[Raphael_Luckom]I'm trying to think through the appropriate access control for an incoming micropub notification endpoint. I'm starting with the IndieAuth spec--it seems like everything I need has been written up somewhere, which is really nice.
[Raphael_Luckom]I'm trying to think through a design decision, and I think people here might be able to help. Right now, I have a static site. I'd really like to keep it that way, but I also want to support webmentions. The first way I think of to do that would be to set up a little system that tracks incoming notifications, plus a little script on the page that checks to see if there have been any notifications and displays them. However, that would mean
[Raphael_Luckom]that the initial page html as returned by the server wouldn't contain a record of any specific mentions. Is there a disadvantage to that? Is there another way of combining webmentions with a static site?
[Raphael_Luckom]If the only way way to do it that makes sense is to generate the html on request, I'll probably start moving in that direction, but I'd like to avoid it if possible.
sebbumaybe you can just use a 3rd party script for webmentions (it's not related, but i know that for example discourse works great for comments on static pages)
nolithi have a static site with webmention. I have webmentions on webmention.io and a CI job that download them under my data folder so that I can generate each page with all the mentions
petermolnar[Raphael_Luckom]: I'm doing the same as nolith: fetch webmentions pre-build, save them as frontmattered markdown, use it on build. Code in https://petermolnar.net/fetch.py
nolithI don;t know which generator you are using, but I'm on middleman. In my case I can place yaml files under /data/ and they will be available as data structures at build time. I have 2 file, one for webmentions converted from json to yaml nad one for metadata where i store the last ID received. So I can fetch only new webmention, properly sorted and simply append them to the current file.
[Raphael_Luckom]I'm using hugo, but my site is simple enough that it's still an option to switch to something else. Since all of my other code is js and my site layout is very simple, I'm tempted to just use a basic html templating library.
[KevinMarks]The other way is a separate webmention service and js embedding - we have multiple examples of those too. The most complete is probably webmention.herokuapp.com
[jgarber], ShinyCyril, anotheryou, alex11, a_chou, toupain and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel