#indieweb 2020-10-03

2020-10-03 UTC
KempfCreative, toupain, nickodd, wolftune, sp1ff, a_chou, KartikPrabhu, opal and bigbluehat joined the channel
Morning IndieWeb! Given the changes to Hacktoberfest, what are the thoughts about whether we'll opt our repos in? I've got a few contributions I wanted to do, but given it requires a bit more from maintainers I want to make sure that you're happy me doing them this month
ARH, peterrother, dckc and schmudde joined the channel
You need to opt in now? I am divided on the whole event and have personally never participated in it. But definitely worth discussing. Maybe an #indieweb-meta topic?
opal, supercoven, rmdes and jamietanna joined the channel
Yes, they changed it officially last night (UK time) so maintainers aren't as horribly burdened by 1000s of PRs they don't want
And sounds like a plan -> #indieweb-meta
[indienews] New post: "Checking My Webmentions Using RSS" https://jamesg.blog/2020/10/03/checking-my-webmentions-using-rss.html
NinjaTrappeur, sebbu2, KartikPrabhu, nickodd, njha, toupain, shoesNsocks1, [tantek], wolftune, KempfCreative, anarchivist, zootella, skalnik, robla, [schmarty], rknLA, karkomah, [tb] and a_chou joined the channel
omg i forgot my home page grid turns halloween colors in october
leg joined the channel
lexly, a_chou, jessehattabaugh, [tb], wolftune, leg, deltab and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; leg and nickodd left the channel
[indienews] New post: "Unsubscribing from YouTube's recommender" https://martymcgui.re/2020/10/03/unsubscribing-from-youtubes-recommender/
schmarty has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (52 in all channels)
that's so good schmarty++
[schmarty] joined the channel
thanks aaronpk! it's been in my head for so long. and like so many ownyourdata projects it is a real mess in places!
i definitely feel like i identified an appletv app worth building, though!
err "tvOS"
video-focussed feed reader?
sknebel: yep!
This is pretty close to what I do. I subscribe on YouTube because I understand subscriber numbers can be important to creators. Then I put the feed of all my subscriptions into my feed reader and only watch from there :D
KempfCreative, kolaente, shoesNsocks1, a_chou, shoesNsocks and jessehattabaugh joined the channel
Had anyone watched The Great Hack? Some interesting things in there, and a bit better than The Social Dilemma
toupain joined the channel
I would absolutely love a video reader for the tv, the youtube app is just bad in addition to being creepy
jessehattabaugh_ and a_chou joined the channel