#indieweb 2020-07-22
2020-07-22 UTC
kensp and [tantek] joined the channel
prologic Heh twtxt.net (and its software) is kind of taking off :) Good! š
prologic Cloudflare tells me its getting about ~10k hits/day now
prologic and growing
prologic You want to import your twtxt posts from another place?
prologic and affectively merge them into one place?
Loqi POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with permashortlinks back to the original on your site https://indieweb.org/POSSE

prologic aaronpk participate? Yes
prologic But as you know twtxt is "decentralised"
prologic So either host your own twtxt feed somewhere
prologic Or run a twtxt instance yourself on your own domain/hardware
aaronpk looking at https://indieweb.org/twtxt

prologic I can publish binaries if that helps and even docker images
prologic software is pretty easy to run
prologic requires zero configuration
prologic No you do not :)
prologic But that's what powers https://twtxt.net :)
prologic You only need to host a twtxt.txt file :)
prologic That was the whole point of twtxt; I'm just making it eaier/convenient for the "masses"
prologic No.
prologic Its a full-featured client
prologic a "hosted" client
prologic https://feeds.twtxt.net/ is an RSS/Atom -> twtxt feed aggregator
prologic Yes you can.
prologic Are they available in RSS/Atom form?
prologic Then show them into feeds.twtxt.net
prologic give it a name
prologic and it'll appear in https://twtxt.net/feeds on the next update (~15m)
prologic Then others on this instance can discover your RSS/Atom feed via twtxt
prologic which also makes your blog available to other twtxt clients too
prologic sorry jacky got side tracked with aaronpk :)
prologic Yes I'm familiar with POSE
prologic And it seems you actually want to migrate/import a twtxt feed to twtxt.net?
prologic I was thinking about this myself as I've mvoed my own feed around a few times already
prologic and it would be nice to "import" it and merge my multiple personas into one place
prologic I started out with my twtxt feed at https://prologic.github.io/twtxt.txt
prologic See the last/final post :)
aaronpk i guess what i'm confused about is what am i looking at on https://twtxt.net? where are those posts coming from?

prologic [11:10:51] <@aaronpk> do you have a microformats or jsonfeed converter? <-- Just https://feeds.twtxt.net at the which consumes RSS/Atom and produces twtxt
prologic Ahh aaronpk those posts are from taht instance alone
prologic a "global timeline" of that one instance
prologic Logged in users see what they follow/subscribe to/etc
prologic So yes its an aggregator if you will
prologic I don't actually know how many sources of feeds the backend is fetching right now, but my own account I'm following over ~90 feeds
prologic aaronpk yes
prologic or subscribe via an intermediary feed with feeds.twtxt.net
prologic feeds.twtxt.net bridges RSS/Atom -> twtxt (one way of coruse)
prologic might be good to bridge to other micro-formats too perhaps but I know so little about how micro.pub works
prologic aaronpk correct
prologic isn't that what a "client" is :)
prologic its a client + host/server
prologic FWIW I didn't come up with the twtxt spec :)
prologic bucket did over in #twtxt
prologic I just (late to the party) decided to try to attempt to revitalise the twtxt community and create this self-hosted client/server for the masses :)
prologic its not hard to be an expert in a plain text file format that is basically:
prologic <date>\t<text>\n
prologic :D
prologic aaronpk it is that too :)
prologic under the hood twtxt.net (and the software) actually uses plain text twtxt.txt files :)
prologic the rest of what you see is "sugar" on top :)
prologic no :)
prologic you can link to phltos :)
prologic at least on this client you can!
prologic or rather the Markdown render will render them :)
prologic But yes @mentions and linking to individual posts is quite hard
prologic since the twtxt spec is quite open and lax
prologic and users in the wild could modify their own feed
prologic i.e: its not immutable so you can't make very many guarantees around the lines or the hashability of the lines
prologic Know Markdown? no :)
prologic you know as well as I do that if you just spew text
prologic it'll just look like text :P
prologic aaronpk only a little bit
prologic I'm somewhat familiar with micro.pub
prologic and actually used it a fair bit over at https://prologicblog/
prologic Also ActivityPub (but only scratched the surface there)
prologic But I'm an old(ish) UNIX nerd; so building things around plain text files really attracted me to this :D
aaronpk if you're interested, i have two blog posts that talk about the architecture https://aaronparecki.com/2018/04/20/46/indieweb-reader-my-new-home-on-the-internet https://aaronparecki.com/2018/03/12/17/building-an-indieweb-reader

prologic I see
prologic I'll have a read for sure
prologic There are a few things I like about some of the things I've found that were developed in the IndieWeb
prologic like for example IndieAuth
prologic which I want to build support for in twtxt.net
prologic correct
prologic But your feed would live on twtxt.net
prologic But I don't think you'd have a problem with that right?
prologic Yes the other way around (twtxt.net making posts to your webstie) I'm not sure on :)
prologic I'll read your blog posts on this though
prologic *nods*
prologic I totally understand
prologic that's why I built twtxt.net in the first place
prologic my content lives on my ifnra :)
prologic I actually want people to spin up their own instances
prologic I'd even consider putting a cap on user registration
prologic or disabling it at some point :)
prologic (which is a feature)
prologic *nods*
prologic This will be much easier to do at some point when you can offer "hosted instances for a fee"
prologic if you have the technical experience, do it yourself :)
prologic If you don't, pay a cup of coffee a month to have one :)
prologic *nods*
prologic absolutely agree
prologic I still have much work to do before that's ready
prologic But if anyone here is interested in spinning up their own instance of twtxt.net and work with me that would be helpful; I'm sure there are quirks/bugs/etc :)
prologic or nuances that are not obvious
prologic [tantek] tbh I don't right now know what other protocols would be suitable for interop
prologic But your statement is right; I agree
prologic Open to idea though; like should the software know how to use the micro.pub protocol?
prologic I don't know :)
prologic Yeah good question; I don't actualyl know
prologic I have to go read the micro.pub spec again to see what's possibke
jjuran joined the channel
prologic Existing features? none. They all work I know they do :)
prologic But as aaronpk points out it would be nice to say be able to login with your own indieauth identity
prologic But that has to be built as a new feature :)
prologic It _might_ be nice if you could post to your twtxt.net account via micro.pub maybe?
jjuran joined the channel
yanahx07 joined the channel
prologic Is @<mention>'ing a user on another micro.pub compatible instance (say micro.pub itself) a thing?
prologic Or say a Mastadon user?
prologic That could be useful I suppose, not sure how this would work the other way around though is my only worry
Loqi A mention is a post which links to another post without explicitly being in response to it https://indieweb.org/mention

jacky would it be a /person-tag

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "at mention" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "at mention is ____", a sentence describing the term)

wolftune joined the channel
prologic Yeah like I keep saying; I don't know (yet)
prologic These are all good questions and good ideas
prologic You can read about some of the discussions back in ~2016 on https://github.com/bucket/twtxt as well'
prologic things like @mentions discoverability, etc
prologic I will in time try to solve (even if partially) some of them here and at the same time figure out how to interop with more indieweb "things"
cambridgeport90[ I think the thing is that we need more simpler ways of doing person-tags.[tw2113]:
[tantek] joined the channel
cambridgeport90[ I need to join that channel. And no, you weren't. I haven't yet figured the equivalent mention syntax when joining the network via Matrix.
reidjs joined the channel
reidjs hello
reidjs i'm trying to set up a micropub on my nginx webserver, but when I try to auth through iA Writer I keep getting an "IndieAuth Not Found" error, despite having all the relevant indieweb links in my index.html <head>
jacky cambridgeport90[: there's info on that at https://indieweb.org/discuss

reidjs i was able to auth w/ indieweb.org & quill, so maybe it's an issue w/ iA writer??
reidjs reidjs.tech
wolftune, [manton] and [tantek] joined the channel
Loqi person mention is a homepage webmention sent to a person's homepage https://indieweb.org/person-mention

gRegorLove joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "I WRiter" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "I WRiter is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Loqi iA Writer is a markdown-based writing application focused on simple and distraction-free writing, which also supports the Micropub standard for publishing to numerous services, and specifically to WordPress servers, Medium, and Ghost https://indieweb.org/iA_Writer

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Summer[m] Would I be welcome as an observer on the Micropub pop ups - https://indieweb.org/2020/Pop-ups/Micropub? I've only just started developing a Micropub client and am afraid don't have the time so pitch in with more.
Summer[m] * Would I be welcome as an observer on the Micropub pop ups - https://indieweb.org/2020/Pop-ups/Micropub? I've only just started developing a Micropub client and am afraid don't have the time to pitch in.
Summer[m] * Would I be welcome as an observer on the Micropub pop ups - https://indieweb.org/2020/Pop-ups/Micropub? I've only just started developing a Micropub client and am afraid don't have the time to pitch in with solutions and such.
Summer[m] * Would I be welcome as an observer on the Micropub pop ups - https://indieweb.org/2020/Pop-ups/Micropub? I've only just started developing a Micropub client and am afraid don't have the time to pitch in with solutions and such to any open issues.
Summer[m] Ohh whoops. Thanks for the note. I didn't know this.
wolftune joined the channel
jeremy, jalcine[m], swentel, markopasha, ketudb, prologic and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Guest73313 Good morning IndieWeb
Guest73313 Oh noes.
Guest73313 It is, but I can't seem to get nickserve to recognise me.
Guest73313 Trying again from scratch.
jeremycherfas Hopeless. My normal voodoo is not working today.

jeremycherfas Oh! Well, that's a surprise. I guess it is working. Ah well ...

KartikPrabhu and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Loqi Nickserv is an IRC service that allows registering and protecting your nickname https://indieweb.org/Nickserv

dckc joined the channel
jeremycherfas I did, locally, but the messages I get back are confusing to say the least. And I have no idea how to remove all the various guest identities from my client (Textual). I suppose I should ask in their channel.

gRegorLove, markong, markoong, KartikPrabhu, markopasha, fedorafa_, [KevinMarks], hs0ucy, cjk101010_, jmac, shakeel, jfkimmes[m], KempfCreative, benpa[m], Lohn[m], reed[m], jalcine[m], samwilson, edrex, bascht[m], alvinsj[m], Rixon, GonZo2k, Matthew[m], nekr0z, Salt[m], pioneer[m], nino_, glenn[m], freekurt, perflyst[m], kolaente, fredcy_, patcoll[m], samclarke[m], AliRezaHayati[m], mxuribe[m], Summer[m], JK_na, pauho[m], crowdhailer, benpa[m]1, plindner[m], paulopinto[m], jamietanna[m], pfefferle[m], davidized[m], sud0x3[m], hobbsy[m], OberstKrueger[m], kir0ul, cambridgeport90[, aveltens[m], [jgmac1106], yanahx07, ndegruchy, dckc, [manton], PetriBot, wolftune, [schmarty], [grantcodes], [Ana_Rodrigues], KempfCreative1, jeremych_ and [calumryan] joined the channel; fedorafa_ and plindner[m] left the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Adding Webmentions to My Static Hugo Site" https://anaulin.org/blog/adding-webmentions/

[fluffy] joined the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues] Thanks for joining us!
[tantek], [KevinMarks], yanahx07, jjuran, kensp, [mapkyca], [calumryan] and [michael_lewis] joined the channel
[michael_lewis] [Ana_Rodrigues] Yes, thanks for organising - good to put faces and voices to names
PetriBot, kensp and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Agreed. [Ana_Rodrigues]++

gRegorLove, plutes, wolftune, [snarfed], [schmarty], markoong, KartikPrabhu, lahacker, shoesNsocks and [tantek] joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: https://domains.eduhack.eu/ (from https://boffosocko.com/2020/07/22/55773985/)

anotheryou joined the channel