#[chrisaldrich]it would be cool to bring back voting though... I'm pretty sure html5 left the rev attribute out... is it worth a new microformat or is there something else we could leverage to vote things up down or sideways?
#petermolnarsilo quits are great from one perspective, from a current, played, hacked, impossible to use search perspective, it's damning. Thought experiment: web rings, but for hastags, per content, with preview from other pages. (Somehow without spam. sigh.)
[jgmac1106], markoong, KartikPrabhu, markopasha and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]We did that at technorati 15 years ago. The "without spam" part was hard.
hs0ucy, swentel and KempfCreative joined the channel
#petermolnarbut technorati was an aggregator - I meant a full-on webring, embedded in the pages themselves.
#[KevinMarks]As in a raw link webring where they're all linked in order, or one that calls to a central database to get the left and right links?
#aaronpkpetermolnar: i could add a webring to indienews pretty quick :-)
#Loqihashtaggregator has 1 karma over the last year
twomanytacos joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]We called them tagspaces back in the day
[grantcodes] and markong joined the channel
#petermolnarI'll reword it: in many CMS you could add a widget to see "related" articles. I was wondering if a glue could be made to do that across sites somehow, in a controlled fashion.
#petermolnarNow that I wrote this down, I realized it could be done with webmentions, but it might need a specific type of mention.
#aaronpkYeah I know what you mean, it wouldn't take much to do that with indienews for example
#aaronpkas long as relying on these sort of aggregators is okay rather than trying to do it peer to peer
#krjstif anyone is interested in self-hosting a minimal git server, i recently made a script automating some of the chore: https://0x0.st/Xgq-
dckc, markoong, hs0ucy, [Erik], [pfefferle] and [tw2113] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]that was one of the things we did for technorati too - I think that is hard to do without some kind of hub.
#[KevinMarks]within-site related articles tend to be done with tags in common; I suppose you could do external refs if your site had your reading history, but a lot of the utility of those things is spanning individuals
[manton], wolftune, [chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], nickodd and hs0ucy joined the channel
#[tantek]ok I got permission to document that IG grid silo-quit
KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative, kiryin, wolftune, [manton], vilhalmer, [chrisaldrich], leg, [tantek], [KevinMarks], plutes, [snarfed], seekr, hs0ucy and KempfCreative1 joined the channel; nickodd and leg left the channel