rmdes_, rmdes_1, KempfCreative, awolf, schmudde, nickodd, gpickett00, [Denver_Prophit] and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
#[Denver_Prophit]Is there a wiki anywhere on brid.gy or elsewhere about how to track and mention send twitter live chats? Usually post around 10 questions and get replies and reposts. I assume each question post to twitter has to have the source link back to my event article?
#[Denver_Prophit]I'd like to capture all the comments
[snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed][Denver_Prophit] yup, each question post needs to be a POSSE post ie either it needs to link to your article, or your article needs a u-syndication link to the tweet. https://brid.gy/about#link
#[Denver_Prophit][snarfed] Yep my template for a post includes the tweet ID to populate the u-syndication link. But, reposts and comments are what I'm curious about from brid.gy to a tweet.
#Loqi[snarfed] [Denver_Prophit]: it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev
#[Denver_Prophit]Loqi: I just needed to ensure they are picked up by brid.gy webmention
#[snarfed]yup. u-syndication link is enough. and all responses (likes, reposts, comments) are handled the same,
#[Denver_Prophit][snarfed] so ok, each question in the twitter live chat needs the link to the article. 😃
#[snarfed]no, if your article posts have u-syndication links, that’s enough. the question tweets don’t also need to link back. details in https://brid.gy/about#link
#[Denver_Prophit]I have. I am trying to SOP the process. So I tweet with the hashtag each question. That process needs to link back to the article, I thought, to pick up webmention. Or, are you saying I should use a reply to tweet from the first one to post more than one question?
#[snarfed]if you want to backfeed a tweet’s responses (comments, RTs, likes) to its original post on your site, then you need either 1) the tweet to link to your post, or 2) your post to have a u-syndication link to the tweet
#[snarfed]you can do both, but you don’t need to, either one on its own is enough
#[Denver_Prophit]OK. So tweet the first question with link from my post that has a u-syndication value. I should reply to my own tweet with follow-on questions to get fed into brid.gy mention, right?
#[Denver_Prophit]Having multiple tweet ID's could get hairy 😃
#[snarfed]you can use one thread or multiple, up to you. if you do multiple, each top-level tweet needs to follow the same formula ^
#[Denver_Prophit]right! I could YAML the values of all the tweet IDs for syndication. More complex! lol
#[Denver_Prophit]Might go with YAML. Update the article after the live tweet chat event. Get's hard to follow tweet threads.
#[Denver_Prophit]I might have to direct them NOT to repost with comment as that is considered just a repost with no content I think?
#sknebelright, and the discussion you are having right now, how to specifically do that using bridgy is a dev channel topic
#[Denver_Prophit]#indieweb-dev , to me, means talking about `<code>` not webmention tatics.
#aaronpkother way around, #indieweb is for user-facing feature discussion, not implementation (regardless of whether the implementation discussion involves code)
toupain, [fluffy] and jigawatt joined the channel
#[Denver_Prophit][aaronpk] I see. I was trying to keep non-developement topics out of #indieweb-dev But, I'll use if for a variety of webmention topics, then.
#[Denver_Prophit]The topic should be updated in this channel then. It says user friendly chat. You already have a #indieweb-chat channel. 😃
KempfCreative joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
#jacky[Denver_Prophit]: the #-chat room is random banter
#[Denver_Prophit]Jacky: I just read this channel is for "other way around, #indieweb is for user-facing feature discussion, not implementation (regardless of whether the implementation discussion involves code)" The channel name + the description is vague for a newcomer. But, I digress.
#[Denver_Prophit]RN is says: "user-friendly chat..." See how that can confused someone new?