#indieweb 2021-01-01

2021-01-01 UTC
[Raphael_Luckom] and [snarfed] joined the channel
petermolnar jamietanna i don’t believe bridgy currently backfeeds responses to other people’s tweets that link to your site, just on your own. https://brid.gy/about#which
Oh yes, good distinction 👍🏽
hoschi, gRegorLove_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Does anyone do fireworks on their website to celebrate New Years the way many do balloons for birthdays or snow through the holidays?
gRegorLove_, [snarfed], workfrosty, [chrisaldrich], [fluffy], KempfCreative, oodani and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
neat idea chrisaldrich - can't say I do. but i dig it
youreminded me of a tangential idea - i intend to be the first person to implement a currency exactly and only for use on my website, to "buy" various pointless things ... not sure yet exactly how one will accumulate it, but newsletter subscribers will definitely get some :^)
[tantek], jgee1, [jeremycherfas], nickodd, [Emma_Humphries], [fluffy], rmdes_, hoschi, BigShip9 and h0sch1 joined the channel
Good morning and Happy New Year IndieWeb
hoschi, hoschi-it, leg and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
I think Evan Prodromou did that first
Hmm. That is buying his time? Feels like Mike does it better than, selling stock in his actual life and leaving decisions up to stakeholders: https://kmikeym.com/
bltavares, [snarfed], gxt, [KevinMarks], [Raphael_Luckom], hoschi, KempfCreative, vivus, KartikPrabhu and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel; leg left the channel
Thanks Kevin and Zeg. I knew of kmikey, he's a huge drongo, but didn't know of Evab
I was thinking more along the lines of ideaofapear.com
or whopaidmore
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
vivus left the channel
I don't intend any relation to IW code/protocols/boosterism but it's good to see some prior art, tyvm
mmmmm rig up a 3d printer, "insert 1 max pin" digitally, and receive both the I object and the video of the printing (saved nowhere else)
loot box!! oooooh
Ariadne, rmdes_1, nickodd, vivus, shoesNsocks, shoesNsocks1 and KempfCreative joined the channel
I realise it's only day 1 of 2012 but has anyone had any thoughts about planning for IWC? I'm thinking I'd be interested with helping organise a UK/EU IWC, provided there was some help from experienced folks
vivus and [Rose] joined the channel
Wait, where did you find that time machine? 😉
I'd like to take part in something, though I'm currently over capacity as regards to organising.
I would definitely be interested in an EU thing. But things seem so hard to plan for still.
planning for an online one around 365th of march? :P
It's March 307, 2020 (UTC)
!calc 58 days after today
Sunday, February 28, 2021
a_chou joined the channel
jamietanna[m]: In person or remote?
Chris and I did the two IWCs online this season. I would help, he might too
Ah sorry definitely virtual
And yep, I mean 2021 😅
Guest15322 joined the channel
jamietanna[m]: Tell me how I can support it
Online is somewhat easier to plan because the physical work is not needed.
Finding a venue and such
I'm also pretty free through March
Thanks, that's appreciated! I guess probably a good start is getting the wiki updated to start getting some interest / folks together for organising
I'd like to see if the folks from IWC London 2020 are around cause they did a great job ☺
shoesNsocks and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Do any of you have blog/content ideas loosely mapped out for near or perhaps even long distance future? Curious what your thoughts may be regarding publicly publishing the general ideas for others to see. This is regardless of finality, it could be just a loose idea, or it could be a series of posts that you'd like.
For example, cause lead by example, https://michaelbox.net/writing-topics/
nickodd left the channel
I have https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/jvt.me/-/issues?label_name%5B%5D=article as my backlog which tracks all the stuff I currently want to write about
[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
I use my blog as the "accountability" mechanism for my software writing--I try to make sure that each thing I do (and write) has enough context to see how it fits in my overall project. Over the last couple of days I've been looking more closely at IndieAuth, so I felt like I needed to expand my conceptual description of what security is for (https://raphaelluckom.com/posts/on_security_001.html ). The last time I wrote about security was in
October, before I had a very clear idea of what I was making. I'm continually starting new threads like that, and tying things back to threads I started previously. But I don't exactly have a long-term plan for what I'll be doing over a year.
I have a private slack org where I use individual channels to take notes on different subjects--what I'm doing, backlog, interesting links, blog topics.
maxwelljoslyn, KempfCreative, [KevinMarks] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
happy new year, y'all!
happy new year!
gRegorLove and opal joined the channel
jamietanna[m] maybe i could use github for mine in the same way
I quite like it, cause it also means folks can request things themselves
(although unlikely)
now i want to do that to you. must think
[tantek], [Rose] and KempfCreative joined the channel
IWC planning -> #indieweb-meta 🙂
[KevinMarks], [schmarty], [snarfed], hoschi and KempfCreative joined the channel
Making notes on Reviews right now.
Looking at how sites do them
Needed a break from finishing up the other project for a bit.
I just wonder why the 5 point scale is so popular.
GWG, my guess is lots of iteration. People have tried 3,4,5,10 point scales.
5 points leads naturally to expressing horrible, bad, meh, good, great
3 points is similar, down / neutral / up, and Swarm / Foursquare uses that with smileys 🙂 😐 😞 to rate venues
which is also good in that it is easier to express general positivity, ambivalence, negativity than have to figure out is it really good or really bad
agreed, i settled on three points for mine
[snarfed]: What was your reasoning?
5 point scale also relates to A-F grading scale in the US
no real conscious reasoning, just feel. minimum granularity i felt i needed
jamietanna joined the channel
we use +1/0/-1 for polling our own dates for IWCs on /Planning ourselves, or when considering renamings etc.
it’s personal. if this is just for your site, don’t overthink what other people do, just figure out what works for you
I'm also looking more to report on the experience than give it a number
I suppose there's an aspect of POSSEing if that's important to you. i.e. if most of your POSSE review/rating destinations use a 5 point scale (Amazon, Yelp), then perhaps you want to design a 5 point review rating scale into your own site
GWG, do you plan to POSSE your reviews anywhere? Or do you currently post reviews on Yelp or Amazon which you want to own on your own site and then POSSE to continue with your silo posting of reviews?
I have never found the five point scale to be very helpful. It's not really an accurate representation of whatever it is you're trying to review. Reviews need a lot of text. Others might disagree with me, though.
The other area related is my 'trip report', which I want to iterate on.
Some call that a travelogue
I haven't figured out how to do those.
cambridgeport90: Oh?