#indieweb 2020-09-07

2020-09-07 UTC
[KevinMarks], toupain, cambridgeport90, bltavares_, KartikPrabhu, wolftune, rEnr3n, jonnybarnes, fauno_ and [tantek] joined the channel
does anyone have experience with LinkedIn "groups"? or what they're useful for?
apparently while away from LinkedIn (of course it has DMs now), I was made the manager of the "microformats" group there. I have no idea what to do with it
WTF why does LinkedIn look like Twitter now. What happened?
wolftune and [tw2113] joined the channel
[tantek] have you seen the newest facebook yet?
[chrisaldrich] and [fluffy] joined the channel
yeah linkedin is trying really hard to be a Very Social Network and it’s annoying. Especially with the mobile app, where at least it lets you disable categories of notifications based on not wanting to see particular things. I only even have the app installed because I know *one person* who insists on communicating that way.
But soon he’ll be a coworker and we’ll move to Slack, I hope.
every now and then i log in to linkedin and clear out network connection requests
i've been at my current employer for 8 years, a web development agency
in this industry, 8 is actually pretty impressive
have not seen the "newest" FB as most of my access there (about once a week?) is on mobile web
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
is anyone here a big fan of LinkedIn?
treora joined the channel
[tantek] slightly modified because i want to hide some UI, but you get the general gist with https://cloudup.com/cgecwCNCG08
beko joined the channel
it does offer light/dark options, but the UI will be generally the same
nickodd joined the channel
before too long, i'm going to get confused between twitter and facebook
"crap! which did I post to?"
[tw2113]: just make twitbook which automagically posts to both at the same time :)
jonnybarnes joined the channel
i used to be able to tweet and have it cross post to FB but that went the way of the dodo bird
I used to be able to post to my website which then copied the post to Twitter and Facebook but Facebook shut that down
aaronpk: what do you use to track your sleep btw
a_chou joined the channel
What is sleep?
sleep is a passive metrics post type that indicates how much time (and often a graph of how deeply) a person has slept https://indieweb.org/sleep
Batzy, his example and some details are on that link ^^
ah got it, ty
aaronpk++ for documenting his site, and for revealing it with simple questions in chat Loqi++
Loqi has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
aaronpk has 38 karma in this channel over the last year (248 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas], jonnybarnes, [LewisCowles], cweiske, fauno_, markopasha, Batzy, swentel, [James_Gallaghe] and [Murray] joined the channel
!tell [tantek] on LI groups: understand them? Vaguely. Have used them for work? Yeah, a fair bit. They tend to be one of two things: either private message boards (often invite only), kind of pseudo-networking rings within the larger networking context of LI; or (for things like microformats) public noticeboards centred around a specific topic. For that last one, people tend to follow them to discuss things, share interesting articles, and even
helps 😄 (sorry for wall of text).
Slack channels etc. quite a bit. In tech, particularly for Junior-Mid level developers, they're a great outreach platform, but they mainly work in more social-centred career spaces, like HR, events, etc. I know someone who runs a wedding business and manages the largest relevant group on the platform, it's a major source of income for her at this point (or was pre-COVID, haven't really kept track on what's changed in the last 3-4 months). Hope that
seek help. I'm a member of a few London-based ones around the React and Ruby community as part of SM outreach for my last job, but I rarely dip into them. Mainly, I interact with posts that the admins "promote", which sends a notification to anyone subscribed to the group. Those tend to be informative, often blog posts outside of the platform, from what I've seen. They also help promote off-site or community endeavours, like conferences, meetups,
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Batzy, KartikPrabhu, bltavares_, kensp, jonnybarnes and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
LinkedIn groups aren't very groupy almost all of them seem one way broadcasting of content marketing material
jonnybarnes and [Murray] joined the channel
For public groups I'd definitely agree, particularly as the topics get broader. But for networking rings they are incredibly chatty. I know there are a couple of groups in London which people/companies go to extreme lengths to get invites to because of the information shared on them and discussions had.
(I am, of course, far too lowly to get anywhere near them 😄)
Batzy, shoesNsocks, kolaente_, schmudde, fauno_ and toupain joined the channel
Hello. Trying some Indieweb stuff. Things are working. But I have a fundamental question.
I added webmention.io and indieauth.com links to my website.
But I don't really understand the fundamental difference between the technologies.
1) It looks like indieauth.com does not accept Twitter as an authentication server. But it does accept GitHub. Is there a reason for this?
Batzy joined the channel
2) Indieauth does have a token_endpoint. Is this token only used for pub and not sub? I have not done anything with publications yet.
[James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
what is webmention
You can ask Loqi, the IndieWeb bot, for more information:
IndieAuth lets you authenticate to web services (like the IndieWeb wiki) using your domain name or the services to which you link. Webmention, on the other hand, is a way to have conversations across different sites.
Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/Webmention
But I have used IndieAuth to configure Monocole/Aperature. In theory, this is just Indieauth and I'm not using the token, correct?
Thanks [James_Gallaghe]
I think twitter relme support was removed at some point due to changes of the twitter site
I'm logged into the IndieWeb wiki. In theory, if I'm just subscribing to services using a Microsub, I could just be using Indieauth, correct?
I see. I like all these various ways of authentication. The plurality is relaly smart.
what is indieauth
IndieAuth is a federated login protocol for Web sign-in, enabling users to use their own domain to sign in to other sites and services https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth
what is micropub
Micropub is an open API standard (W3C Recommendation) for creating, editing, and deleting posts on websites, like on your own domain, supported by numerous third-party clients and CMSs https://indieweb.org/Micropub
Okay. That helps. Micropub is *not* for "publishing comments." Micropub is for publishing posts whereas Webmentions will always be threaded from some originating post.
It really helps to talk this out. Appreciated.
Yeah. Happy to help!
Webmentions are mainly for comments / likes / responding to posts. Micropub lets you submit and edit posts to your own website.
markopas1 joined the channel
Ah okay. I understand the difference, but I think I have trouble separating them because Webmentions can also appear on my own website. So the best order of operations is to get my Micropub working (either on my site or on something like Microblog - probably the former) and then get my Webmetions working?
It depends on your goals. If you just want to show comments and reactions that other people have to your content on your site, you only need Webmentions. If you want to post content to your site, you’ll need Micropub.
But, say, if you are developing a static site, you don’t need Micropub because all your content would live in static files.
nickodd and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Murray one difference between LinkedIn and Twitter... Twitter hasn't broken down and turned DMs into a drip campaign channel
great. Yeah, I'm starting with a static site. That makes sense.
wolftune and [Murray] joined the channel
jgmac1106 to be fair, that hasn't been my experience on LI. I don't particularly like the platform (a _lot_ of functionality is just broken, for starts), but at least it clearly demarcates adverts in my timeline, unlike Twitter 😄
@schmudde: just because I know this tripped me up for a while, two things to consider. 1) you don't "need" any parts of IndieWeb tech at all, they all work (pretty much) without each other, so order isn't that important, although 2) probably the most useful within the community is IndieAuth, just because so many services use it to allow access, but this is *different* to IndieAuth.com (the service). You might want to look at indielogin.com for a
different approach to IndieAuth (like I said, confusing :thumbsup:). Sorry if you've already worked that stuff out too 😉
No, it all helps [Murray]. I've been a bit confused at times. I'll record my particular order and post it as a Getting Started. But you raise a very important point - a federated technology probably doesn't have a linear adoption path.
jonnybarnes and wolftune joined the channel
I agree. With the IndieWeb, you can take everything at your own pace.
Really, after you’ve set up a domain name and a site, it’s up to you what order you do things in. I’ve set up Webmentions on my site but only on certain pages. I’ve probably skipped a few steps on the “Getting Started” guide because they don’t apply to me. It’s all about doing what matters most to you.
toupain, wolftune, a_chou, schmudde, [jeremycherfas], jonnybarnes, [fluffy], anotheryou, swentel and [snarfed] joined the channel
jamesgoca++ personal site on your own domain, and posting on it, are the only truly key parts of indieweb. the rest is gravy
jamesgoca has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
jonnybarnes, shoesNsocks1, [tantek], jamietanna, Hory, ndegruchy, avalos_, KartikPrabhu, [schmarty], [Emma_Humphries], [chrisaldrich], [tw2113], schmudde and ArjunAa joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Hello! We were discussing about identity proofs a while ago, in this channel.
I mentioned an alternative to Keybase and Keys.pub, but I didn't remember the name.
Well, I found it: https://keyoxide.org/
ndegruchy, wolftune, jeremy, kensp, [Murray], jonnybarnes, yanahx07, [tantek] and gRegorLove joined the channel
Howdy, indieweb