[chrisaldrich]I was randomly going down an internet rabbithole when I ran across an lovely little nature site at http://johnwalters.co.uk/. I was thinking "This is exactly the sort of site that makes me love the IndieWeb." I scrolled down to the bottom to find that it was designed by WaterPigs.co.uk. What a small world... Thanks barnabywalters++
[chrisaldrich]mayakate[m], that's definitely a design pattern (and resource) that could be added to the wiki. Could you include them if you have a chance?
LoqiRelated Reading or related posts or related content is a discovery feature of some blogging silos (like Medium, Wordpress.com) where at the end of a blog post, the system suggests another deemed-likely-interesting-to-you given your assumed interest in the topic that you just read about https://indieweb.org/related_reading
mayakate[m]My real goal is to make it so it can pull from an OPML file since I think it's cool when people publish those as blogrolls, so if anyone has any self-contained JS resources that can handle that, I'm also over in the dev chat.
[chrisaldrich]mayakate[m] what would you pull that data from an OPML file for? To import into a microsub reader? other? I'm interested in other use cases.
mayakate[m]Well, because OPML can be made [readable](https://zylstra.org/opml/tonzylstra.opml) with styling, I want to have that hosted on my site anyway. Right now I have a small list of RSS urls that I use as sources for those posts at the bottom. What I'd like is to make it so that my script can notice if there's overlap between tags on the post and categories in an OPML file and then randomly select *only from that category*
[chrisaldrich]Usually the OPML files are others' feeds/data and not yours. So you're trying to highlight content from other peoples' sites in your related reading section? Most I've seen only highlight the posts on the author's site....
[chrisaldrich]I suppose if i had better author fidelity in my /read posts I could populate my related reading based on either those authors, their publications, and/or the related tags
[chrisaldrich]Mostly I'm trying to figure out how mayakate[m] is potentially using it as a discovery feature other than the more straight away concept of "here's a bunch of sites/feeds that you can import into your reader" and the use of tags to populate a related reading section.
[chrisaldrich]Without aggregating lots of data, I'm curious how one might do a broader related reading section with content on other sites. So for example, if you're reading a post on my site about IndieWeb, I could recommend recent posts from news.indieweb.org that might have similar tags...
mayakate[m]<[chrisaldrich] "Usually the OPML files are other"> Yes, other people's sites; I saw Drew Devault doing it and liked it. It's a bit like a webring in spirit except a. no one is linking back to me (sigh) and b. I'm offering a (random) specific article to my visitor, not an overall site
[chrisaldrich]Since I post and keep all of my /read posts on my site with tags, my system is generally also pulling from other author's work besides just my own, so that is at least a subset of a larger aggregation problem that I'm sort of getting for "free".
[chrisaldrich]I suppose looked at from another way, the fact that I'm willing to post links to others' works on my site that I've already read means that I'm also filtering out a lot of potentially harmful content that might come from a larger aggregator. So presumably if you're willing to trust me and what I post, you might also be interested in the posts and content that I'm interested in, and trust me to filter/moderate out anything outside of my tastes
[chrisaldrich]There are some posts I read that I post privately to my back end and don't make public because I feel uncomfortable subjecting readers of my site to them.
[chrisaldrich]The signal to noise ratio for stream content like Twitter would be harmful if I posted individual reads of all of those, so I don't, but I do frequently post reads of longer/interesting Twitter threads that I come across.
[chrisaldrich]It's almost at this point that I might expect Loqi to say, "It looks like you're writing a blogpost. Would you like me to micropub your thread to your website as a draft?" or maybe "Can I post this to a brainstorming section of the wiki?"