2020-12-31 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [schmarty], ShadowKyogre, KempfCreative, KartikPrabhu, opal, kensp, nickodd, markopasha and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
# 10:26 sebsel I am glad that tomorrow is a Friday (and a holiday for me), so I can still work a long weekend on my website
# 10:27 sebsel it's not really going fast these past 7 days of X-mas.
# 10:28 jeremycherfas Not a lot of changes to see on mine, but some better understanding of some things.
# 10:34 sebsel yes, same here... a lot of local experimenting, but I gradually get a better understanding of how I want things to work
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
# 11:00 [Ana_Rodrigues] Good morning!
# 11:00 [Ana_Rodrigues] I really want to push everything I did in the last week to “live”. I have to accept that “done” is acceptable and I don’t need perfect for now 😞
# 11:24 Zegnat Even just considering something "done" is a huge step, [Ana_Rodrigues]. I never feel done, haha
# 11:41 petermolnar software can't be finished (or done), only abandoned - therefore deploying now is just as good as any time later :)
# 11:42 sebsel if you don't ship, you have 0% perfection either :)
Nuve joined the channel
kensp, anotheryou and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
KempfCreative and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
# 14:22 [Ana_Rodrigues] [Zegnat] absolutely! “done” isn’t really done hehe
# 14:22 [Ana_Rodrigues] I’m not going to be on time for #newwwyear 😞 it’s a shame but the world won’t stop spinning because of it.
nickodd, kensp and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
# 15:46 [Raphael_Luckom] I had a coworker who used the phrase ' "Done" is the engine of "more" ' . I always kinda liked that
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 15:48 [Raphael_Luckom] oh, yeah coulda been.
# 15:50 [Raphael_Luckom] I really like about 70% of that and really dislike about 30%.
# 15:50 [Raphael_Luckom] very interesting
jamietanna, a_chou, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks], [Raphael_Luckom], kensp and [snarfed] joined the channel
# 18:27 Loqi [ognarb] Adding comments to a static blog with Mastodon
KartikPrabhu and [Rose] joined the channel
cla, [tw2113_Slack_], enpo, hasslon, alex11 and kassle joined the channel
# 21:53 petermolnar how do I get responses on someone else's tweet that has a link to one of my website posts via brid.gy?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 21:58 [chrisaldrich] If one has a yax-based website, does deleting posts on it count as yax-shaving?
# 22:01 [chrisaldrich] petermolnar, that's a good question. I've wished for that a few times, but I don't think there's an automated way. You'd get a mention for the first one, but not necessarily for the others. It may be a manual-until-it-hurts thing...
pikseladam and hoschi-it joined the channel
# 22:56 pikseladam happy new year
# 22:56 pikseladam happy new year
jamietanna joined the channel
# 23:01 jamietanna petermolnar I seem to get that I believe through Bridgy already :/ or maybe I'm imagining it?
pikselaxam and gRegorLove joined the channel
rawtext joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
# 23:39 Zegnat I will take the fireworks chat to #indieweb-chat :)
sp1ff joined the channel