#[Ana_Rodrigues]I really want to push everything I did in the last week to “live”. I have to accept that “done” is acceptable and I don’t need perfect for now 😞
#Loqi[ognarb] Adding comments to a static blog with Mastodon
KartikPrabhu and [Rose] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]Yax.com looks like it could become an indieweb tool
cla, [tw2113_Slack_], enpo, hasslon, alex11 and kassle joined the channel
#petermolnarhow do I get responses on someone else's tweet that has a link to one of my website posts via brid.gy?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]If one has a yax-based website, does deleting posts on it count as yax-shaving?
#[chrisaldrich]petermolnar, that's a good question. I've wished for that a few times, but I don't think there's an automated way. You'd get a mention for the first one, but not necessarily for the others. It may be a manual-until-it-hurts thing...