#indieweb 2020-12-30

2020-12-30 UTC
rawtext, qa5_, KartikPrabhu, zrknlzr, zrknlzr_, bltavares, [chrisaldrich], ShadowKyogre, drhitchcock[m] and bltavares_ joined the channel
Any techperts on integrating an 11ty website and webmentions? ✌️
a_chou, [tantek], kensp and markopasha joined the channel
drhitchcock[m]: what im planning on doing is getting email notifications for webmentions and forwarding those emails to my website + gemini capsule's mailing list. alternatively, you could render them client-side with JS. I'm not a fan of the client-side JS approach. The last option is to pull webmentions when building your static site and include the webmentions in your static html files, and
re-build relevant pages when new webmentions come in. The last approach is probably best, but idk if anybody's implemented it yet. I might do this someday.
(i have 0 experience with 11ty; my website is generated with hugo).
sivoais_, gxt and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What is eleventy?
Eleventy is a JavaScript based static site generator that allows the user to select their own preferred template engine and theme, which in practice can and does enable use of microformats2 https://indieweb.org/Eleventy
drhitchcock[m] that page ^ has some good articles and links. Esp the ones by Max and Sia.
Questions on technical specifics are best asked in the #indieweb-dev channel.
sivoais joined the channel
<[chrisaldrich] "drhitchcock that page ^ has some"> Thanks Chris. I've tried Sia's article in the past. I've just started to give it another go now.
<[chrisaldrich] "Questions on technical specific"> Sorry about that I only just realised after I posted here.
Sia recently uploaded the video for that post in the past two weeks. Hopefully it's helpful.
You might also find some interesting/useful documentation on the /SSG page or some other similar platforms
sivoais, h0schi, swentel and gxt joined the channel
Nog een keer deze bumpen want het is echt héél achterbaks wat dit bedrijf doet. Je kan de permissions hier weghalen 👉 https://twitter.com/settings/connected_apps https://twitter.com/fdebijl/status/1343581833867485195
it warns for an app that generates overviews of ‘who is your family on twitter’ and stuff
and then uses the permissions the twitter users gave them via the API, to follow all kinds of companies, for money (see the quoted tweet)
I feel like that keeps to be a hard thing: users just give away permissions like these for shiny features like overviews of their friends.
(but a good thing that people that are warned, can revoke access)
TeeKayZA[m] joined the channel
I published some scripts I wrote to automatically post to my static-generated site using micropub:
IndieWeb scripts for publishing using micropub to a static-site generator like Pelican.
h0schi, KartikPrabhu, rmdes_, jeremycherfas, ShadowKyogre and swentel joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
ShadowKyogre, kensp and KempfCreative joined the channel
Good morning, jeremycherfas
Hello GWG. Any progress on your reviews? I have to say, I gave up mf2 on reviews, as on recipes, because it just messed up my writing flow to no great purpose.
jeremycherfas: It's still in the early brainstorming phase as I finish better support for imperial units for weather.
I want to add a imperial to metric toggle for those who had issues with Fahrenheit
Very thoughtful.
ShadowKyogre, KartikPrabhu and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Good morning!
gxt and bltavares joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
drhitchcock: Have you seen Max Boeck's article on the subject? That helped me for my site, which is also built in 11ty.
a_chou joined the channel
<BinyaminGreen[m] "drhitchcock: Have you seen Max B"> I did but I had issues getting it going. I've started again with Sia's tutorial so I'll see how I go. What's the link to your site? I'd love to check it out.
astralbijection joined the channel
Should URL dates be zero-padded? (i.e. /2020/5/4/7/slug vs /2020/05/04/07/slug)
Mine are, not sure about "should."
Same, mine are zero-padded too.
Mine are currently (as /blog/2020-05-04-slug without ordinal), but I'm currently doing a bit of a rewrite of my site and changing the urls
I suppose it doesn't really matter in the end if I have redirects set up to convert between them
The big brain move would be to not zero-pad them and write months in base 12 and days in base 31
It's March 305, 2020 (UTC)
Bonus point for supporting those dates
astralbijection: see also http://tantek.pbworks.com/w/page/21743973/Whistle for URLs in different base-things.
Yeah I was looking at that
(tantek's wiki is a dangerous place, before you know it it's 2021)
Or, something else on that wiki actually
I implemented whistle for my URL-shortner, just like on that page, but without the post-type (because I don't use it)
I did get myself a URL shortener domain, and I'll probably implement a base60 permashortlinker in rust as a learning exercise
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
commonplace book << https://anagora.org/, an open source community-based digital garden project
ok, I added "https://anagora.org/, an open source community-based digital garden project" to the "See Also" section of /commonplace_book https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=74122&oldid=74116
leg joined the channel; leg left the channel
Have you used anagora, [chrisaldrich]? I am having a hard time wrapping my head around what it is doing / what makes it different
ShadowKyogre, rawtext and wowaname joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
I'm looking at it Zegnat. It looks like there's a hosted version for multiple people's accounts, though I'm not sure how to sign up. I've also found a couple of github repos that look like they're for creating a server to run it.
The project looks like it started in early November and is similar in broad functionality to Roam Research or Obsidian.
[flancian] agora-server: Agora Server implementation for the Agora (flancia.org/go/agora).
What I find most interesting is that it's another new wiki-like project that is doing internal backlinks and displaying them in their UI sort of like what we might consider displayed internal webmentions.
I'm waiting for some of these projects to do site to site webmentions sooner or later, and the developer of this project is at least somewhat aware of them: https://twitter.com/houshuang/status/1343680383930527749
@flancian I'd be happy to discuss cognitive stuff any day. Also very interested in the idea of linking digital gardens - have been discussing some prototype with @JoelChan86 using webmentions, and actually tried building something 7 yrs ago based on PhD students reading identical papers.
[chrisaldrich]: that is what I was thinking this might have been doing, but then I could not find any example of it on the main site. That is, I was expecting pages to include content from multiple domains, but it only seems to agregate content from the same domain at the moment
Still definitely an interesting way to do community gardening.
the community gardening part was also intriguing to me as well, so structurally I might call this a potential Mastodon for digital gardeners, but I'm not sure the federated part is working yet.
drhitchcock: binyam.in is the actual site, and the code is on GitHub at https://github.com/binyamin/binyam.in
[binyamin] binyam.in: :house: My personal website
[amy], [schmarty], tgys[m] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel