jdpi have been looking for a citation from TBL for a while. maybe somebody else knows where to find it. it's a soundbyte of him (or maybe someone else?) talking about how users of the web weren't intended to write html directly. your user agent was envisioned to function as the authoring tool as well as the reading tool
jdpbtrem: interesting. browsers now have facilities for in-place editing that they didn't have back then, like contenteditable and visual inspectors. it would be cool if the browser also had a button to put or post an updated resource back to the server. would at least be cool for tiddlywiki-type pages
jdpi have seen some api's in the wild using put but it's unpredictable. it is very rarely a "replace" operation, there's usually some ad-hoc implied merge semantic attached
[tantek]jdp, btrem, agreed with what [KevinMarks] said. Another way of looking at it is that PUT and POST were not really proven out with multiple interoperable implementations for "editing", and thus were prototype protocols at best, that now in practice serve only a fraction of the use-cases they were intended for
[tantek]it turns out for editing you need A LOT more semantics / precision than PUT and POST, and since this is now a *protocol* discussion, it should be taken to #indieweb-dev
btremAnd easy to forget when you have both forums open on the tab. The downside to my recent discovery of how to participate in several channels at the same time. ;-)
KempfCreative, patcoll, gbmor, qa5, ShadowKyogre, marcusr, nickodd, [tw2113_Slack_], a_chou, [snarfed] and [xavierroy] joined the channel; btrem left the channel
clawfire@GWG yep I understood that. I'm just starting for now, and all my sites are static page generated with a generator (jekyll or other) so I'll have to look to deploy a service that track webmentions for them if I want to be autonomous on this
djmoch, schmudde, strugee, hoschi, elioat, gxt, Simounet, [KevinMarks], jamietanna, KempfCreative, [Roy_Mosby], ShadowKyogre, elioat_ and elioat_0 joined the channel; nickodd and ShadowKyogre left the channel
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "browser extension" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "browser extension is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[snarfed][frank] basically. after you install it, it starts a flow for you to IndieAuth into your website. then, just make sure you’re logged into Instagram (no open tab needed), and it will run in the background. status info in the extension settings page
[snarfed][frank] the initial poll is scheduled 5m after you install, to give you time to IndieAuth. then every 30m after that. try the Poll now button!
[frank][snarfed] I tried it several times over the last hour or so. The Poll now button doesn’t change anything but the time after Last attempt. But what should it do actually? Pick up my latest instagram post and post it on my blog? To be honest, that’s not really clear right now…
[frank]But what I understand from [aaronpk] is I need something like Ownyourgram to post from Instagram to my blog and then have the bridgy extension pick up the likes and comments?