[LewisCowles]1, samwilson, wolftune, [fluffy], [KevinMarks], beko, KempfCreative, KindTwo, jussi^, seekr, KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles], gxt, [jeremycherfas], kensp, [snarfed] and markopasha joined the channel
#petermolnarwasn't in front of the screen yesterday to follow up properly; so: [tantek] added a criticism to squarespace yesterday as: "default blogs do not provide an archives link for browsing archives by year / month etc.". I don't provide that either, and I'd like to understand what makes that criticism valid and if so, what makes archives a requirement.
#petermolnarmy stance: strictly speaking blogs are inheritently chronological, but these days sites with say, a series of technical how-tos fall under "blog" category as well, making the terminology a bit blurry. With these kinds of sites archives may or may not make sense at all, because chronological ordering for that kind of content is irrelevant.
#petermolnar(in other news I'm craving for an IRL IWC :( )
#[KevinMarks]Well, knowing when a technical how to was written can be useful too, as tech changes over time
opal joined the channel
#petermolnarthat's debatable - if something was written for a certain specification which is since superseeded, and the versioning is not indicated in the article (eg how do X in HTML), than maybe; otherwise it's not: you can either still do it the way, even if it's oldschool, or the versions are indicated (how to do X on Ubuntu 9.04), in which case it's obviously outdated.
#petermolnaralso, I'm not saying the article shouldn't have a date/timestamp
#[LewisCowles]I agree petermolnar, but feel KevinMarks sage wisdom may also serve to catch more people if combined with the context you are suggesting. Personally I am not using date in URL. transitioning is fraught with work to fix-up old articles
nekr0z joined the channel
#nekr0zThe question is: why is archive neseccary? Isn't dt-published (on every page where author thinks it's relevant) enough?
#[LewisCowles]I think it's not necessary, but can see how it could be beneficial
ben_thatmustbeme, neceve_, KartikPrabhu, thelounge244 and nickodd joined the channel
#aaronpkYeah I also don't see why archive pages are necessary. That's just one way to navigate to content but there are plenty of others: search, tags, linking, etc
seekr and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
#[LewisCowles]Good morning jeremycherfas . Good Morning IndieWeb 👋
KempfCreative, gpickett00, dckc, seekr, swentel, opal, markopasha, [jgmac1106], wolftune, [snarfed], twomanytacos, [KevinMarks], awolf, jgee and [tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]petermolnar, time based archive navigation pages are not a question of necessary per se but rather are very useful
#[tantek]I ran into this when looking up /silo-quits Future examples that were in the past
#[tantek]Eg one person blogged a while ago about an intent to quit & delete FB on a certain date then in the future but now in the past
#[tantek]If I their blog had archive pages I could immediately nav to the month that they were talking about to see if they did it. But they didn’t so it was a huge pain to keep clicking their sequential nav (previous posts) until I got to the right date range that used a lookup by some long number
#[tantek]They also lacked search which is why I added that criticism also
KindTwo joined the channel
#nekr0zthey could have also done it without explicitly blogging about it, that would be a problem for such a research, I imagine
#[tantek]Another use-case for archive pages, to be able to browse (non-sequentially!) the posts someone was making around the same time as a mother post, to better understand the temporal context of what was happening in their lives
#[tantek]nekr0z maybe. In this case they made a big deal of the specific date and encouraging others to also quit FB on that date and to spread it around
#[tantek]So it’s unlikely they would have missed another opportunity to make a big deal and advocate again
#[tantek]FWIW they chose July 4th of last year, US independence holiday, as a day to declare independence from FB
seekr joined the channel
#[tantek]On a more positive topic, I found another 100 Days attempt!
#[tantek]Kinda meta but figured I’d ask here, what do people think of adding his example to /100days?
#[tantek]Obviously [matthiasott] himself if he’s around should be the one to decide :) question is, how comfortable do people feel with adding someone as an (IndieWeb) example to page(s) who has blogged about the IndieWeb quite a bit yet isn’t a regular in chat
#[tantek](Happy to take this thread to #indieweb-meta especially since another 100days example just showed up there)
#nekr0zI'd say chat participation is not a requirement to be a proper IndieWeb-netizen, so if the page is meant to reflect IndieWeb examples, restricting those to chat participants kinda defeats the purpose
#[tantek]But rather do you add someone without getting explicit permission?
#nekr0z[tantek]: I know it's a strange comparison, but you don't ask a scientist, or a politician, or a Formula-1 racer for their permission to add a Wikipedia page about them, do you?
seekr joined the channel
#nekr0zI mean, adding their home address would be a little overboard, I agree, but really, I mean, I'm not asking anyone's permission to put a link to their page or post in my blog, do I? They have, presumably knowingly, made something available online to the unrestricted number of people, didn't they?
#nekr0zIf you don't want people to read and link to what you have written, you save it to a thumbdrive and lock it in a vault instead of actively putting it online, don't you?
#[tantek]The Wikipedia example if valid and yes those are “notable” people
#aaronpkthis conversation definitely should have been started in #indieweb-meta ;-)
#nekr0zGiven the current state of IndieWeb affairs I'd argue that anyone who does it can be qualified as notable ;)
#nekr0zthat's why we're discussing adding them in the first place, right?
[schmarty], awolf and anotheryou joined the channel
#[tantek]Not really no. Point was to use the Wikipedia sense of notable
#[tantek]And that’s not a requirement but rather why your examples of scientists etc make sense but don’t extend to “everyone”
[fluffy], gRegorLove and [grantcodes] joined the channel
#[grantcodes]Me and some work colleagues are currently in the middle of 100 day challenges
KindTwo joined the channel
#[tantek][grantcodes] if it's public, please consider adding your 100 day challenge to /100days!
awolf, wolftune, swentel and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
#[jgmac1106]I may resume my 100 day challenge even if that kinda breaks the rules, I was reading and quoting 100 scholars of color, but got worried my time on COVID-19 related teaching stuff would lead to a tokenazation
#[jgmac1106]like I wouldn't have the time to deeply interrogate the meaning or my privilege and just start copy pasting quotes...exact opposite goal
#[jgmac1106]I do wonder how close my poetry podcast is, must be near a hundred 100 episodes but I didn't do it daily until start of National Poetry Month
#[jgmac1106]though weekends often get uploaded on Mondays...bc my kids matter more than meaningless metrics
#[jgmac1106]ooh at 71 consecutive audio poems....as soon as I hit 101 I will declare doing a 100 day challenge
KartikPrabhu, markopasha, jgee, nekr0z[m], [schmarty], RohitKhare1, [snarfed], wolftune and [matthiasott] joined the channel
#[matthiasott][tantek] Thank you, Tantek, for sharing my adventurous attempt here in the chat! 🤗 You have my permission to add it to /100days, of course – which I wasn’t aware of until now. (Although this adds a bit of pressure to actually complete the challenge… 😅) I could also add it by myself over the next days, if you want. Regarding the discussion around permission, I’m generally with nekr0z: Putting work on the Web implies the possibilit
#[matthiasott]others might link to it. I think what Tantek meant, though, is that adding someone as example to indieweb.org is more than a simple link but sort of an endorsement that some people might not be comfortable with. But although I’m not a regular in this chat, I’m an indiewebber at heart, so no worries. 😊
kensp, [KevinMarks] and shoesNsocks joined the channel
#[tantek][matthiasott] welcome back! Definitely prefer you add your project yourself to /100days and speak up here if anything about doing so is non-obvious or otherwise challenging :)
sknebel, oenone, wolftune, opal and [manton] joined the channel