#indieweb 2020-10-23

2020-10-23 UTC
[fluffy], KempfCreative, gxt, KempfCreative1, toupain, justHaunted, wolftune, [tantek], markopasha, schmudde and [chrisbergr] joined the channel; johnridesabike[m left the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
[capjamesg] joined the channel
Good morning!
guten morgen
Wrestling with diving into the world of Raspberry Pi. So many options.
good morning
jamietanna[m], kolaente, freekurt, orangefox[m], perflyst[m], nekr0z, crowdhailer, fredcy_, SergeT[m], plindner[m], y0x3y[m], CarlosSols[m], hirusi[m], aviraldg, Salt[m], glenn[m], Matthew[m], samwilson, jfkimmes[m], rick[m], smacko[m], benpa[m], aveltens[m], thejeshgn, Jeena1, reed[m], funwhilelost[m], nyx1, sp[m], pauho[m], nloadholtes[m], jalcine[m], paulopinto[m], lionirdeadman, alvinsj[m], mayakate[m], sea_of_tranquili and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
supercoven, joshghent1, vivus, KempfCreative, [tantek], [capjamesg], ben_thatmustbeme, qa5, ndegruchy, [chrisbergr], sp1ff, nickodd, wolftune, opal, PetriBot, toupain, [KevinMarks], harmetic_, rektide2, rektide, lahacker, genehack_, dietricha_, ludovicchabant_, themaxdavitt_, sp[m]1, glenn[m], smacko[m], benpa[m], CarlosSols[m] and [Emma_Humphries] joined the channel; vivus left the channel
One thing to consider trying is using a pi to host a site using a ssh tunnel through pagekite.
[fluffy] joined the channel
I hadn’t heard of pagekite before. Looks neat!
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Thanks for that. I have bookmarked pagekite.
gxt joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
What is pagekite?
It looks like we don't have a page for "pagekite" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "pagekite is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Hmm. Pretty sure we mentioned it before. Maybe not
the same developer's working on https://www.mailpile.is/faq/#wha-1
Yep. Maybe we discussed it in #indieweb-chat at some point. All mentions of it in the chat search are oooold: https://indiechat.search.cweiske.de/?q=pagekite&page=1
Some light examples in the chatlogs about people using it to host their own websites!
opal joined the channel
it's on the wiki as well
Huh? But Loqi did not find it. Where on the wiki?
in demos and such, on the personal cloud page
[capjamesg] joined the channel
Oh, pagekite looks interesting.
What is self-hosting?
It looks like we don't have a page for "self-hosting" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "self-hosting is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is home server?
A home server is a machine you keep at home to host some of your services https://indieweb.org/home_server
ok, I added "https://pagekite.net/" to the "See Also" section of /home_server https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=73058&oldid=72530
ndegruchy, gRegorLove and [snarfed] joined the channel
[Denver_Prophit] you could query https://indiemap.org/ for sites/pages with webmention endpoints and various keywords in their html meta descriptions and other tags
Indie Map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset. 2300 sites, 5.7M pages, 380GB HTML with microformats2. Social graph API and interac...
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Probably #indieweb-dev talk but my favourite versions of those local tunnel things are the ones that just use a ssh command, nothing extra to install
Lionir, [chrisbergr], [KevinMarks], anotheryou, [fluffy] and [schmarty] joined the channel
OMG, regardless of the content, this is a damn beautiful site.
wolftune joined the channel
Agreed. No JS needed or external fonts!
gxt, PetriBot, [jeremycherfas], [Ana_Rodrigues], astronav-, dopplerg-, NinjaTrappeur, [chrisaldrich], yar, oodani, seekr, daf1, [fluffy], [capjamesg] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; ndegruchy left the channel
A consequence of static site generators / SPAs / JAMStack is the mass die-off of GUIs for changing copy and metadata. The increases in "developer experience" come at the direct cost of non-coder team members having to edit JSON/YAML and contend with build pipelines.
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
not everyone wants to touch a config file, or would know how to
i think "mass die-off" is a bit of a stretch
if anything, it's the opposite, that there are many more *new* tools being built without GUIs, but there are still lots of GUI publishing tools in use
a_chou, jgee and [snarfed] joined the channel