2020-06-15 UTC
[tantek], wolftune, [schmarty], gRegorLove, treora, beko, kensp, harmetic, [LewisCowles], crab, [dmitshur], [fluffy], [tw2113], [jeremycherfas], Kongaloosh_, kensp1, markopasha, swentel, cjw6k_, GWG and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 12:18 markopasha good morning!
KempfCreative, gxt, dckc, kolaente_, markopasha, wombelix and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
# 14:31 [James_Gallaghe] Morning everyone! π
[LewisCowles] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[jgmac1106], wolftune, [jeremycherfas], joshproehl, [manton], nickodd, plutes, KartikPrabhu, wombelix, shoesNsocks, [mapkyca] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; joshproehl left the channel
[tw2113], wolftune, [tantek], ndegruchy__ and b3u joined the channel
# 18:26 b3u Do people usually send webmentions manually with each blog post?
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 18:30 b3u I don't really use a cms. I guess there might by a tool which checks on build. Thanks
# 18:33 b3u [snarfed] I add the post locally and push to github. Netlify does the rest. Do you have a reccommendation?
# 18:34 [snarfed] b3u i don't have recommendations, but there are lots of options in the link ^ above!
ndegruchy__ joined the channel
# 18:36 b3u my content isn't that popular. Maybe there's no point in implementing webmentions...
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:39 b3u jacky sounds cool! What benefits do you see by me using webmentions?
# 18:42 aaronpk i'd say the primary use is sending and receiving comments. less about blasting your blog post to whoever you link to, more about having a conversation
# 18:43 b3u aaronpk thanks! also, thanks for webmentions in general.
# 18:44 b3u I think that if there were enough ways to implement it, or enough articles about it, it would be more popular.
# 18:45 b3u jacky I just looked at it. I had set it up a while back, but never had any webmentions to send, so I forgot about it.
# 18:45 beko oh it is becoming more and more popular. It's just not that easy to find enabled blogs/pages :)
# 18:47 b3u beko If there was a wordpress plugin, or some sort of commercialized service, it would become more popular. I wouldn't use either, but many would.
# 18:47 beko b3u: you mean like #indieweb-wordpress ?
# 18:48 b3u okay, i give up. I wish that more blogs had them, though. medium, substack, stuff like that.
# 18:48 b3u *more blog platform
nickodd left the channel
# 18:49 beko micro.blog has a lot but I seldom find blogs that interest _me_ personally. Seems to be mostly about photos. My treasures are usually blogrolls.
# 18:50 jacky tbh it doesn't matter if it's "adopted by mainstream"; it has to be a priority and a want by them
# 18:50 jacky to a degree, it's only as difficult as it can be to control one's site (and a LOT of platforms don't give people that)
# 18:50 jacky it's less about the IndieWeb and more about the silo web ;)
# 18:51 jacky like sending a Webmention was two clicks lol
# 19:16 [tantek] how many (if any) folks have built-in edit/version history UX on their blog posts (or named pages) ?
# 19:17 [tantek] Kinda thinking we should make this a "by default" supported thing, regardless of which CMS you choose.
[prtksxna] joined the channel
[snarfed]1, twomanytacos and opal joined the channel
Decobus, wolftune, [jeremycherfas] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 20:44 [jgmac1106] It gets really big really fast too... I tried to keep a copy on my server but have to delete version history a lot... Prolly doing it wrong
wolftune, [tw2113] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:48 [tantek] it doesn't have to get big if you just store the diffs
# 21:50 [jgmac1106] I think that is where I am messing up but too much dev for more...manually it was too hard for me to do
# 21:52 [jgmac1106] Pages where I might use Granary to convert metadata in my home pages into xml I add a dt-updated. But no version to old
# 21:58 aaronpk thinking about making some changes to my site based on that
# 21:58 aaronpk for example, I don't know why it never occurred to me that I could have different CSS on my article permalinks than for notes
# 22:00 aaronpk paintbrush icon, a drawer slides down from the top with previews of all the color themes
# 22:01 [tantek] jacky, you end up merging diffs in order to "remove" an individual diff, plus you can keep "key frames" as it were, whole copies of initial / stable version
# 22:06 jacky man now I wish I could push my system's color schemes into sites lol
# 22:10 jacky html[data-theme='{{ theme.id }}'] { {{ colorscheme(theme.colors) }}
<-- the magic line
# 22:10 vilhalmer yes! I've been working on making a modular blockquote thing that takes the appearance of the site it came from
# 22:10 vilhalmer I just have to define a couple of vars with the site's colors
# 22:10 vilhalmer the twitter theme is in the one blog post I've managed to post, I've got a tumblr one in progress for the next one
# 22:11 vilhalmer would be cool to pull it automatically somehow but idk how I'd do that
citizen_stig joined the channel
jgee and [grantcodes] joined the channel
# 22:36 [grantcodes] I've had pick any color to generate a theme on my site for quite a long time now.
# 22:37 aaronpk omg the floating head cursor is just out of control lol
# 22:38 [grantcodes] Actually not that difficult if you keep your colors fairly minimal. I use chroma.js to figure out white or black text + a complementary color
# 22:42 vilhalmer jacky: re: system color scheme, would be a cool extension to pywal or similar
# 22:42 vilhalmer I bet it's already generating css of some sort since gtk uses it
androidpunk joined the channel
# 22:47 androidpunk is this about web developing
# 22:47 androidpunk or is something else?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 22:51 androidpunk i made this website https://licguzman.github.io/doctores/ in my android (chrome) looks good. but if i refresh everything got messed... can someone give me the tag to fix it..i know its just a small detail but i have 1 day trying to find it
# 22:55 androidpunk i watched the website in an iphone and looks mess.
# 23:12 androidpunk who can help me?
# 23:13 aaronpk this isn't really that kind of channel, especially because that doesn't look like a personal website
# 23:15 androidpunk im a lawyer mexican lawyer. :P that site is for my uncle that it's plastic surgeon
# 23:15 androidpunk i did it for free and hosted in github
# 23:15 androidpunk It's not for a corporation
# 23:15 aaronpk in any case, development questions are better suited to the #indieweb-dev channel
# 23:16 aaronpk but people here are more likely to help out with questions about personal websites anyway
# 23:17 androidpunk personal websites like blogs or diaries?
# 23:17 androidpunk if i create a website for someon who sell hot dogs nobody can help?
# 23:18 androidpunk do u know a forum or irc channel where i can get help without restrictions?
# 23:19 aaronpk stackoverflow.com is usually a good place to ask general web development questions
citizen_stig joined the channel
citizen__, citize___, goku12 and citizen_stig joined the channel; androidpunk left the channel