#indieweb 2020-10-28

2020-10-28 UTC
toupain and gpickett00 joined the channel
hmmm okay
schmudde, toupain1, toupain2, nickodd, awolf, [fluffy], gRegorLove, seekr, ecobos, a_chou, KartikPrabhu, gpickett00 and [Emma_Humphries] joined the channel
If you use GitHub pages to publish your site, all the pieces are in place for you to move from `master` to `main` as your HEAD and continue to publish. https://emmas.site/blog/2020/10/27/no-master-branches
seekr, KartikPrabhu, markopasha, [fluffy] and schmudde joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
can github DMCA requests reach github pages?
deltab joined the channel
njd, opal, schmudde, [schmarty], kensp, awolf, gpickett00, [grantcodes], fauno_, toupain, gRegorLove, [fluffy], PetriBot and deathrow1 joined the channel
which makes me remember something about search engines and the IndieWeb
I think it is important to have them but it's not enough to just have a crawlable index of sites tbh
[schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
another perspective on data ownership, worth considering, especially in the context of our own framing of "own your data". Thread: https://twitter.com/AnoukRuhaak/status/1321509912455819264
@solarpunk_girl @Sammallahti @indiqicom @mbauwens Yes! Ownership implies a right to alienate (ie sell) the thing you own at which point we lose all the rights to the thing. A rights-based framework works better imo especially combined with an approach to data governance that focuses on collective needs and interests.
what is ownyourdata
own your data is an IndieWeb principle with two key parts: 1) your data lives primarily under your own domain, and 2) you are able to retain your access over time https://indieweb.org/ownyourdata
ownyourdata << Another perspective on ownership of data: https://twitter.com/AnoukRuhaak/status/1321509912455819264
@solarpunk_girl @Sammallahti @indiqicom @mbauwens Yes! Ownership implies a right to alienate (ie sell) the thing you own at which point we lose all the rights to the thing. A rights-based framework works better imo especially combined with an approach to data governance that focuses on collective needs and interests.
what are search engines
It looks like we don't have a page for "search engines" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "search engines is ____", a sentence describing the term)
dopplergange, [Ana_Rodrigues], maxwelljoslyn, kensp, bltavares, KartikPrabhu, awolf and dopplerg- joined the channel
yes, the "personal data as property" angle is problematic when it comes to privacy and data protection - although interestingly I haven't seen the "own your data" slogan in that light
not sure, maybe because I interpret "own" wider? maybe because I mostly thought about *content*?
dopplergange, ArjunAa and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
I don't understand the problem. What is wrong with speaking about ownership of data? And who says I can only sell property in its entirety, not license it? And how does Anouk sharign data impacts me?
opal joined the channel
i think that's exactly what anouk is saying, that being able to license your data is a better way to think about it than owning it in the first place
Yes, but I can decide to license what I own. What is my mistake here?
I think one of the biggest problems is that the Internet is not independent, but each country can make its own rules. I don't know how it is elsewhere, in Germany there are even different regulations in different federal states. That way you can never define for the whole web how data should be treated.
dmbaturin, shakeel, patcoll_, rrix, sivoais, danbee71869, timotimo, gpickett00, kevinsan, [Ana_Rodrigues], [KevinMarks], b3u and toupain joined the channel