#indieweb 2020-11-06

2020-11-06 UTC
alex11, wolftune, archwizard, bleb_, gRegorLove_, nickodd, KempfCreative, [snarfed] and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
mayakate: I'm interested in what you have to say about Ravelry and how it can fit into the Indieweb philosophy (maybe you'll be the first to POSSE knitting patterns?)
avalos, bltavares_, gRegorLove_, wolftune, awolf, a_chou, qa5_ and markopasha joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I wouldn't say I know my way around the wiki real well so I'll start with a blog post. :) (I've emailed the Ravelry API folks to find out if PESOS, at least, would be kosher)
cweiske, swentel, Danielstaleiny, schmudde, supercoven, opal, markopas1, DanC, [jgmac1106], rmdes_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
mornign all, been absetn and busy will check out agenda for East and RSVP today
mayakate I have a lot of blogging friends on ravelry
rEnr3n joined the channel
what is Ravelry?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Ravelry" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Ravelry is ____", a sentence describing the term)
anotheryou, KempfCreative, [jgmac1106], toupain, kensp, schmudde, hasslon, [KevinMarks], Dieux, wolftune, gpickett00, [snarfed], [jeremycherfas], KartikPrabhu, leg, [Raphael_Luckom], Simounet and [tantek] joined the channel
This seems like it could be a useful /PESOS (or for #indieweb-dev, /reply-context) tool: https://www.downloadtwittervideo.com/TwitterGif.php - anyone have any experience with it?
Does anyone publish the dates that they established their accounts /elsewhere and then display how long (years/months) they've been "on" a particular silo? (being reminded since apparently today is my 14th Twitterversary)
qa5, wolftune, alex11, kensp, kensp1 and gpickett00 joined the channel
[tantek]: Happy Twitter versary
schmudde and [tantek] joined the channel
Thanks GWG. I'm not sure what to do about it
fauno and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
tantek, I have sort of a rel-me page with a list I've slowly been researching and building that contains anniversary dates (when I remember them or the service indicates them) https://boffosocko.com/about/social-media-accounts-and-links/
my condolences on making it to 14....
It would be nice for my site to give me anniversary updates as a means of reminding me to back up or save my data and attempt to move to POSSE only when available.
mayakate[m] I'm totally up for IndieWeb+Ravelry. We definitely need more of that. Something makes me think I've seen one of the developers lurking around IndieWeb and interested in making it work with Ravelry easier, but I could be wrong.
There's a reasonably active knitting discovery feature on micro.blog: https://micro.blog/discover/knitting
mayakate[m], IndieWeb+knitting would be an awesome session to brainstorm for IWC East https://2020.indieweb.org/east if you wanted to propose a session https://boffosocko.com/2020/10/19/start-brainstorming-session-ideas-for-indiewebcamp-east-2020/
IndieWebCamp East
Brett Kosinski was interested in potential work at an IndieWeb/Ravelry idea: https://twitter.com/brettkosinski/status/1232592656984879104
Taking back control of my content, Iā€™m pulling my (modest) book reviews from Goodreads back to my blog. An underrated favourite of mine is Last Chance to See by the astounding Douglas Adams. #indieweb #books #ownyourdata (https://b-ark.ca/w0eSG6)
What is NaNoWriMo?
National Novel Writing Month (typically shortened NaNoWriMo) is a challenge to write a 50,000-word novel in the month of November https://indieweb.org/NaNoWriMo
and speaking of IndieWeb, Ravelry, and Chloe: https://chloeweil.com/blog/category:yarn/index.html for lots of project examples she made.
Dieux joined the channel
mayakate[m]: Took a minute for me to find it, but it was Cassidy, a founder/coder at Ravelry, who said she'd help with any necessary IndieWeb related questions: https://boffosocko.com/2020/02/26/55768102/#comment-281740 (the original post/account is deactivated, but my backfeed saved the day. IndieWeb archiving FTW).
[Cassidy Forbes] I was reminded of this post to day and if there i anything I can do to help, just ask!
[KevinMarks] and toupain joined the channel