[jeremycherfas]A five point scale, like any odd-numbered scale, has the disadvantage that it converges on the mid-point, if you are averaging over several ratings, which is less interesting for a detailed analysis.
ZegnatI do always refer to Netflix having gone to a binary scale, because they found more granularity did not actually work for analytics over big groups
jeremycherfasI was very bemused when exist.io moved recently from a 5-point scale to a 10--point scale because I find it hard enough to tell the difference between a 4 and a 5, let alone between an 8 and a 9.
nickodd, silo, KempfCreative, hoschi, blade82, btrem, opal and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]I suspect that the quantization differences between 3, 5, 10 and higher for public reviews lose their value as the items being ranked are generally not linear from one day to the next. today I might like apple > pear > banana while tomorrow it might be banana > apple > pear.
[chrisaldrich]I imagine someone has done some research on it in the area of behavioral economics, but it seems illustrative that for repeat consumption few/no UI's clear out your prior ratings (for something like repeat watchings of movies) to collect new data to allow them to show an average over time.
[chrisaldrich]I do sort of wished I had done individual ratings for all the episodes of West Wing I've seen multiple times to see what the spread would look like...
btremIf this is the wrong place to ask, feel free to rap me on the knuckles. I'm thinking of switching my website from simple html files to eleventy. But I still want to serve it on a shared host as a static site. I don't know much about eleventy, but is that a good way to go?
btremhttps://github.com/craigbuckler/11ty-starter Is that starter a good way to go to get started quickly? I don't want to learn a complicated build process if that can be avoided. A simple template system and the ability to do simple blogging. I think.
ZegnatEleventy is what they call a static site generator. The whole idea is that you can run it on a set of files, and it outputs "simple html files". So you could run it locally and publish the output on a shared host in exactly the same way you do with your HTML today.
LoqiEleventy is a JavaScript based static site generator that allows the user to select their own preferred template engine and theme, which in practice can and does enable use of microformats2 https://indieweb.org/Eleventy