petermolnarwasn't in front of the screen yesterday to follow up properly; so: [tantek] added a criticism to squarespace yesterday as: "default blogs do not provide an archives link for browsing archives by year / month etc.". I don't provide that either, and I'd like to understand what makes that criticism valid and if so, what makes archives a requirement.
petermolnarmy stance: strictly speaking blogs are inheritently chronological, but these days sites with say, a series of technical how-tos fall under "blog" category as well, making the terminology a bit blurry. With these kinds of sites archives may or may not make sense at all, because chronological ordering for that kind of content is irrelevant.
petermolnarthat's debatable - if something was written for a certain specification which is since superseeded, and the versioning is not indicated in the article (eg how do X in HTML), than maybe; otherwise it's not: you can either still do it the way, even if it's oldschool, or the versions are indicated (how to do X on Ubuntu 9.04), in which case it's obviously outdated.
[LewisCowles]I agree petermolnar, but feel KevinMarks sage wisdom may also serve to catch more people if combined with the context you are suggesting. Personally I am not using date in URL. transitioning is fraught with work to fix-up old articles
aaronpkYeah I also don't see why archive pages are necessary. That's just one way to navigate to content but there are plenty of others: search, tags, linking, etc
[tantek]If I their blog had archive pages I could immediately nav to the month that they were talking about to see if they did it. But they didn’t so it was a huge pain to keep clicking their sequential nav (previous posts) until I got to the right date range that used a lookup by some long number
[tantek]Another use-case for archive pages, to be able to browse (non-sequentially!) the posts someone was making around the same time as a mother post, to better understand the temporal context of what was happening in their lives
[tantek]nekr0z maybe. In this case they made a big deal of the specific date and encouraging others to also quit FB on that date and to spread it around
[tantek]Obviously [matthiasott] himself if he’s around should be the one to decide :) question is, how comfortable do people feel with adding someone as an (IndieWeb) example to page(s) who has blogged about the IndieWeb quite a bit yet isn’t a regular in chat
nekr0zI'd say chat participation is not a requirement to be a proper IndieWeb-netizen, so if the page is meant to reflect IndieWeb examples, restricting those to chat participants kinda defeats the purpose
nekr0z[tantek]: I know it's a strange comparison, but you don't ask a scientist, or a politician, or a Formula-1 racer for their permission to add a Wikipedia page about them, do you?
nekr0zI mean, adding their home address would be a little overboard, I agree, but really, I mean, I'm not asking anyone's permission to put a link to their page or post in my blog, do I? They have, presumably knowingly, made something available online to the unrestricted number of people, didn't they?
nekr0zIf you don't want people to read and link to what you have written, you save it to a thumbdrive and lock it in a vault instead of actively putting it online, don't you?
[jgmac1106]I may resume my 100 day challenge even if that kinda breaks the rules, I was reading and quoting 100 scholars of color, but got worried my time on COVID-19 related teaching stuff would lead to a tokenazation
[jgmac1106]I do wonder how close my poetry podcast is, must be near a hundred 100 episodes but I didn't do it daily until start of National Poetry Month
[matthiasott][tantek] Thank you, Tantek, for sharing my adventurous attempt here in the chat! 🤗 You have my permission to add it to /100days, of course – which I wasn’t aware of until now. (Although this adds a bit of pressure to actually complete the challenge… 😅) I could also add it by myself over the next days, if you want. Regarding the discussion around permission, I’m generally with nekr0z: Putting work on the Web implies the possibilit
[matthiasott]others might link to it. I think what Tantek meant, though, is that adding someone as example to is more than a simple link but sort of an endorsement that some people might not be comfortable with. But although I’m not a regular in this chat, I’m an indiewebber at heart, so no worries. 😊
kensp, [KevinMarks] and shoesNsocks joined the channel
[tantek][matthiasott] welcome back! Definitely prefer you add your project yourself to /100days and speak up here if anything about doing so is non-obvious or otherwise challenging :)
sknebel, oenone, wolftune, opal and [manton] joined the channel