LoqiIndieWeb Examples is a common section of many IndieWeb wiki pages that lists IndieWeb community members (and sometimes others) who have implemented a particular feature or technology, or who actively use it, on their personal site https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_Examples
[tw2113][gRegorLove] are there any special/unique headers sent with the requests from indiebookclub ? Trying to think of how to separate out some incoming requests for my micropub endpoint
KempfCreative, awolf, sp1ff, rEnr3n, nickodd, [tb], rmdes, [schmarty], [tantek], Lands_, Lands, seekr and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel; prologic left the channel
vika_nezrimayaQuestion about licensing. Should I use CC-BY or CC-BY-SA (Share-Alike)? What could trigger a Share-Alike clause in an IndieWeb context? (I'm not expecting a fully-qualified law interpretation of the license, but rather non-normative advice)
vika_nezrimayaFor example, if someone replies to my post and includes a citation, should that be Share-Alike or is it considered fair use and exempt? (since AFAIK fair use is exempt from licensing according to most copyright laws)
chrisaldrichI'm noticing that a useful side benefit of the way I've set this (https://boffosocko.com/2020/06/30/syndicating-my-indieweb-wiki-edits-to-my-personal-website/) up is that I'm also getting notifications in my website any time anyone edits a page with my name on it as well. This makes up for the fact that I'm not getting emails from the wiki directly anytime someone is editing a page I'm interested in, which has a high overlap with the pages I've
chrisaldrichvika_nezrimaya I think that for the majority of uses of (short) reply contexts on websites in replies back and forth with webmention they would fall under the auspices of fair use (at least in the United States) regardless of any explicit licenses.
[chrisaldrich]Of course this also pulls out another layer of [schmarty]'s recent Webmention article too... Many (most) of us are adding the idea of microformats parsing onto our webmentions to show contexts and others' replies on our sites without real regard of licensing of content. To a broad extent, we're all relying on the idea of community norms as well as fair use to do this.
[chrisaldrich]In Marty's framing of the difference in the idea of notifications versus the presentation layer that is added on with microformats, some may presume that showing the content is part of the default definition of what a webmention is when really, it's just the receipt of the notification.
[chrisaldrich]I'm not aware of anyone doing it, but presumably if one had a properly marked up and restrictive license on one's reply the receiving website could recognize it and either not show the reply visibly on the page or show a smaller excerpt of it along with the link back and a copy of the license.
Loqilicense is terms under which you are allowed to (re)use a piece of work; in the context of the IndieWeb, for source code such as in open source projects, or content, like the IndieWeb wiki itself which has a specific Copyright https://indieweb.org/license