2020-09-05 UTC
opal, jonnybarnes, JohnBeales, [Murray], toupain, wolftune, pschmehl, [chrisaldrich], shoesNsocks1, KempfCreative, shoesNsocks, kensp, gxt__ and [chrisaldrich]1 joined the channel
# 03:04 GWG He missed the_content_rss which would only add it to the RSS content
wolftune, jgee and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 04:03 [chrisaldrich] GWG is it appearing somewhere else that I'm missing? I've been considering something like that lately too in addition to playing around with the RSS Club stuff (n.b. I didn't talk about RSS Club just then...)
# 04:03 GWG No, it is just a more optimized way of doing it.
# 04:04 GWG [chrisaldrich]: By the way, tomorrow?
# 04:05 [chrisaldrich] where would you put that snippet in, then? And would it also tweak the portion out of atom feeds which might also want it?
# 04:06 GWG Well, the_content_rss covers all feeds, even atom. If you want something more granular...
# 04:06 [chrisaldrich] I've put some notes into our document. I was thinking we should talk about micro.blog a bit in general if that's okay with you.
# 04:06 GWG He wants to eat around noon Eastern, so either 11 or 1 my time
jonnybarnes, nickodd and avalos_ joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
[tw2113], jonnybarnes, KartikPrabhu, dckc, JohnBeales, [James_Gallaghe], kensp, [LewisCowles], [Murray], [Chaitanya], dhanesh95, dhanesh95_, toupain, wolftune and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
nickodd, [James_Gallaghe], XgF, JohnBeales and KempfCreative joined the channel
# 15:53 [James_Gallaghe] Morning, Zegnat!
shoesNsocks and JohnBeales joined the channel
# 15:55 Zegnat How is the IndieWeb and its residence doing this weekend? :)
# 15:55 GWG wants to live in the IndieWeb house
# 15:56 Zegnat Would that be like a TikTok or Streamer house?
shoesNsocks1, jonnybarnes, KartikPrabhu and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 16:42 hirusi[m] What is domain of one's own
# 16:43 hirusi[m] * What is domain of one's own?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 16:47 Loqi A Domain of One's Own (or DoOO) started as a project at University of Mary Washington that allows students, faculty, and staff to register their own domain name and associate it with a hosted web space, free of charge https://indieweb.org/DoOO
wolftune, jonnybarnes, KempfCreative, toupain, bltavares_, swentel, toupain1, BigShip and [tantek] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
# 21:09 [tantek] GWG, the IndieWeb does have a home ................. page
kensp, avalos_ and [fluffy] joined the channel
[Rose] and wolftune joined the channel
JohnBeales, jonnybarnes, KartikPrabhu, toupain and avalos_ joined the channel