#indieweb 2020-10-06

2020-10-06 UTC
justache, workfrosty, KempfCreative, toupain, awolf, toupain1 and [tantek] joined the channel
Yes! As a dedicated Micropub client! 😂
(I may change my own posting UI to a big button that says *( SEND TWEET )* when it's going to POSSE a note to Twitter)
toupain, [cleverdevil], nickodd and [schmarty] joined the channel
Haha that would be a fun little "interface series". Buttons labeled [That's it. That's the tweet.]
Hatch joined the channel
^ if the tweet is less than a certain number of characters yeah
then the option is there
also remembers if you've used it recently (past month? year?) and only shows up if it's been long enough since that was the tweet.
[schmarty] I think this may be how I redesign my UI once I have undo working.
*( SEND TWEET )* ---> ( SENDING TWEET ... ) ---> *( UNSEND TWEET )*
[Tim_Banks] and wolftune joined the channel
woops, a friend let an important domain of theirs lapse, buhbow!
finally someone understands how i feel about web content - "I abhor just removing sites from the web, even if it is totally unlikely anyone will ever look for it, to me, it’s incumbent as a web content creator to not rip holes in the fabric."
a_chou and peterrother joined the channel
rEnr3n, drsprite4, dopplerg-, craftyphotons_, mitchell, buirg, nyx-_-[m]1, souramoo[m]1, bigbluehat, johnridesabike[m, perflyst[m], freekurt, Kongaloosh_, alvinsj[m], jgee7, markopasha, dckc, swentel, anotheryou, rmdes, jamietanna[m], quite, flaki_, y0x3y[m], njha, Leeky, jeremych_, [James_Gallaghe], ndegruchy and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I get 231 characters since I include canonical url, like the constrain and the extra 71 characters
Google Maps just added following and social bios to Reviewers
not sure when haven't done a review, only so many times I can rate my home office...and the reviews get worse day by day
KempfCreative, [Tim_Banks], kraftbj, drsprite, [kraft], [James_Gallaghe] and [tb] joined the channel
Seems like the privacy-friendly analytics space is starting to ramp up now
There was the one [aaronpk] mentioned the other day that I can't remember the name of now
Also CloudFlare came out with something too I think
Interesting, Plausible looks nearly identical to Fathom
wonder if they picked up the code base and started offering it as a service
GoatCounter is easily self-hosted
(Also has a pay-for service, for those not wanting to self-host)
jeremych_, dckc, wolftune, [chrisaldrich], a_chou, toupain, IWSlackGateway, [tw2113_Slack_], [capjamesg], lahacker, [chrisbergr], nickodd and [manton] joined the channel
I’ve been using Plausible for the Micro.blog home page (only for people not signed in). I didn’t realize they had a self-hosted version… Also nice that it’s MIT licensed.
I’ve been using Plausible for my various websites and really digging it. I haven’t used the self hosted option though
nickodd, Pierre-O, opal and [tantek] joined the channel
<ndegruchy "GoatCounter is easily self-hoste"> Huh, I hadn't seen this before. Just signed up -- it looks like just what I wanted. Thanks for the rec! (FYI: the pay-for is for commercial use, it's free for personal... but Github matches his sponsorships so I'm chucking in a few bucks anyway)
jessehattabaugh, jessehattabaugh_, [jeremycherfas], wolftune, rMdes_4, [fluffy], rmdes and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I'm hosting HWC west coast on Wednesday -- how do I access the IWC zoom?
GWG / aaronpk / chrisaldrich
maxwelljoslyn: I will take care of the Zoom
You are set to handle the hosting duties
Oh those are split out, aren't they
My mistake, thanks GWG
They don't have to be
I usually do it for [tantek]
GWG has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (139 in all channels)
GWG has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (140 in all channels)
maxwelljoslyn has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
event stuff -> #mta
#indieweb-meta 🙂 thanks
ndegruchy, [capjamesg], [tw2113_Slack_] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[tantek]: I am fine with public feedback
I am not good at this sort of documenting, but I find if I don't, I forget later
cool. let's start with the URL / kind of post you want feedback on!
How to write a travel log is the topic
aside (literally) just noticed the sunrise and sunset times look a bit off for me (seeing 1:44am EDT, 1:51pm EDT respectively)
some immediate post impressions:
it sounds like there are images forthcoming, however it's hard to tell where. perhaps some sort of image placeholder / emoji would help as a hint that you have a photo of that spot that you're planning to upload. e.g. 🖼
would be neat if hovering over a paragraph would highlight the respective segment of the path on the map
and as such, once the map scrolls off the top, it would be nice to see it inset perhaps in the lower right or left while scrolling, kinda like some sites do with videos that are that top of a page once you scroll down
... since the route is the "primary content" of the post, it would be nice to see it visible while reading / scrolling through the entire description and narrative of what happened
once you have photos uploaded, it would be cool to see mini-icons of the photos on the map where they were taken
those are the immediate things that pop to mind
I was going to post the photos as separate posts. Because of the too long, didn't read issue
I will likely enhance it with links to photos, but I only took photos at the stops, not on the way, because I was driving
As for the hovering, haven't built that yet.
But I'll try that
fauno_ joined the channel
photos as separate posts also makes sense, which then turns the roadtrip post into a collection of a sort
and relevant
oh yeah W3C Tag Ethical Web Principles are quite good
toupain and ndegruchy joined the channel
[tantek]: I am still doing series for thwt
a_chou, [jgmac1106], seekr, leg, ndegruchy and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; leg left the channel