[jgmac1106], wolftune, [jeremycherfas], joshproehl, [manton], nickodd, plutes, KartikPrabhu, wombelix, shoesNsocks, [mapkyca] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; joshproehl left the channel
#b3ujacky sounds cool! What benefits do you see by me using webmentions?
#aaronpki'd say the primary use is sending and receiving comments. less about blasting your blog post to whoever you link to, more about having a conversation
#b3uaaronpk thanks! also, thanks for webmentions in general.
#b3uI think that if there were enough ways to implement it, or enough articles about it, it would be more popular.
#b3ujacky I just looked at it. I had set it up a while back, but never had any webmentions to send, so I forgot about it.
#bekooh it is becoming more and more popular. It's just not that easy to find enabled blogs/pages :)
#b3ubeko If there was a wordpress plugin, or some sort of commercialized service, it would become more popular. I wouldn't use either, but many would.
Decobus, wolftune, [jeremycherfas] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]It gets really big really fast too... I tried to keep a copy on my server but have to delete version history a lot... Prolly doing it wrong
#[jgmac1106]I have it on GitHub if people really interested
wolftune, [tw2113] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#[tantek]it doesn't have to get big if you just store the diffs
#[jgmac1106]I think that is where I am messing up but too much dev for more...manually it was too hard for me to do
#[jgmac1106]Pages where I might use Granary to convert metadata in my home pages into xml I add a dt-updated. But no version to old
#aaronpkpaintbrush icon, a drawer slides down from the top with previews of all the color themes
#[tantek]jacky, you end up merging diffs in order to "remove" an individual diff, plus you can keep "key frames" as it were, whole copies of initial / stable version
#aaronpkomg the floating head cursor is just out of control lol
#[grantcodes]Actually not that difficult if you keep your colors fairly minimal. I use chroma.js to figure out white or black text + a complementary color
#vilhalmerjacky: re: system color scheme, would be a cool extension to pywal or similar
#vilhalmerI bet it's already generating css of some sort since gtk uses it
#androidpunki made this website https://licguzman.github.io/doctores/ in my android (chrome) looks good. but if i refresh everything got messed... can someone give me the tag to fix it..i know its just a small detail but i have 1 day trying to find it
#androidpunki watched the website in an iphone and looks mess.