#indieweb 2021-01-03

2021-01-03 UTC
I didn't know there was a stub on eleventy. I'll read that and hopefully that will tell me whether I'm on the right track.
Thanks for the pointer.
villasv joined the channel
If you do give it a try and run into more technical questions, there might be some people in #indieweb-dev who have used 11ty and can answer those too :) That would not be me though
(: Good to know.
And #indieweb is a good place to ask for help? Don't want to break any rules.
Questions about indieweb, questions about your site, I think those can all go here. We just try to move the more technical questions into #indieweb-dev so this channel can stay more approachable to people
https://indieweb.org/discuss#Chat_Channels_Purposes has some short summaries on what the different chat channels are used for
Hope those help
pawnbrokers joined the channel
Yep, very helpful, thanks, I was just reading the last entry you posted.
btrem, this is a good place to get started with question yes, especially when switching what your website will use! For specific details on Eleventy or SSGs in general, those are more likely better discussed in #indieweb-dev since they do require some development / admin / command-line expertise to use.
I don't have specific questions. Yet. ;-) I'm still at the window shopping stage.
I have eleventy installed, and I'm looking over various how-to pages and poking around under the hood a bit. I guess my query was sort of a lazy web search. Like is it worth learning it for real? Or should I bark up a different tree?
this is exactly the right for window shopping IndieWeb solutions 🙂
awolf joined the channel
Can I interest you in some artisanal CMSes? Globally sourced?
[tantek]1 joined the channel
My domain has been mostly for email. I have a simple static site. The number of pages is single digits. But I wrote a couple of articles recently, and I'm starting to think I need a place to publish them. With a means to organize urls and navigation menus.
j605, alex11, seekr, GWG, nolith, globbot, apophys, smacko, kiero and Seirdy joined the channel
Hi folks, I'm new to the IndieWeb and don't know much about its protocols. I've got a quick questiong regarding publication strategy.
I'm a fan of eternally editing the same page instead of publishing new posts. There are a few notable examples who also prefer this strategy, like Martin Fowler (https://martinfowler.com/bliki/EvolvingPublication.html)
But this publishing style always messed up my feeds. It didn't work well with RSS in my old blog, so before I try to adopt fed.brid.gy and try to use webmentions, I wanted to ask about how you folks predict this will work out
Is there a way to push feed items only for significant changes? I don't want to warn people I fixed a typo, but I do want to notify them if I add a new section. How would you approach this?
[snarfed] joined the channel
i do that, villasv! i lightly distinguish pages, which are evergreen and regularly updated and don’t show up in my feed at all, vs posts, which do
some others here do the same
you could have a feed of microposts with "update notices" (automatic or handwritten)
Ohhh, nice. I didn't plan on creating a blog, but it makes sense to create a phony to just push those updates. Gonna try it out, thanks ;-)
KempfCreative, [snarfed]1, GWG_, sknebel_, apophys_, beko_, nolith1, sp1ff`, kevinsan_, JasonO, seekr, ned0, dragontamer5788, kiero, Seirdy, globbot and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
villasv, I find that wikis are nice platforms for that sort of publishing model (and I suspect Fowler does too), and some (including MediaWiki) have Feeds that indicate page updates for your sort of use case.
segnior and smacko joined the channel
btrem: I am using eleventy for my site; started with that 11ty-starter and tweaked here and there. I'm mostly a lurker/hobbyist but am in the dev channel too, if I can help
alex11 joined the channel
shoesNsocks: what's the url? Be nice to have a look-see.
btrem: I just archived last year to a `2020` subdomain, so it's sparse on posts (and sparse by design too), but https://www.rich-text.net/
That's fine. I suspect mine might be sparse, too. We'll see. Thanks for the link. Off to have a look. :)
not pictured: @paulrobertlloyd's Indiekit, which I use as a micropub server
That looks like it might be worth the time. Thanks shoesNsocks I'm going to muck about with 11ty starter in a test localhost domain of some sort. If I have questions, I'll ask in dev.
I'm not sure what a micropub server is. First things first: I'll have to make a 11ty framework, and integrate the few pages I have into it.
If it helps drhitchcock[m] has been looking at eleventy earlier this week as well.
I think my next step is look more closely as config files and such, and see what I can figure out by tinkering and reading guides. The questions I have at the moment are probably best suited to the dev channel.
wolftune, rrix, a_chou, alex11, [jeremycherfas], ShadowKyogre, jjuran, [mapkyca], silo, [KevinMarks], qa5, [mapkyca]1 and jeremych_ joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Good day IndieWeb
[schmarty], clawfire1, ShadowKyogre and clawfire joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
Hello here
clawfire3, [schmarty]1, [schmarty] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Stephen, why are you so critical of Facebook and not the other big tech companies? A 🧵 for well-intentioned engineers about how to navigate the complexities of big tech.
eli_oat, clawfire, gxt, KempfCreative, opal, [Raphael_Luckom], [snarfed] and villasv joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
@chrisaldrich Makes sense. Martin even calls it bliki to express a cross between a blog and a wiki (https://martinfowler.com/bliki/WhatIsaBliki.html) and he does keep one feed like that I found out today.
mavidser joined the channel
vilhalmer, [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], btrem and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
I just stumbled on how to join two indieweb channels in the same browser tab. (:
Hooray for finding things in the dark!
you'll be rolling in good information before you know it
I am in the dark quite a lot, so that's probably true. ;-)
KempfCreative, vilhalmer, ShadowKyogre, faucet, [Rose] and clawfire joined the channel
I'm looking for a small ui/ux community. A chat, not a forum. Anyone know of something?
wagle and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
https://twitter.com/nandoodles/status/1345774768746852353?s=20 you know how they say that you know that half your ad spend is wasted but you don't know which half?
The biggest story in tech no one’s talking about is Uber discovering they’d been defrauded out of $100M - or 2/3 of their ad spend. And all bc Sleeping Giants kept bugging them to block their ads on Breitbart. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eq0nBLHW4AEa0ci.jpg
[tw2113_Slack_] and wagle joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
every time some ad-fraud thing like that comes up i have to spend a couple days thinking about stuff like https://thecorrespondent.com/100/the-new-dot-com-bubble-is-here-its-called-online-advertising/235539700-50841f34
rawtext, wagle and hoschi joined the channel