#indieweb 2020-10-01

2020-10-01 UTC
imsky, workfrosty, avalos, gxt, wolftune, ndegruchy, [chrisaldrich] and [tantek] joined the channel
oh funny I thought that was a Loqi announcement
jessehattabaugh, wolftune, beko, nickodd, KartikPrabhu, deltab, toupain, opal, lahacker, [tantek], swentel, supercoven, seekr, [James_Gallaghe] and fLaMEd joined the channel
What is h-entry?
h-entry is the microformats2 vocabulary for marking up blog posts on web sites https://indieweb.org/h-entry
fauno, flaki_, peterrother, quite, [Ana_Rodrigues], dckc, sea_of_tranquili, locutor99, KartikPrabhu, markopasha, opal, [mapkyca], joshghent1, sebbu, jessehattabaugh_, ndegruchy, jeremych_, [Murray], avalos, KempfCreative, imsky, [tw2113], [grantcodes], lahacker, [tantek], [calumryan], swentel, [James_Gallaghe], wolftune, toupain, [schmarty], anotheryou, jamietanna, [fluffy], [sebsel] and nickodd joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
KartikPrabhu, avalos, thejeshgn and [snarfed] joined the channel
aww, sad missed opportunity for mozilla to promote indieweb: https://blog.mozilla.org/firefox/join-the-anti-establishment/
peterrother, flaki_ and quite joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Yeah, I wish they hadn’t gone all-in on promoting Medium as the Facebook alternative. But I do see the desire to promote things that are easy for others to join in on.
haha medium... easy to join in on
one of the least accessible of all the big platforms
i consider mozilla to be about as indie as chrome these days
goes to actually rtfa
I mean it’s easier than any of the indieweb platforms except maybe micro.blog 😛
good points [fluffy]++
[fluffy] has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (78 in all channels)
Really annoying thing with IFTTT Pro: I have multiple IFTTT accounts because each account can only integrate with a single silo of a given type (Twitter, Facebook page, Tumblr, etc). Of course there’s no provision for getting more than one with a Pro account and they want me to pay for separate Pro accounts for this.
Another reason to switch to Integromat.
Integromat has 1 karma over the last year
wolftune, avalos, fLaMEd, toupain, [manton] and seekr joined the channel
Is Jekyll on topic here?
wolftune joined the channel
Bitweasil: more for #indieweb-dev tbh
but within the realm of Indieweb, sure
Is it usable if one cannot manage any sort of web layout stuff?
My ability to create a layout from scratch is zero.
creating layouts is definitely more of a #indieweb-dev question
"Is it usable if I can't create a layout from scratch?" is more my question.
seekr and alvinsj[m] joined the channel
Jekyll and SSGs in general require setup & admin that relegates them to #indieweb-dev solutions
I wouldn’t call any of them “usable” from an end user perspective
[schmarty] and seekr joined the channel