JK_nahello, I've just set up basic webmentions on my site and am using getwms (https://github.com/Deluvi/getwms) to pull webmentions from webmention.io which was working well (only started using in the past few days) but have noticed that even though I can see them still on the webmention.io dashboard slightly older comments are no longer displayed in the downloaded json files.. is there an expiry on webmentions?
JK_nano longer downloading comments from 15th of June.. obviously it could be a limitation of getwms, just checking before I look for another tool to do the same job
JK_naI'm not sure where that would be defined, but there are very few and the number didn't increase since the older comments were last displayed\downloaded. I'll see if I can find a variable in the getwms files that might define that
aaronpki'm not familiar with getwms, but webmention.io will return paged results so you might have to change the request that tool makes to it. but it sounds like this is a coding problem so let's keep debugging in #indieweb-dev instead of here
ARH[m]OK. Another question. I added my name to chat-names in IndieWeb.com (https://indieweb.org/chat-names) but my URL and avatar still don't show up in public chat (chat.indieweb.org). Why's that?
[Zegnat], ARH, KapiX, michael-lewis, seekr, ndegruchy and b3u joined the channel; ARH and ARH1 left the channel
ndegruchyGoing to xpost this from #indieweb-wordpress: So, I'm not even sure this is the right place to ask: I'm trying to decide if I should continue to pay and use WordPress with the raft of extensions needed to integrate it into IndieWeb, or switch to something like Micro.blog, which seems to have issues in it's own right.
KartikPrabhu, mattl, [jgmac1106], [tw2113], Web-Chatter and [tantek] joined the channel; michael-lewis left the channel
[tantek]sl007++ thanks for the heads-up! Feel free to create an indie event for it on events.indieweb.org! In addition, mind cross-promoting "Call For Proposals and Registration open: https://indieweb.org/2020/West " among ActivityPub circles as well?
[tantek]ndegruchy, depends on the trade-offs you're looking for. micro.blog is currently the best "turnkey" IndieWeb service, including using your own domain. it's a great service for convenient indieweb publishing, reading, and participation.
[tantek]WordPress requires setting up your own WordPress site on a web hosting service, a lot more work, but in return you get A LOT of coding and customization flexibility, nearly unlimited (or rather only by your own time, and the Q&A in the community 🙂 )
[tantek]on another topic, I was sad to see the that "indieweb" (as in started by one person as an independent labor of love) site "Heroes Wiki" just shut down the 1st of this month 😞 https://indieweb.org/site-deaths#Heroes_Wiki
[tantek]what surprised me is, how much maintenance cost is there in maintaining a ~6.5k page MediaWiki site these days? Looks like a default skin with just the logo image customized.
[tantek]really curious if anyone else (besides aaronpk 😉 ) has experience with running a MediaWiki for years, and could share how much of a struggle / cost it's been. in particular I feel like this demonstrates an opportunity to provide a "read-only static page" export of a MediaWiki that you could "just" commit to and run on a free github