#indieweb 2020-07-07

2020-07-07 UTC
GWG, do you have a code snippet that we could use to add it into a meta template? I suspected that you were probably capturing the data, but just not showing it.
I know that the IndieAuth plugin collects and shows the client, so I suspect that it already even has an icon one could use as well.
[chrisaldrich]: I have to go look...Micropub stores the client name in the post. The icon is not stored, just the external URL of the image...so that would require a change.
GWG, presumably the authorization would store the image on first use (in IndieAuth perhaps?) it would seem redundant to store the image locally for each post.
It doesn't right now because it only shows it on admin...if it was going to be displayed on the front end.... would have to store it
ah yes
my site, ever broken but durable :)
the job is definitely done
KempfCreative, gRegorLove, wolftune, [tantek], seekr, gRegorLove_ and [dave] joined the channel
broken but durable? hi it's me ur site
:) lol
wolftune joined the channel
broken-but-durable has 1 karma over the last year
wolftune, nickodd, KartikPrabhu and kiryin joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Fun activity: go find out what public twitter lists you're on
glenn[m]2 joined the channel
interesting to see how it's changed over time for me. Now I'm wondering if I should be logging and/or republishing this info on my site
[dave] joined the channel
Wait, they moved it... hmm
Some are incorrect. Some are sad.
Mainly "buddies" list made by friend who passed away from cancer. πŸ˜•
Also "Awesome Authors", "Top Entrepreneurs", "Publishing Pros", and "Minnesotans", all groups I don't consider myself but would like to some day.
[tw2113] joined the channel
i'm on more than 1 Ruby twitter list, and I don't know why
probably because I RTed Ruby people looking for work or somthing
[grantcodes], [tantek], wiedi, markopasha, dckc, ketudb and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I'm on a random old website, that describes a vacation: http://www.eskimo.com/~webguy/china2009/china2009.html It has a calendar that is local to the journey. Is anyone doing anything similar, both representation and batch of events markup wise?
KartikPrabhu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
this is an interesting take on why some kinds of tech arguments become so heated https://www.gwern.net/Holy-wars
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I am on 305 twitter lists..do you get that on export...not sure I am interested enough to manually pesos that data
and I am a relative nobody on twitter, people with a ton of followers must be on hundreds if not thoousands of lists
KartikPrabhu and markoong joined the channel; Boobuigi left the channel
a lot of them are one off lists conferences, might be some lessons for community spaces...like in meetable could I submit a feed to a public reader
I also notice I am on an auto generated one called "tweets I fav" I wonder if this is a list of x users who I fav the most over Y time...that could be an interesting tool, take it a degree out to favs of freinds
...though I don't fav or like anything from my website
markopasha, [KevinMarks] and KempfCreative joined the channel
!tell chrisaldrich if you folks want to complete today remotely here is the lesson plan: http://tech-4-teens.club/2020/07/07/tech-4-teens-day-one-plans/
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
dckc, [tantek], shoesNsocks, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], KempfCreative, apophys, wolftune and nickodd joined the channel
petermolnar, I believe the "vacation post" is one of the use-cases that drove the "collection" post type discussions
I think GWG does posts in narrative form sometimes where he documents a trip with various photos
I do like the idea of documenting / exploring more calendar, and more generally time/date-based UIs to collections of posts, and more generally, 2D / more graphical (literally) UIs to collections of posts
E.g. I added a bunch of abstract map examples to /map
[schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek], petermolnar: I did that on my trip to Israel in 2015...but not with a calendar...I did Berlin in 2018 as a 'series'.
GWG, should we collect collection post design examples like that somewhere?
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[tantek]: For me, it's an archive, not a collection, but yes
Do we have trip report?
"report" sounds like work
an archive is a type of collection πŸ™‚
I did one with IWC with a map, tried to pin all my pictures in the map but trackbook is deliberately dumb
[tantek]: How do you differentiate between a collection post and a collection archive then? Because a collection post has specific notes in the wiki
I also have my archive map view feature
That shows any archive as a map
That gives me an idea
collection has specific brainstorming....not really anything in stone
[jgmac1106]: Yes, but described as a post
I could pin the pics usig the owncloud app I make apps with but too much work
We should note it could be an archive...which makes it an h-feed
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
collection implies some kind of editing and maybe sequencing; archive implies comprehensiveness?
archive may imply some property-based commonality (e.g. same published month, same published city/state/country) rather than curated
That's why I have series...it is more curated.
I thought about adding location based tagging
callMeBaby joined the channel
wait what do you see as the difference between the location of a post and location based tagging?
is this the where you posted from vs what you posted about distinction?
I like the subtlety of [KevinMarks]' definition.
[chrisaldrich]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 4 hours, 15 minutes ago: if you folks want to complete today remotely here is the lesson plan: http://tech-4-teens.club/2020/07/07/tech-4-teens-day-one-plans/
I like the fact that if I've tagged posts for conferences that I can go back and digitally re-live them. Example: https://boffosocko.com/tag/indiewebcamp-online/ (content warning: raw meat photo).
was thinking about tat when I look at my lists from aaronpk prompt...so many were one off conference lists....there is something there about wanting to archive around a conference.
of course WP that means add category or tag that part is easy...just don't ask difference between the two
The benefit of this is that there's no editing involved after the fact. (I'm not sure I'd always want to do the editing work necessary), but it would be nice to have them in reverse chronological order so you could start viewing them in time order instead of reverse time order.
I used to that on WordPress with a pro Elementor account. I copuld choose any combination of post kind,tag, category and make a feed
then that feed could set reverse or chronological, alphabetical, copuple other options I can't remember
opal and leg joined the channel
[tantek]: I don't have the ability to generate archives off a location right now
^^ would be an awesome location-based feature GWG!
[chrisaldrich]: It's doable, but it is work
chris no distracting gwg...gonna have him help me to some short lifts to make a WP events plugin IndieWeb friendly
I get distracted all the time
^ tshirt (or at least button)
[tantek]: I only have one torso
[jgmac1106] is pumping them out for GWGcon, I'm sure
[Sadik_Shahadu] and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
kevinmarks' recent tweet has reminded us that t-shirts can have sayings on the front AND the back! 😁
wolftune joined the channel
the microformats ones have sayings on the back
nickodd left the channel
very much likes his microformats shirt but could do without the saying on the back πŸ˜₯
swag already expensive say it on one side or don't say it all
and agree schmarty I couldn't wear that shirt
[tw2113], [Jose_Leiva], [fluffy], [snarfed] and wolftune joined the channel
[schmarty] yeah I've come around to that viewpoint as well.
seekr and gxt joined the channel
..now if it said β€œYou stay classy, IndieWeb”
!tell mblaney could I adapt ihazawebiste into one big shared social reader if everyone had an account and added their blog to the feed?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[KevinMarks], wolftune, PetriBot, KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative1, [Erik], Nuve1, Nuve, [fluffy], justache, pauho[m], [Jose_Leiva], shakeel, plutes and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; leg left the channel
We've started some planning for a pop-up IWC Session for Gardens & Streams Part II. Please add your interest to the wiki with preferred dates so we can pick something early next week: https://indieweb.org/2020/Pop-up/Sessions#Gardens_.26_Streams_II
mblaney joined the channel
hi indieweb
mblaney: [jgmac1106] left you a message 3 hours, 36 minutes ago: could I adapt ihazawebiste into one big shared social reader if everyone had an account and added their blog to the feed?
Morning Malcolm
hey Greg, you could do something similar to https://unicyclic.com/indieweb/directory if you like, which allows you to subscribe to a list of feeds.
jdp joined the channel
mblaney, that's a great little collection you've got there!
thanks [chrisaldrich] I think it started from a list you gave me actually :-)
mblaney, that might explain one or two edge cases I was surprised you might know or be following. πŸ™‚
I didn't want to keep updating it, so I made it work so that following https://unicyclic.com/indieweb would add you to the directory.
opal joined the channel