2021-02-08 UTC
dbohdan, marcusr, a_chou, [fluffy], [KevinMarks], mdavv, [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_], alex2, amiiboh9, KartikPrabhu, jimpick, markopasha, sp1ff``, bltavares, Melchizedek6809, shoesNsocks1, gRegorLove, [Ana_Rodrigues], marinin[t], ShadowKyogre, anotheryou, mdavv1, joshghent[m], [Rose], hs0ucy, gxt, jmac, voxpelli_, rknLA_, willnorris, ramsey, genehack, themaxdavitt, stacktrust, mattl, mitchell, ecobos, qa5, ludovicchabant, jbove, robla and KempfCreative joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
ShadowKyogre and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
# 14:29 GWG Is that the one in meta with the link preview of the giant all seeing eye?
jessehattabaugh joined the channel
ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
# 15:14 GWG I processed my entire website through my new location code last night
# 15:14 GWG I think after releasing version 4.4 at 2am, then 4.4.1 at 9pm, I might need a 4.4.2 this week to clean up the duplication even further
# 15:14 GWG Is that too many point releases too soon
ShadowKyogre joined the channel
# 15:16 GWG It makes me feel I should try using my code in production before I suggest other people do
mdavv, ShadowKyogre, gxt, kensp and Danielstaleiny joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
# 15:37 Danielstaleiny Any of you have visualization of what peaces goes to indie website to support all the features. micropub, microsub instance etc.
# 15:37 aaronpk i do remember someone made a nice diagram at one point
# 15:39 Danielstaleiny thank you I will check it out.
# 15:40 Danielstaleiny I have 1 more question, do you know any example/tutorial how to setup your own indieauth based on outh2.0 ? so other can sign in to my applicaction ?
miklb_ joined the channel
# 15:53 aaronpk Tutorial? hmm not sure we have anything like that, but there’s a lot of docs
alex11 joined the channel
# 15:58 Danielstaleiny thanks, I will dig into it. :)
# 16:08 joshghent[m] Just setup indieauth and microformats to posts on my site! Next step is to get twitter activity to post on there. Anyone ever created this functionality for gatsby? Otherwise I'll create a new project
sl007 joined the channel
# 16:34 sl007 Hello indieweb. Had a mental breakdown because of fascists in the fediverse. Was in hospital.
# 16:34 sl007 Just wanted to say there is a lot more wisdom in indieweb than in, well, mastodon.
# 16:35 sl007 But this did not defeat my dream that indieweb, webmention and activitypub can work together.
# 16:35 Loqi friendly reminder sl007, we try to keep jargon out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
# 16:36 sl007 Machines are what caused my mental breakdown, little Loqi kidbot. Good Bye.
[schmarty], joshproehl and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
joshproehl, gRegorLove and ShadowKyogre joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 17:23 [snarfed] sl007 welcome back! sorry to hear it, hope you’re doing ok now. we’re glad you’re taking care of yourself (and also here again!)
# 17:28 sl007 Thank you! Let us now prevent world domination of big mastodon instances and teach on. And come together in the sense of users in the colorful democratic spectrum.
# 17:43 sl007 How about making the same as a honeypot just for the permissions ;) Like “Block 1.500 now” …
# 17:43 Loqi sl007: we try to keep jargon out of this channel to make it more inviting to newcomers, can you move this to #indieweb-dev?
sl007 left the channel
neshpion joined the channel
[Murray], themaxdavitt, stacktrust, hs0ucy, Jad, jamietanna, mdavv1, miklb, kensp and mdavv joined the channel
# 20:22 sknebel two false positves in short time is ... not welcoming :D
# 20:22 aaronpk the first one wasn't a bug, but maybe worth re-evaluating that jargon list
# 20:23 sknebel I'd count it as false positive even if the code worked correctly, yes
# 20:24 aaronpk the question is whether "activitypub" ad "fediverse" should be considered jargon or not
# 20:24 Loqi hey aaronpk: would you mind moving this conversation to #indieweb-dev? thanks!
jolvera and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[arush] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 21:02 [chrisaldrich] Wow! That video. I haven't seen surveillance capitalism BBQ'ed with that much sarcasm in a cute animated way in a while.
wombelix[m], jamietanna, [cleverdevil], [schmarty] and pmlnr joined the channel
# 21:35 [schmarty] that video had me cackling. i need to share it around some more.
pmlnr, [Rose], marinin[t], [fluffy], anotheryou, [tantek], treora and btrem joined the channel; pmlnr left the channel