#indieweb 2020-12-28

2020-12-28 UTC
egoexpress, zrknlzr, ShadowKyogre, [dmitshur], avalos, [schmarty], KempfCreative, buirg and [asuh] joined the channel
What is Archivy?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Archivy" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Archivy is ____", a sentence describing the term)
This appears to be a decent Indieweb-compatible app:
KempfCreative, ShadowKyogre, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, dhanesh, a_chou and [cleverdevil] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Just saw this @GWG! Long time no see, indeed! Life continues to be a bit intense, keeping me away from anything but work and family :/
[cleverdevil]: Hope things get less intense soon
Here here!
I just hired another VP to help shoulder the load a bit at work. I’m hopeful that things will get a bit more smooth as a result :)
How are things for you?
Surviving the pandemic... doing many Indieweb events
We have HWC online weekly
KartikPrabhu, markopasha, Nuve, stacktrust, peterrother, dhanesh, ludovicchabant, themaxdavitt, raucao, swentel, [tantek] and ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
[tantek] joined the channel
Good morning :)
Good morning IndieWeb :)
Any projects going on today?
I've been working on a rewrite of my site, but this is the fourth day and I think I'll start over again.
I can't seem to come past that point where I think I should stuck with the route I'm taking.
But yes, that's the project for me for the last week of 2020 :)
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
Hello! I’m finishing up some re-styling that I’ve been doing since last week : )
I am going to continue with my YouTube thing, trying to replace the subscription exports that I am depending on
[Rose] joined the channel
Hello sebsel and zegnat
And [Ana_Rodrigues]
I'm busy moving all the changes that made my minimum viable project work yesterday afternoon over into the complete site, and then push to production.
At least, that's the plan.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Will be exciting to see come to frutition, jeremycherfas!
ShadowKyogre, zrknlzr and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[Zegnat] re: any projects--yesterday I wrote a kind of ethnographic hypothesis of diagramming within software ( https://raphaelluckom.com/posts/diagrams_000.html ) , hoping to turn it into a discussion of domain-specific languages as a way to discuss software structures with non-practitioners.
KempfCreative, ShadowKyogre and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Zegnat have you looked at invidious for YouTube? I run my own instance and manage my subscriptions there
ShadowKyogre left the channel
I find it important to subscribe to channels that I like on the platform they exist one (ie. YouTube) as that helps those channels grow and stay in existence. As long as I am subscribing on YouTube, I want a way to export that to my reader easily rather than manage my subscriptions in two places.
Previously YouTube had a button to download an OPML file, that gave me what I wanted. Now that is gone :(
ShadowKyogre joined the channel
Yea I manually re-subscribed on invidious, then I can export it.
ShadowKyogre, apophys and [snarfed] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
happy birthday aaronpk!!! 🎉 🍰
[schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
Another idea for renaming Indigenous: how about Ingenious?
alex11 and [dmitshur] joined the channel
thanks [snarfed]!
[tantek]: That's an Ingenious idea for Indigenous
aaronpk: In that vein, thanks for being a SPOA
I'll just appreciate all the things that you do
a_chou, [Raphael_Luckom], swentel, [Ana_Rodrigues], [tw2113_Slack_] and [plenglin] joined the channel
I got my website backend deployed last night, so I can receive comments without disqus now
zrknlzr joined the channel
During deployment, I had issues setting up SSL and I kept hitting the letsencrypt rate limit. It turned out it was all because I forgot to open ports 80 and 443 on the machine...
I read Tim Berners-Lee's article "Cool URIs don't change", and it got me thinking about post-types. Taxonomies change, people reorganize, etc. How do you separate post types visually, while keeping them together structurally?
For reference: https://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI.html
[snarfed] joined the channel
fortunately, URIs are separate from both visual design and internal data structure and storage. you don’t need to tie them together at all
also, you can use redirects to keep old URLS working!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
True. So if you put both photos and notes under "/posts", how do you link to just the latest photos? I guess you could use "/posts/tag/photos" or something, but that's a bit long
I am not sure I have seen anyone have "latest post of type ..." URLs, those do sound interesting
Maybe you could do something like /posts/photos/latest
I meant a category page.
Maybe instead of "tag," use a single character like /posts/c/photos
where c is category
also check out a few example indieweb community members’ sites for examples, eg https://aaronparecki.com/ , https://tantek.com/ , https://werd.io/ , http://www.kevinmarks.com/ , https://david.shanske.com/
thanks, that's very helpful
gxt, alxd, zrknlzr, [tantek], elioat_ and gRegorLove joined the channel
GWG, could you add your +1 (or other opinion) accordingly re: Ingenious and others? https://indieweb.org/Indigenous#Naming_opinions
zrknlzr, elioat_, BigShip, [jeremycherfas], jolvera and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Join us tomorrow at 10 AM PST (6 PM UTC) for the DWeb Social—some casual time to listen to live music, laugh at our favorite comics, chat in http://gather.town or do a guided meditation to ground you for 2021. Social time for #DWeb. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dweb-holiday-social-hang-out-with-folks-from-the-dweb-tickets-133902356553 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EqWmd15VEAAp3Qx.jpg
ShadowKyogre and zrknlzr joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel