jeremycherfasAbsolutely nothing. I did bookmark a thing that can stick a phase of the moon emoji in to anything, and am still pondering the existential Why?
[Raphael_Luckom]One of my friends has a saying I really like, but you have to say it in a full JFK-voice "We choose to to these things, not because they are easy, but because _we thought they would be easy at the time_"
cidney[m], ludovicchabant, hasslon and j605 joined the channel
ZegnatOooh, moon phase, yeah, why not! Easter egg: my local time as shown on my homepage adjusts the clock emoji to be in the state closest to the current time
clawfireHi everyone. I discovered a few days ago (through webmentions) and I'm in love with all the ideas and impressed by the work done here.
hoschiJust start into it. I also discovered it like one or two weeks ago and now I am busy having fun with finding out everything from scratch 😄 I guess that's me just exploring a new reason to do webdevelopment.
hoschiI would say this is a pretty exciting learning experience in addition to being able to express ourselfs without having to rely on silo-style social media.
clawfire@hoschi well I have my blogs made with jekyll and deployed on netlify right now. I added the jekyll-webmention_io gem and added the tags, building , everything seems good. Now I'm trying to understand WHEN I should got webmentions popping. Like. I posted on of my article on social media. I guess it's not triggering webmentions (I'm using Bridgy) when I am posting about it
hoschi@clawfire Okay. When someone comments/replies to your post on social media, bridy will then send this information in the form of a webmention to; as soon as your webpage builds after that, the jekyll-webmention_io gem will pull this webmention to your site.
hoschiSo yes, the webmention will only be sent when there is a reaction to your tweet. The bridgy documentation should list, which events exactly are send as a webmention.
Loqimanual until it hurts is an indieweb principle of resisting automation until you have done it enough times to really understand it, and know that it is worth doing