KempfCreative, gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich], ndegruchy, sp1ff, jonnybarnes, cam, beko, jeremycherfas, Nuve, a_chou, toupain, Adrian_F, opal, awolf, nickodd, [jeremycherfas], markopasha, [James_Gallaghe], swentel and brian1 joined the channel
#petermolnarok, that Social Dilemma is worth watching, just skip the intro and start ~5 minutes.
#petermolnarfinally something that gives actual real guidelines as well in the final ~4 minutes
#petermolnaron a different note: if indienews were to receive "syndicated" salmentions (salmention of anything that's coming in on the source material) that could be used as a vote/reaction counter, reddit/digg/hn style. I'm not sure it's something worth pursuing, it was just a thought that came.
#[chrisaldrich]petermolnar, I recall correctly, I remember aaron saying that a voting mechanism was written into part of it, but just never activated...
#LoqiTantek has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (118 in all channels)
#[James_Gallaghe]Is there an IndieWeb platform where you can share movie / documentary recommendations using micropub? 😄
#[James_Gallaghe]My hesitation about The Social Dilemma is that it looks like yet another “big tech needs to change” call-to-arms. petermolnar was there anything in specific that you took away from the documentary?
#[James_Gallaghe]The trailer looks great but so do most trailers!
#[James_Gallaghe]Oh, seeing the discussion in #indieweb-chat …
schmudde, avalos, jeremycherfas and [tonz] joined the channel
#[tonz]Thinking about bringing slide decks now on Slideshare / Scribd ‘home’ to self-hosting. What would be options? Using a basic hosting package (possibly limited storage), or cloud storage (possibly hard to embed in viewer / or link to as it won’t have webaccessible URLs by default), any things between those two?
jonnybarnes, [Ana_Rodrigues], bleb, djmoch, lahacker, peterrother, [Murray], [pfefferle], toupain, qa5, kensp, jeremycherfas, anotheryou, inkjama and supercoven joined the channel
toupain, KempfCreative, jeremycherfas, jeremych_, schmudde, kensp, ndegruchy, markopasha and [Murray] joined the channel
#aaronpk[tonz]: I really want to do this too. The main challenge I see is creating a nice playback experience
#aaronpkit's trivial to export slides to a pdf and host that file myself, but that's very different from the viewing experience you get with something like speakerdeck
kensp, eneri, dckc, toupain1, [frank], [schmarty], [tb], vilhalmer, [grantcodes] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#schmuddeIs there a list of websites that support IndieAuth login? Perhaps there a wordpress webring for sites that use the plugin?
KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]exporting Google Slides to svg works I have been doing that..but the svg isn't accessible which is silly they could render the text vectors
#[jgmac1106]teachers use a bunch of third party things like peardeck and voicethread and just embed the iframes...or they use a gdoc iframe
#[jgmac1106]the big thing in the teacher crowd right now is the "hyperdoc" almost all of them made by styling tables inside of GDocs...its like the web from 1999 but stuck in Google Docs
#schmudde^^^ yikes. That description makes me hurt inside.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]that is what is considered the gold standard in k12 tech teaching schmuddle...its an update to something we used to do called webquests...way more open was the styling by tables where I find my irony
#[manton][tantek] Really like the idea of Blocktober. I was just thinking about writing something to encourage people to quit Facebook/Instagram until the election. I know some people can’t completely quit it, but they can do it for a month.
#@jgmac1106Almost all disinformation happens on nine web properties. Facebook owns four of them. Best way to fight disinformation is to quit Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Encourage family, especially older relatives, to do the same #BoycottFacebook (
#[jgmac1106]be neat if we could make a counter for people who take the Blocktober pledge or join silo-quits during Blocktober
#schmuddeI came into the conversation a little late, but I'm certainly interested in teaching on the web while avoiding content silos.
#schmuddeI'm a big fan of these markdown converters that render natively in the browser ( Seems like this would be something that could sync to a video with just a tiny amount of metadata.
[tonz] joined the channel
#[tonz][jgmac1106] which r the other 5 iyo? Twitter, and …?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#[jgmac1106][tonz] I need to search through my research but I think it was Twitter and Reddit, and the other ones can't recall will look after work
#[jgmac1106]@schmudde we worked on a course generator plugin for Known and I have a bunch of IndieWeb course templates on Glitch
#[jgmac1106]but I am an HTML person more than markdown...I am sure snowboarding is awesome but I already know how to ski...and it gets me down mountain fine
#eneriHello, I would like to set up an indie website using blogger. But I can't seem to find the h-card that is said to be in the microformats wiki. Please help
#schmudde[jgmac1106]: ah I'll take a look at your glitch.
#schmuddeeneri: I haven't used blogger. It may also be possible to put it in manually? I just put my h-card in the footer of my website:
#eneriThanks. I've read it and there's a section about cutting and paste the theme in your GitHub. Is it the code I am supposed to use?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#[tonz][aaronpk] yes, the viewing exp is a thing. For now I will go w the basic html object inclusion. First thing is withdrawing from slideshare now it merges w scribd as of sept 24th.
quite and Adrian_F joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]suprising Microsoft sold slideshare maybe they have real insights into nobody actually clicks through slides on LinkedIn
#[jgmac1106]eneri yes, unless you want a better understanding of microformats, the metadata behind all the magic, then try yourself and ask for help
#[jgmac1106]but if you copy the template you will have a proper working IndieWeb setup on Blogger
#Loqi[Manton Reece] Stop using Facebook and Instagram until November
#[manton]Didn’t call it Blocktober in case Tantek wants to make some kind of post about it first, but I can follow up then.
#[chrisaldrich][James_Gallaghe] Not micropub, but you can share movie/doc recommendations/reviews using webmention at which has a movies stub at (or you could name and create your own specific sub-stub). It's a fun little discovery service that works much like
#[chrisaldrich]For those who've been watching _The Social Dilemma_ (or designers in general), I've been reading David Dylan Thomas' book _Design for Cognitive Bias_ (A Book Apart, August 2020 which covers a lot of the pitfalls of our brains and psychology that big social media is leveraging to manipulate us. It's got lots of examples and suggestions as well as ethics for helping mitigate some of
#Loqi[[tantek]] Just suggested "Blocktober" for October as a CTA for The Social Dilemma, as in, make your October the month you Blocktober social media
#[chrisaldrich]After watching The Social Dilemma, there are some higher level philosophical reasons we probably ought to add to the IndieWeb /why page with the relevant research and links. We're missing some of the broader cultural harms we're seeing/experiencing.
#LoqiAn algorithm in general is a series of steps used to to automatically perform computations and other operations to produce a result; on the IndieWeb many standards have user-centric algorithms for peer to peer site interactions; social media silos have user-exploitative algorithms for advertising and reinforcing addictive behaviors
#aaronpkthat's cause we started this wiki before these cultural harms really started becoming apparent :-/
swentel, Nuve, jonnybarnes and [grantcodes] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]We just need to do a better job of bridging that gap. Especially now that there is better documentation in the last year or two.
[jgmac1106], KempfCreative1 and [manton] joined the channel
#[manton][tantek] Sounds good, thanks! I’ll post about this again this week and link to that chat.
nickodd left the channel
#GWG[manton]: Was just talking about you on a podcast
jonnybarnes, KartikPrabhu and [schmarty] joined the channel
#[tantek][chrisaldrich] yes and there's always going to be new things coming up that need additional documentation
#[tantek]much of the "the relevant research and links" is already on pages specific to various silos, and I started adding to /social_media as well for some more general articles
#[tantek]what we need is progressive synthesis of that "relevant research and links", first local to each of those pages, and then generalizing to /social_media and then to /why
#[chrisaldrich]There have also been articles about larger corporate data breaches of credit card data, Target purchases, and even hotel database stays as they allow large state actors (China, for example) to potentially track particular people's worldwide movements to identify potential espionage.
#[jgmac1106]said on facebook the spokeperson for Health and Human Services: "When Donald Trump refuses to stand down at the inauguration, the shooting will begin,” Caputo said. “If you carry guns, buy ammunition, ladies and gentlemen, because it’s going to be hard to get.”
#[jgmac1106]if you use facebook you support racism and undermine our democracy. Full stop
#GWG[jgmac1106]: Do you have a democracy you plan on fleeing to?
#[jgmac1106]Nah I believe things will be better 2021....I just sharing for IndieWeb value and the Social Dilemma discussion
#[jgmac1106]if you want a deep dive into my crazy thinking been posting about it instead of working all day...i need to shut off news...anger detroys productivity
#GWG[manton]: The podcast is pretty much just [chrisaldrich] and I chatting while it is recorded
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#petermolnarNot wanting to play the devil's advocate but from the perspective of likes/comments/visitors/gamification, how are we, indieweb, better, than social media? I've been there, watching the stats counters for new visitors; waiting for comments on posts to flow it, etc. I don't think the addiction part is addressed in our stack of thoughts and technology.
#aaronpkthere's no requirement to have or show comments/likes
#[tantek]petermolnar, we have actually brought this up in the past (I know I have, many years ago, when we were talking about how to make "likes" work)
#[tantek]of course it's good to keep the conversation going, however it is not a new thing
#petermolnaraaronpk: that's the other way around; there will be people not wanting to show them, and there will be those who want more of them
#[chrisaldrich]Another part of the equation is who/what is using those likes (data) and for what purpose? Sending and receiving those likes on a person to person basis isn't the worst of the harm.
#[chrisaldrich]More of the harm comes from using those to create a profile to create bigger addictions to feeds, deciding what users will see, and potentially exposing them and polarizing them to outside views they would likely never have come to themselves.
#petermolnarone doesn't exclude the other [chrisaldrich]; digital addiction existed long before manipulated feeds. Have you never had a period where you curiously checked and re-checked your mailbox for new email?
#[chrisaldrich]they definitely go hand in hand and are probably worse on younger, developing minds in the early teen years as well.
#[tantek]petermolnar, re: addiction and re-checking email, hence the term Crackberry.
#[chrisaldrich]I generally have notifications completely off and the only thing I curiously check recently is for the status of the nearby fire 2-3 times a day or when I hear continuous helicopter or airplane activity over the neighborhood.
#[tantek]^ [chrisaldrich] there's another link for you 🙂
#[chrisaldrich]to me digital addiction is an individual harm while the algorithmic polarization is a broader and far more harmful societal disease. Some physical media (newspapers, magazines, television, and film) were able to create polarization, but not at the scale of social media over the past decade.
justache joined the channel
#petermolnarwhat I'm talking about was waaaay before notifications; it's the gambling thought part: going there and re-checking, to see if you get something new.
#petermolnar[tantek]: I thought that terms was the pirated sf for blackberry.
awolf joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]that isn't just notifications I find myself doing that with just news sites as well (like today)
#[tantek]it was re-purposed for that. the "crackberry" behavior was far more longstanding and recognized, since Balckberry made it *very* easy to write, respond, and check emails. Much easier than previous UIs / devices.
#[jgmac1106]its just human...being on a platform, like your website where someone isn't profiting reduces that risk in my opnion
#[jgmac1106]it is also a number of attention vectors...when all reading and writing gets pushed through only a few channels than human nature to addiction easier to manipulate and use for evil. the facebook business model
#[jgmac1106]not too mention the friction of holistic its nature will always take more steps to "like" something the more holistic a platform is for people, again my opinion
[Chaitanya] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]someone was listening... the house just got buzzed by a low flying DC-10 and another super scooper in the past 3 minutes
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