LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "everyone working on tonight" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "everyone working on tonight is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tw2113]i'm kind of glad i don't rely on subscribed to RSS feeds for announcements with short timeframes, I typically don't check my non-work feeds till evenings
[tantek], markopasha, swentel, gRegorLove, kiryin, KartikPrabhu, dckc, swentie and [Murray] joined the channel
ZegnatFrom the interactions with Chris’ tweet I found 1 more person doing it. Sad that Chris does not do it himself, when he wrote about it on a blog called Email is Good
[chrisaldrich]For people moving away from platforms like Facebook, RSS/email newsletters with email reply capability lowers the barrier for friends and family without their own websites to interact with those that do: Subscribe to a site via various means and use email to comment seems like an interesting thing to support.
[chrisaldrich]I ran across a small group of people the other day adding additional information in their feeds that wasn't in the original online content, sort of Easter egg content that privileged feed readers.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "coaching" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "coaching is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiA consultant is someone you can hire to help complete specific projects; there are a few consultants in the IndieWeb community that have experience helping people setup and maintain their own sites, and are available to help you do the same; details inside https://indieweb.org/consulting
LoqiAn apprentice, in the context of the indieweb, is an IndieWebCamp participant who has not yet setup a personal domain with IndieAuth, but is passionate about owning their identity & data on the web and dedicated to doing so, with the help of a creator https://indieweb.org/apprentice
[jgmac1106]kinda want to expand this page and talk about how your first customer becomes your most expensive customer as databases and code changes lead to a lifetime of bespoke coding and often the only churn you want are your platinum-level customers https://indieweb.org/platinum-level_customer_support
leg, seekr and [snarfed] joined the channel; leg left the channel
[michael_lewis]Hello again. Finally got my a-bit-more-ambitious-than-I-originally-anticipated lockdown side project into a state where I can show a small number of other people.
[michael_lewis]It's a search engine dedicated to searching personal and independent websites, and which promotes results without adverts. Plus you can access your indexed data via a REST API, so you should be able to add a search box to your own site quite easily (although this isn't one of the things I've tested yet).
[michael_lewis]It should be easy to index your site if you have IndieAuth setup (using indielogin.com at the moment - thanks aaronpk - but I know I should setup up my own implementation).
[snarfed][michael_lewis] interesting! do you have any more details on the stack? elastic? something else? how often do you recrawl? any plans to support websub? etc
[michael_lewis]I've got a draft article all about the tech stack - hope to publish on my site over the weekend. But in short, search is Apache Solr, indexing is via Scrapy, back end if Python Flask, there's a small Postgres DB for confir, and hosting is on AWS.
[michael_lewis]I currently recrawl every 4 days, and limit indexing to 200 pages, but those are just arbitrary numbers to stop the index getting too big, and I may change.
[snarfed]i know you mention on https://searchmysite.net/pages/about/ that you want the site owner to verify first that they want their site indexed, but you may want to reconsider that, since it's going to severely limit your index size, which will severely limit how useful it is
[snarfed](also robots.txt arguably already covers that, since site owners can still use to explicitly include/exclude your search engine by its user agent)
[snarfed]oh and you'll probably want to consider bumping up the 200 pages per site limit, as you mentioned. indieweb sites are often bigger than that, especially since they often include likes, replies, etc. eg my site has ~11.5k pages, and it's probably in the middle of the range for this community
[manton][michael_lewis] This is cool! I think there’s a lot of potential here. The fact that you have an API reminds me a little of a service I made a handful of years ago called Searchpath… I had to shut it down and have wished for something similar to pop up.
[michael_lewis][jgmac1106] I guess I'm used to old school longform blogging, not this newfangled microblogging:-) So might need some kind of filters. Customisable filters is a good idea. I'll need to look at these sites and indexed more.
[michael_lewis]Thanks [Murray]. You've given me an idea for a more fair random page - instead of picking one page from the entire collection, pick a random domain from the entire collection and then a random page from that domain, so everyone gets the same chance.
[michael_lewis]Thanks for the graph [snarfed]. Looks like 500 to 800 pages would provide complete coverage for over half the sites. I've increased the limit from 200 to 400 for now (will take effect for already indexed sites on their next reindex), although will need to look at how this affects index time etc.
[michael_lewis]Sounds like I definitely need to take more of a look at these sites with all the micro posts and work out how best to handle them in a search.