[chrisaldrich]GWG, do you have a code snippet that we could use to add it into a meta template? I suspected that you were probably capturing the data, but just not showing it.
GWG[chrisaldrich]: I have to go look...Micropub stores the client name in the post. The icon is not stored, just the external URL of the image...so that would require a change.
[chrisaldrich]GWG, presumably the authorization would store the image on first use (in IndieAuth perhaps?) it would seem redundant to store the image locally for each post.
[dave]Also "Awesome Authors", "Top Entrepreneurs", "Publishing Pros", and "Minnesotans", all groups I don't consider myself but would like to some day.
[jgmac1106]a lot of them are one off lists conferences, might be some lessons for community spaces...like in meetable could I submit a feed to a public reader
[jgmac1106]I also notice I am on an auto generated one called "tweets I fav" I wonder if this is a list of x users who I fav the most over Y time...that could be an interesting tool, take it a degree out to favs of freinds
[tantek]I do like the idea of documenting / exploring more calendar, and more generally time/date-based UIs to collections of posts, and more generally, 2D / more graphical (literally) UIs to collections of posts
GWG[tantek]: How do you differentiate between a collection post and a collection archive then? Because a collection post has specific notes in the wiki
[jgmac1106]was thinking about tat when I look at my lists from aaronpk prompt...so many were one off conference lists....there is something there about wanting to archive around a conference.
[chrisaldrich]The benefit of this is that there's no editing involved after the fact. (I'm not sure I'd always want to do the editing work necessary), but it would be nice to have them in reverse chronological order so you could start viewing them in time order instead of reverse time order.
[KevinMarks], wolftune, PetriBot, KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative1, [Erik], Nuve1, Nuve, [fluffy], justache, pauho[m], [Jose_Leiva], shakeel, plutes and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; leg left the channel
Loqimblaney: [jgmac1106] left you a message 3 hours, 36 minutes ago: could I adapt ihazawebiste into one big shared social reader if everyone had an account and added their blog to the feed?