nekr0zI've been thinking about avoiding having other people's data on my website in the same vein maya kate did, but for people-mentions. Ended up writing a little heroku app.
nekr0z parses for a representative h-card and gives a photo if one is present. I still need to add caching and some other bells and whistles, but I already have pictures showing up on my site without having to store them or explicitly link to them - yay!
willnorrisnekr0z, ruxton: it looks like the page legitimately doesn't have a representative h-card? I don't believe it's just an issue with the go library.
nekr0z[James_Gallaghe]: glad to hear! There's a lot to improve yet, though; the work isn't even half-finished.
schmudde, hasslon, NinjaTrappeur, reed[m], ciudadanob[m], jamietanna[m], cjk101010_, perflyst[m], leg, Kongaloosh_, anotheryou, KartikPrabhu and kensp joined the channel; leg left the channel
[tantek]It both resonated with me and made me question it (eg many folks only post a deliberate subset of the facets of their lives, and that doesn’t make them any less conscious)
[Sanne_Peters]I'll introduce myself. My name is Sanne (as you could have guessed) and I am from the Netherlands. I kinda got interested in the whole IndieWeb thing a couple of weeks ago. Mainly because I care a lot about personal ownership of data.
[James_Gallaghe][Ana_Rodrigues] I sort of gave up on the idea of having content when I started building my IndieWeb site. One day I think I wrote about tidying up my house. I just write about whatever comes to mind.
[James_Gallaghe]That’s the lovely part about having a personal website. Everything, from the content to the design, is yours. You set the terms. There are no real expectations.