#indieweb 2020-10-19
2020-10-19 UTC
archwizard, reed[m], avalos, wolftune, KempfCreative, a_chou, nickodd and gRegorLove joined the channel
# gRegorLove o/ sknebel
[schmarty], swentel, markopasha, kensp, [tonz], KartikPrabhu, [chrisbergr], rEnr3n, gxt, archwizard and DigDug joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
# DigDug bows
# DigDug would you care to check out my indieweb-oriented forum?
hs0ucy joined the channel
toupain, KempfCreative, shoesNsocks, Pierre-O, anotheryou, shoesNsocks1, fauno_, jeremych_, [chrisbergr], wolftune, gRegorLove, ndegruchy and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[Emma_Humphries], KartikPrabhu, toupain, swentel and b3u joined the channel
# b3u Hi, got a question: How do I "like" an article I just read, and have it show up as a webmention?
# b3u lol. What I mean is, there doesn't seem to be a standard way to find the syndicated tweet, and like that tweet.
# b3u for example
[snarfed] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], lahacker and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# b3u What sort of post would a now page be?
# b3u I don't want to confuse it with blog posts
# b3u Huh. Are your "pages" included in an rss feed?
# b3u Isn't a now page dated? Idealy you're updating it constantly.
# [chrisaldrich] That's one of the problems with now pages. Who wants to update it constantly?
# b3u me 😊
# [chrisaldrich] I've been looking lately at generating a now page based on the N most recent Watches, Listens, Reads, etc....
# [chrisaldrich] I thought that too when I started mine b3u, but it get's pretty tedious pretty quickly
# [chrisaldrich] even doing it once a month....
# [chrisaldrich] and if you're posting all those things, you presumably have them on your site (or in a database) to draw on...
# b3u I try to update it 4 times a year.
# [chrisaldrich] good idea aaronpk, let's create a /recently movement next 😁
# [chrisaldrich] </sarcasm>
# [chrisaldrich] What is now?
# Loqi A now page is a page that tells you what a person is focused on at this point in their life https://indieweb.org/Now
# [chrisaldrich] There are a few examples and pros/cons on that page I think.
# b3u I also want to create a spotify-listening-habits page. The point is that I have a single page which is updated on a consistent basis.
# b3u It's not a collection of pages. It's a single page, but it's not an article. It's also not a note.
# b3u Ah. So how would I notify people that I updated it?
# b3u So, you think they should be separate pages if they're in a feed?
# b3u ah
# jacky a good/interesting question on the bird site https://twitter.com/shanselman/status/1318052917979410432
# @shanselman Considering removing dates from my blog and website as folks keep saying “oldie but a goodie” to 1 year old posts. Thoughts? (twitter.com/_/status/1318052917979410432)
# [chrisaldrich] what is your site built on b3u?
# [chrisaldrich] or alternately, what is your domain name?
# b3u binyam.in
# [chrisaldrich] clever URL btw
# b3u Thanks
# b3u I'm thinking of displaying it as the most recent "update", and coding it as a note with a tag.
# b3u I already have notes, and they're in a different context.
# [chrisaldrich] When I was doing them more regularly my now pages were separate pages which I archived over time and kept the static /now page which updated.
[fluffy] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] I did briefly consider doing them as notes so they'd pop up in my feed automatically and just redirecting the /now page to point to it, but figured the duplication was a bit much within the firehose of the rest of my feed.
# b3u Couldn't you have a separate feed for "now" notes, or general updates?
# [chrisaldrich] that's an option too... then people who just want the overview could subscribe to that...
# [chrisaldrich] but then you may as well go the step further and turn it into an email newsletter while you're at it.
# [chrisaldrich] or the summaries of the reviews 🙂
# [chrisaldrich] we all need more p-summary in our lives
# [chrisaldrich] I'm looking at my out of date Now page and it does remind me that it was helpful for reminding me of the things I wanted to spend time focusing on and to deter me from wasting time on things I didn't want to focus on.
# [chrisaldrich] awaits lifestack: coronavirus edition
# [chrisaldrich] historians will appreciate the list of hand sanitizers and masks you chose to use...
toupain joined the channel
# b3u Okay, I appreciate all the help here. Would you put a "how-I-made-this-site" as a page or article?
# b3u People might want that in a feed.
# Loqi A colophon is a page or section, like a footer, of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies https://indieweb.org/colophon
[schmarty] joined the channel
# [schmarty] b3u: i'd say that's a strong "depends"! many sites have a "colophon" page like aaronpk linked, which says how a site works. i am a fan of writing longer-form dated posts about new features as i add or update them.
# [schmarty] been a while since i properly wrote and tagged one up, honestly, but i have a feed of them at this tag: https://martymcgui.re/tag/site-update/
# [schmarty] agreed, aaronpk! i feel like it's appropriate to have a feed of dated posts announcing major updates to otherwise-not-in-a-feed pages.
# petermolnar aaronpk: isn't the question really how to send updates of existing content?
# [schmarty] even if just a short note like "It's been a few months but I finally updated my /now page!"
# petermolnar as in should an update (post, page, doesn't matter) re-enter the feed with the update timestamp?
# petermolnar [schmarty]: I believe I've done that in my 2002 version.
# b3u petermolnar: That would answer my question, yes.
# petermolnar re jacky: one of the responses in that thread is "I distrust content without dates". I'm tempted to link Pythagoras, or, basically, any greek philosopher.
# petermolnar aaronpk: that I understand. An example, in my opinion, would be a last.fm last month listening habits, that updates every month. It should go in the feed, BUT instead of a page, it could also just be a symlink - redirect - to the actual month page. However, /now is a different beast - given the nature, I wouldn't put in a feed either, unless it's interval based, but then it's not /now, is it?
# petermolnar (plumbing perspective: if a feed is a pub/sub protocol, then anything can go in there, the users will pick what they need.)
# b3u Maybe this topic is similar to newsletters versus blog posts. You probably write your newsletter separate from your blog post.
# b3u But it boils down to the same topic, which is the blog post's topic,.
# b3u so with every update to the colophon, I would post an update with the gist of the update and then manually change the colophon itself.
# b3u * every major update, that is
# lahacker isn't this kind of like the wiki edit "summary" feature? eg. https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=wiki&action=edit
# lahacker feed at https://indieweb.org/Special:RecentChanges
nickodd, hs0ucy, toupain and [chrisbergr] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
# [chrisbergr] Make a feed called e.g. "news" parallel to notes, articles, checkins, whatever and post after every change on your static pages something like "I've just updated example.com/page/xyz"
# [chrisbergr] Or you use the notifications api for your static pages, but many people (including me) wouln't allow you to send those notifications.
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
# [kimberlyhirsh] Sometimes when I update my now page, I post a note with a link to it. For things like Spotify listens, I would probably create listen posts and have a feed that aggregates them, as well as a "page" that only displays those posts - using categories, tags, types, or kinds, depending on the CMS/set-up.
# Loqi [indienews] New post: "Providing Hints for Autoconfiguring Micropub Clients" https://www.jvt.me/posts/2020/10/19/micropub-client-autoconfigure-hints/
hs0ucy and ndegruchy joined the channel