#indieweb 2020-11-01

2020-11-01 UTC
themaxdavitt, ludovicchabant, peterrother, awolf, nickodd, maxwelljoslyn, KartikPrabhu, rEnr3n, kensp, [tantek], KempfCreative, neceve, gpickett00, BigShip0, schmudde, kiryin, krjst, florian_, [grantcodes], jamietanna, a_chou, toupain, oenone and zack1 joined the channel; florian_ left the channel
[indienews] New post: "Simple Location for WordPress 4.1.12 Released" https://david.shanske.com/2020/11/01/simple-location-for-wordpress-4-1-12-released/
rmdes_, rmdes_1, KempfCreative, awolf, schmudde, nickodd, gpickett00, [Denver_Prophit] and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
Is there a wiki anywhere on brid.gy or elsewhere about how to track and mention send twitter live chats? Usually post around 10 questions and get replies and reposts. I assume each question post to twitter has to have the source link back to my event article?
I'd like to capture all the comments
[snarfed] joined the channel
[Denver_Prophit] yup, each question post needs to be a POSSE post ie either it needs to link to your article, or your article needs a u-syndication link to the tweet. https://brid.gy/about#link
[snarfed] Yep my template for a post includes the tweet ID to populate the u-syndication link. But, reposts and comments are what I'm curious about from brid.gy to a tweet.
[snarfed] [Denver_Prophit]: it seems like this conversation is more appropriate for #indieweb-dev
not sure about that Loqi
Loqi: I just needed to ensure they are picked up by brid.gy webmention
yup. u-syndication link is enough. and all responses (likes, reposts, comments) are handled the same,
[snarfed] so ok, each question in the twitter live chat needs the link to the article. 😃
no, if your article posts have u-syndication links, that’s enough. the question tweets don’t also need to link back. details in https://brid.gy/about#link
have you tried it? is it not working?
I have. I am trying to SOP the process. So I tweet with the hashtag each question. That process needs to link back to the article, I thought, to pick up webmention. Or, are you saying I should use a reply to tweet from the first one to post more than one question?
if you want to backfeed a tweet’s responses (comments, RTs, likes) to its original post on your site, then you need either 1) the tweet to link to your post, or 2) your post to have a u-syndication link to the tweet
you can do both, but you don’t need to, either one on its own is enough
OK. So tweet the first question with link from my post that has a u-syndication value. I should reply to my own tweet with follow-on questions to get fed into brid.gy mention, right?
Having multiple tweet ID's could get hairy 😃
you can use one thread or multiple, up to you. if you do multiple, each top-level tweet needs to follow the same formula ^
right! I could YAML the values of all the tweet IDs for syndication. More complex! lol
Might go with YAML. Update the article after the live tweet chat event. Get's hard to follow tweet threads.
I might have to direct them NOT to repost with comment as that is considered just a repost with no content I think?
this sounds all very -dev channel ;)
sknebel no. It's a webmention topic. Not code related.
KempfCreative joined the channel
bridgy handles quote tweets (aka reposts with comment) fine, if that was the question. https://brid.gy/about#which
OK I'll go read that!
its very much implementation related if you talk specific markup and how to implement it
sknebel no I got that part. It was planning the twitter live chat event so that webmenion is applied via brid.gy capabilities.
And now I'm off to plan 😃
right, and the discussion you are having right now, how to specifically do that using bridgy is a dev channel topic
#indieweb-dev , to me, means talking about `<code>` not webmention tatics.
other way around, #indieweb is for user-facing feature discussion, not implementation (regardless of whether the implementation discussion involves code)
toupain, [fluffy] and jigawatt joined the channel
[aaronpk] I see. I was trying to keep non-developement topics out of #indieweb-dev But, I'll use if for a variety of webmention topics, then.
The topic should be updated in this channel then. It says user friendly chat. You already have a #indieweb-chat channel. 😃
KempfCreative joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[Denver_Prophit]: the #-chat room is random banter
Jacky: I just read this channel is for "other way around, #indieweb is for user-facing feature discussion, not implementation (regardless of whether the implementation discussion involves code)" The channel name + the description is vague for a newcomer. But, I digress.
RN is says: "user-friendly chat..." See how that can confused someone new?
I think you see something different; I see different topic names in IRC than that on Slack
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
the actual description of the rooms is here https://indieweb.org/discuss
[schmarty], rmdes_, [tantek], [grantcodes], awolf, sp1ff, rEnr3n, toupain, jgee and archwizard joined the channel