KartikPrabhu, markopasha, Nuve, stacktrust, peterrother, dhanesh, ludovicchabant, themaxdavitt, raucao, swentel, [tantek] and ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
jeremycherfasI'm busy moving all the changes that made my minimum viable project work yesterday afternoon over into the complete site, and then push to production.
[Raphael_Luckom][Zegnat] re: any projects--yesterday I wrote a kind of ethnographic hypothesis of diagramming within software ( https://raphaelluckom.com/posts/diagrams_000.html ) , hoping to turn it into a discussion of domain-specific languages as a way to discuss software structures with non-practitioners.
KempfCreative, ShadowKyogre and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
ZegnatI find it important to subscribe to channels that I like on the platform they exist one (ie. YouTube) as that helps those channels grow and stay in existence. As long as I am subscribing on YouTube, I want a way to export that to my reader easily rather than manage my subscriptions in two places.
[plenglin]During deployment, I had issues setting up SSL and I kept hitting the letsencrypt rate limit. It turned out it was all because I forgot to open ports 80 and 443 on the machine...
BinyaminGreen[m]I read Tim Berners-Lee's article "Cool URIs don't change", and it got me thinking about post-types. Taxonomies change, people reorganize, etc. How do you separate post types visually, while keeping them together structurally?
BinyaminGreen[m]True. So if you put both photos and notes under "/posts", how do you link to just the latest photos? I guess you could use "/posts/tag/photos" or something, but that's a bit long