daud_2020 joined the channel
#[LewisCowles]Neo4J has a browser which is great at displaying arbitrary graph visualisations
#KartikPrabhuyes. all I am saying is you can't reprsent them in one HTML page
#KartikPrabhuI am *not* saying that graphs can't be represented or visualized! jeez!
#KartikPrabhumathematica can display graphs, I can display graphs on paper by drawing
#[LewisCowles]Neo4J, using HTML, CSS, JS (possibly SVG) *does* display parts of a graph on one page. You don't need paper. I'll stop as it's clear this is frustrating both of us
#KartikPrabhuI already acknowleged that you can use CSS+JS to do so
#KartikPrabhuthere always is another layer: 1) some code that takes all the links and assembles them into a visual graph (kind of like what indiemap uses) or use have to use CSs, JS, or SVG, or some graphical format to do so
kensp joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuback to indieweb context: the only thing I can see to do is to take the list of posts one wants to display, and then use some JS to traverse the mutual links between them and display them as a "mind map" or a graph
KartikPrabhu, nekr0z[m] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]I keep meaning to document it on the wiki, but my TiddlyWiki uses TiddlyMap to create a sort of mind map or visualization of links that appear within the site. Try http://tw.boffosocko.com/#Memory and click on the "map" tab on the right hand side with the "live view" selected.
#[chrisaldrich]Seeing the interconnections visually has been an interesting tool to play with at times.
#KartikPrabhumaps mean different things in different contexts, if you change the context a map is not a map!
#KartikPrabhutaking the analogy with geography is not useful
#KartikPrabhuin fact what most people call graph is a "chart"
markopasha joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]1It is useful in Wardley's context, and also in the distinction between actual mind map software and those that are really outliners that draw a spiral
neceve_, [pfefferle] and anotheryou joined the channel
#GWG[tantek]: One where everything, including the date, is as if you posted it the day you are setting it to. So in example, June 10, 2013
#LoqiGWG: petermolnar left you a message 22 minutes ago: retroposting as a phrase introduces interesting thoughts, like 80s mainframe interface to post on WordPress :)
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "futured" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "futured is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "backpost" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "backpost is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#KartikPrabhuhmm, I am sure I have done that for posts I have "imported" from silos like Blogger
#Loqibackfill is the action of importing all your past posts, typically from a social media silo, into your own site https://indieweb.org/backfill
KartikPrabhu, [grantcodes], kensp, daud_2020, [pfefferle], nekr0z[m], nekr0z, Guest85622, neceve_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]Is back posting more like what you were doing in documenting a series of recent days?
#[KevinMarks]Or like when your flickr was often fron a few weeks ago?
#GWG[KevinMarks]: I would put backposting as writing something today about what happened in the past...what I'm doing is different as I am creating backdated content...so it appears in my 2013 archive page....and unless you look at the updated date... you wouldn't know it was new
#GWGIn one of these, I had modern me doing editor's notes
#GWGjeremycherfas: What do you think about backdating posts?
#jeremycherfasAs in your retroposting? I think it doesn't matter when you write about something, as long as you acknowledge that the date written is not the same as the date of what you are writing about.
#jeremycherfasI have had minor problems of this nature as I bring in old posts from previous CMSs. I check all the links, and find ones that work where I can (which is why it takes so long). If I just add a working link, I don't change anything about the post. If I do more, or have a comment from my current self to add, I do so with the date on which I do it.
#GWGjeremycherfas: I need to highlight the updated date on my posts, I suppose
#jeremycherfasI'm not sure you do (though I have not looked at the latest one) As long as it is there, somewhere.
#GWGHow do people show last updated vs publish dates?
#petermolnarI have a sentence like footer for entries, which is also a h-card, eg. Created by <author>, last modified at <mtime>, originally published at <pubdate>, to canonical URL <permalink>. Sometimes there's more info in there. pubdate is the original date that's in the post header; mtime is the actual file mtime. I don't keep track of updated times.
#[KevinMarks]Early drafts of Atom distinguished created/published/updated but created was dropped
twomanytacos joined the channel
#GWGI have both in the HTML, but updated is hidden... but I might reconsider that... I inherited it
#nekr0zI have dt-published in header and dt-updated in footer with human-readable "last updated on" mark beside it.
gpickett00, jeremych_, dckc, [schmarty] and plutes joined the channel
#jeremycherfasGWG Having now read the post, I don't think you need to surface date updated; it didn't exist before. All you have done is create a backdated post.
#[chrisaldrich]GWG, some WordPress themes show "updated" date/time stamp visually, though not many. Independent Publisher had an option in the customizer to show it that seemed like a pretty nice feature as I recall.
#GWG[chrisaldrich]: I might experiment with it in testing to see if I like it
#GWGI need to go through posts I exported before I deleted some accounts and post them or not
[tantek], swentel, harmetic, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks], [schmarty], [chrisaldrich], [pfefferle], gRegorLove_, KapiX, [snarfed], wolftune, [Ana_Rodrigues], nickodd, gRegorLove, leg, electronicmaji and chrisaldrich joined the channel; leg left the channel
#[KevinMarks]This is like cyc inferring "everyone is either famous or works on cyc"
#aaronpkwhy do they keep trying AI stuff that goes horribly wrong?
#[KevinMarks]Because it looks OK on their test data before it connects to the consequences of its own output. See also Google search and twitter anti troll code
#KartikPrabhuweird how many scientists don't realize that the "test data" has an implicit bias. In a lot of situations this bias does not have very horrible consequences, but with news feeds and anything human-related it does!
kensp, mint, KartikPrabhu, opal, electronicmaji, wolftune and [schmarty] joined the channel
#[schmarty]Haha thanks, jacky! I tried a thing and it didn't go. But a negative result is a result!
[snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed]schmarty++ as usual smarter than all of academia
#Loqischmarty has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
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