[Murray]!tell michael-lewis I noticed that you're indexing search queries on my site (i.e. queries on my own search page, things with a format like `/search/?query=&filter=People & Places` I can see why, I directly link to search queries as a way of surfacing categories and tags, but maybe worth checking for things like `?x=y` URL strings and counting them as duplicates/not indexing them. I dread to think how many potential "pages" my site is if you
@elizaskinnerIf there was a “double block” option that blocked them AND sent you a screenshot of that person’s tweet at you with a clown emoji over it, I think that would help a lot of us get through this lockdown. (twitter.com/_/status/1284378009659555840)
tinfoil-hat, gRegorLove, markoong and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
thatsummermatrixHi all, where do I seek support if I'm having trouble implementing an auth flow on a Micropub client using IndieAuth? Would this be the correct place?
[tb]IndieWeb's principles are something that's really started to resonate with me lately as I've been thinking about getting my web presence off the ground again here and looking to be in more control of some of the main pieces
[tb]And selfdogfooding in particular as I'm currently getting my overengineered URL shortener off the ground to use as my personal Rails reference app 😄
cambridgeport90[I know the last couple of messages seemed confusing. Thought messages weren't going through, but turns out my desktop client was just trying and taking forever to catch up. In Chrome for now, and everything seems to be working?
cambridgeport90[And to answer your question, nope, unfortunately not. My infrastructure is going through a huge transition; my friend's putting a new router in our datacenter rack (he just got three of them from work) ... so ... I will let you guys know.
[chrisaldrich]Looks like it's working. I'll await it's return. There was a link to something the other day I wanted to read, but I saw it was down. I'll be patient...
cambridgeport90[Don't worry. I kept all the pages and stuff ... so ... I use Wordpress, like you. My menu isn't as good as yours is, but getting there.
shoesNsocks, [snarfed], KartikPrabhu, crazed and KempfCreative joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
cambridgeport90[The other thing I haven't yet done, though I intend to is to actually explore the PHP files under a Wordpress install. It will be easier once I'm running on my own Plesk server rather than on someone else's infrastructure. (SolidCP sucks.)
zootellaIf you made a Blabbity Blog-style app that had its own list of hyperdrives to follow, without adding them to the address book, would followed posts load more slowly, take longer to appear up to date, things generally not work as well, etc.?
[chrisaldrich]I have noticed an uptick in relatively new Twitter accounts with scant bio details and photos following me lately. They're tweeting and mostly retweeting some pretty plain vanilla content at the moment to look like they're organic, but I feel like they're more likely the start of a Twitter bot network leading up to the election....