LoqiRSS is a set of XML feed file formats of varying degrees of use for syndicating time-stamped content from web sites, and sometimes used to refer more broadly to feed file formats as a whole including Atom, or even more broadly in vernacular as a synonym for feed file or even feeds or syndication as a concept https://indieweb.org/RSS
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "typewriter" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "typewriter is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Loqiprinter is a low-cost device that runs proprietary software, consumes thin sheets of dead plant matter, and makes marks on them, often with ink sold in expensive proprietary cartridges specifically designed to create recurring revenue to the manufacturer of the device https://indieweb.org/printer
[tantek]typewriter is like a [[printer]] that has little or no software, and usually uses ink fromindustry standard sized spools or cartridge, that only works by direct console access with manual text entry and linebreaks.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "photoblog" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "photoblog is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[schmarty]awww photoblog reminds me of "phlog" which was a thing i built for my friends and i in ~2003-4 until we realized that someone trademarked it. it has since lapsed. 😄
smacko, [tantek], njd, markopasha, archwizard, swentel, schmudde, kensp, swentie, BigShip, PetriBot, KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative, DanC, [snarfed], opal, zack1, mykiwi, wolftune, gpickett00, [grantcodes], [KevinMarks], alex11, gRegorLove, [manton], gRegorLove_, [schmarty], toupain, [fluffy], avalos and thelounge244787 joined the channel; ferz1 left the channel
mayakate[m]Would anyone be interested in reading a bit about Ravelry and personal sites? I'm starting to learn how to crochet and it seems of interest to Indieweb-kinds-of-folks that it features both:
mayakate[m]* some personal site integration (link your site from your profile, and it discovers, pulls, and parses your RSS feed so you can link a blog post to a project or yarn)