[tb]Woo, finally owning my shortlinks! Added a tracker-free link service to Singulus tonight and all my posts automatically get a link now at thb.pub https://tonyburns.net/notes/935893/
kensp, KartikPrabhu, markopasha, swentel, andersju, dckc, KempfCreative, rEnr3n, rMdes8, markoong, gxt, hs0ucy, anotheryou, [KevinMarks], rMdes, KempfCreative1 and Kappa joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
LoqiMarginalia are responses to parts of a post, rather than posts as a whole; they are typically published (on another site) with a fragmention link to the specific part (like a paragraph), notified via Webmention, and displayed on the post adjacent to the referenced part (like sidebar comments next to paragraphs) https://indieweb.org/marginalia
[KevinMarks]Well, it is an intrinsically difficult problem, even twitter who have all the comments in the same database find it hard to represent the branching graph of linked comments
LoqiSWAT0 is an abbreviation for The Social Web Acid Test level 0, a user-feature interoperability test for social web functionality defined on 2010-07-18 at FSWS2010, and most recently demonstrated passing with IndieWeb examples live at IndieWebCamp 2015 https://indieweb.org/SWAT0
[chrisaldrich]Kappa, what platform is your website built upon? I ask because WordPress can do threaded replies with webmention via its comment areas, particularly if you have the proper mark up within your theme.
[chrisaldrich]Kappa, why not write your reply to B directly within your comments section on the same post as A? With the proper mark up, you can then send the mention back to B directly from there with a link like https://www.kappawingman.com/posts/siteinfo/2020/03/28/first-post/#wm-reply-to-B. If B chooses to reply either in-line on their site or not, it shouldn't matter and you can have the threaded reply and proper contextualization on your site.
[chrisaldrich]I'll mention that this should work out of the box for WordPress websites out of the box with Webmention and the Semantic Linkbacks plugins set up.
[chrisaldrich]I particularly like the fact that I can use my dashboard to quickly write replies to replies directly from that UI without needing to create separate posts and break the flow of the conversation (or losing the context).
[chrisaldrich]It does take a bit of thinking to get the small pieces right on mark up, but it works out well because of the modularity. It also doesn't require getting into the heavier weeds of things like salmentions.