[jjdelc] 4.a) New post on my site as a reply to the tweet (POSSE will use Twitter API to indicate tweet reply) - Now I have my content twice on the front page as a new post and later when bridgy catches it and Webmentions it to the original post from 1)
citizen_stig, citizen__, goku12 and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]I think aaronpk has done something like this in the past as well. I'm not sure I've run across other versions in the wild. How do others do threaded conversations? I seem to recall someone also having implemented salmentions somewhere too...
[jjdelc]Ah, I didn't think of the threading aspect, I thought of it as a flat list, because I don't get that many replies as to have encounter that, but it is the data structure
[chrisaldrich]I'm pretty sure I've used 4b as an option on micro.blog which has has better webmention support, but I think brid.gy has a harder time finding second and third level bits of conversation without some help because of Twitter's lack of support.
[chrisaldrich]I don't yet have an automatic mechanism for syndicating comments from my WP comment section (though Bridgy publish might work, I've just not tried it), so I POSSE those manually.
[chrisaldrich]I seem to recall having done some quirky gymnastics to get WithKnown to thread conversations back in the day, but it's been ages and I don't recall a good example off hand.
[jjdelc]I haven't gotten that far into the comments yet, I just wasn't sure what's the best way to display the comments, as double content or as single content, but then that means going to twitter to reply ... (which I do anyway)
gRegorLoveYeah, I've done it often. Bridgy is sending /salmentions to each post in the thread. You could potentially check those URLs to see if you have a local copy and show that instead.
gRegorLoveMeans I can show all the public comments on the first post in a thread, even if the permalinks to individual ones sometimes point to Twitter instead of my original
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aaronpkBridgy is promiscuous in what it sends to so you'll see my own tweets as replies to my own posts even tho they're not. I don't have a solution for that
aaronpkBut if I reply to my own post and posse that to twitter, (like a twitter thread), then my website sends a webmention to itself, and bridgy later sends the webmention for my twitter post, but my site links them up because it knows the bridgy post is a syndication of my own and that's how that duplicate is avoided
citizen_stig, citize___, wolftune, citizen__, KempfCreative, wombelix, KempfCreative1, jgee1 and [tantek] joined the channel
LoqiComments are displayed in the context of an original post, and may be a mix of syndicated reply posts from other sites received via Webmention, as well as locally created comments https://indieweb.org/comments
LoqiWebmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/webmentions
LoqiGet started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other indieweb essentials https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
[jgmac1106]there should be something in their about labor and ownership...in non tech industries you needed to hide your webby skills or get saddled with volunteer work
[KevinMarks]"Using the superpowers available to employees via Facebook's internal tools, you first had to log in using the account of the person who flagged the objectionable post, just to see it. If the post failed the probity test, then you'd use the tools to log in via the account of the offender so you could remove it. Thus violating the privacy of two people."
[KevinMarks]“Monika Bickert and her team understand that it's not the same to say “men are scum” as it is to say “Jews are scum.” But they feel it would introduce too much complication to distinguish between vulnerable groups and privileged ones.”