2020-10-30 UTC
toupain, deathrow1|absnt, [tantek], [schmarty], awolf, [Denver_Prophit], KempfCreative, ludovicchabant, themaxdavitt, stacktrust, jbove, [aaronpk], gpickett00, nickodd, KartikPrabhu, [fluffy], toupain1, markopasha and [chrisbergr] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
rEnr3n, DanC, markopasha and schmudde joined the channel
# 09:26 KartikPrabhu if anything in there is outdated please feel free to update it so others can follow
# 09:27 [chrisbergr] Oh great, IndieWeb coveres all I ever wanted 🙂 Thank you, I'll try and update if needed.
kensp, KartikPrabhu, anotheryou, jeremy, Jon, mauz555, gpickett00, toupain and [Rose] joined the channel
KempfCreative joined the channel
# 13:29 GWG Zegnat: Are you feeling indiewebbish today?
# 13:30 Zegnat My day is already fully planned with non-indiewebbish things, sadly :( But I am thinking tomorrow is going to be a big IndieWebbing day
JohnBeales joined the channel
# 13:44 GWG And what web will you be weaving?
# 13:52 Zegnat I want to finish up my selfauth replacement this weekend. And I might start having a think about the upcoming IWC. I am thinking of taking the days off around it so I can fully attend US times
[capjamesg] joined the channel
# 13:58 [capjamesg] Or afternoon, wherever you are (it's the afternoon here in the UK).
PetriBot joined the channel
# 14:02 Loqi Universal Greeting Time is the convention of greeting people in online chat with "good morning" regardless of the local time of day of either person https://indieweb.org/UGT
# 14:05 GWG [capjamesg]: I keep being reminded of UGT also
PetriBot joined the channel
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
# 14:45 [chrisbergr] Although I was on IRC a lot in the late 90s, I have never heard of UGT.
# 14:45 GWG We sang about tomorrow....but tomorrow never came...
JohnBeales joined the channel
# 14:46 [capjamesg] Lockdown began on March 23rd in the UK (had to look it up). Is that linked to !march?
# 14:52 sknebel not specific to a date, but in april-june or so there was the sentiment of "nothing has happened since march"/"nobody can tell march has ended" because around there the lockdowns/big shifts happened.
JohnBeales, awolf, jamietanna, gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Denver_Prophit] joined the channel
JohnBeales, mauz555, schmudde, fredcy and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Simounet, gpickett00, JohnBeales, kensp, gbmor, anotheryou, KempfCreative, schmudde, [chrisbergr], jamietanna, krjst, rEnr3n, [fluffy] and [tantek] joined the channel
# 23:52 [tantek] could be interesting to leave little clues about SF all over the place
JohnBeales joined the channel
# 23:54 [tantek] I feel we are in historical times that may be interesting to capture in this way
# 23:54 GWG For now, I still need to fix or abandon my latest location project