Seirdymost people online know me by my handle (Seirdy) while most people offline know me by my real name, and my homepage currently lists both names, no indieweb markup.
[tantek]SMS << SMS recovery vulnerability addition prompting:, upon signing in with email and password, prompts you to enter a mobile number for “account security”
Loqiok, I added "SMS recovery vulnerability addition prompting:, upon signing in with email and password, prompts you to enter a mobile number for “account security”" to the "See Also" section of /SMS
KempfCreative, [dmitshur], ShadowKyogre, [chrisaldrich], [tw2113_Slack_], gxt, hasslon and markopasha joined the channel; ShadowKyogre and TeeKayZA[m] left the channel
petermolnarBinyaminGreen[m]: re url structure: you should keep the redirects as long as you have that site; essentially forever. At least that's what I'm doing
petermolnarother, than that, I might finally get to assembling an outdoor fuse box into a motioneye + rpi based security camera, which has nothing to do with indieweb, so I should probably take this to -chat :)
petermolnarBinyaminGreen[m]: I regularly check my webserver's access log for recent 404 hits. If I recognise that it should be redirected, I add it to my redirects.
jeremycherfasMy redirects give 404s for posts from my old WP-based website that I have not yet brought into the new CMS, and every now and again I go through the logs looking for those so I can migrate them.
elioat_, [Raphael_Luckom], elioat, seekr, gxt, ShadowKyogre and jamietanna joined the channel
jamietannaI've got redirects for all the various places that have changed URLs over time and am planning on keeping the redirects indefinitely, as I never know where/when things were bookmarked/linked from
elioat_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[chrisaldrich]BinyaminGreen[m] don't forget to redirect your feed links (RSS/Atom/etc.) people will often forward everything, but cut off or greatly inconvenience their followers...
ZegnatAnalytics how? You can definitely do analytics on RSS from your request logs. And centralised services like Feedbin will (sometimes) include total number of subscribers in their user agent.
SeirdyBinyaminGreen[m]: honestly for a simple static site like yours, you probably don't need a CDN. if access logs would help you, you could just make your CI job rsync the dist/ directory to a vps and have your favorite webserver serve the files.