a_chou, avalos_, jonnybarnes, wolftune, willnorris, jbove, avalos, avalos__, rEnr3n, KartikPrabhu, PetriBot, [chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas], nickodd, kensp, thelounge24478, [LewisCowles], [Rose], [fluffy], dhanesh95 and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
#[James_Gallaghe]Is it just me or is the “confirm email address” feature not working?
[fluffy], dhanesh95, djmoch, IWSlackGateway, crowdhailer, krjst, oodani, [Ana_Rodrigues], jonnybarnes, [Rose], leg, KartikPrabhu, [Will_Monroe], bltavares_ and [tantek] joined the channel; leg left the channel
#[tantek]Pretty sure the email feature as a whole is disabled
#[tantek]Maybe we can troubleshoot in #indieweb-meta
[James_Gallaghe], jonnybarnes, wolftune, yar, nickodd, [tantek] and toupain1 joined the channel
#hirusi[m]Is there any existing resource on... people using the IndieWeb to, err... spread hate? I'm intentionally being vague
#hirusi[m]Is there a viewpoint on this? An official stand?
jonnybarnes and BigShip joined the channel
#Zegnathirusi[m]: I am certain there are people who have their own domains and host their own websites and write things that would generally be against our CoC. So they may not be super welcome within the IndieWeb community channels and events. Whether that still makes them part of the IndieWeb I guess is up to definitions of IndieWeb.
#[tantek]lol, without a citation of what they evaluate as good vs evil that will be applied for both
#[tantek]everyone is the (good) hero of their own narrative
#ZegnatIt is literally just that one line in their license. Means very little. But has lead to some interesting open-source debates. I might collect some more of them on /JSON if I remember any specific ones.
#sknebelI think the most famous bit about that is that IBM lawyers asked for (and received) an exception to that clause
#ZegnatI know PHP had a discussion. Debian too, maybe? Sure has had some interesting outfall
#ZegnatThere was also the ethical license thing that came by last week. Might have been jacky who linked it
#Zegnatpetermolnar: another one that you may have thought of though not specifically anti-evil and going slightly more for defining what it believes to be evil https://anticapitalist.software/