#LoqiAn algorithm in general is a series of steps used to to automatically perform computations and other operations to produce a result; on the IndieWeb many standards have user-centric algorithms for peer to peer site interactions; social media silos have user-exploitative algorithms for advertising and reinforcing addictive behaviors https://indieweb.org/algorithm
#[tantek]algorithm << IG supposedly prefers: Private bookmark over sharing to your story over commenting over liking when evaluating how prominently to show a post on follower reader streams: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFCGqOj10D/
#aaronpkI am skeptical, could be someone just looking for engagement on that post
sebbu joined the channel
#aciccarello[m]Given that the post refers to the algorithmic feed as a "shadow ban" I'm also skeptical
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#[Murray]Does anyone use Brid.gy to post Tweet *threads* to Twitter? Don't see anything in the FAQ, but think it should be possible (just might be too complex for my setup)
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
#[Ana_Rodrigues]I can see how that could be true - I mostly use the bookmark function now and many times I bump into posts with thousands of likes but not a single comment. The bookmarks are easy to access again whilst the “liked” posts and hidden away.
#[Ana_Rodrigues]correction: “liked” posts are hidden away.
#[Ana_Rodrigues]Now that “power point type” of posts on instagram are growing, I suppose that people want to save them to refer to them later instead of liking it and outing themselves (if the topic of the post is very personal). I do that…
jetter, shoesNsocks and [tonz] joined the channel
#Zegnat!tell [Murray] not sure if this was that you were thinking of, but treora has been to IndieWebCamps and builds WebMemex, which includes features like a full offline archive of pages (e.g. see https://blog.webmemex.org/2017/07/10/keep-all-the-gems/) … though cannot find that on the wiki right now either :o
#[Murray]Zegnat: thanks, definitely something different but potentially useful in a different way, will check it out :thumbsup: (PS I believe "memex" is broadly used but niche term so not surprised its being used for a few different things; I know I've seen it crop up in a talk adactio gave a year or so ago as well)
#ZegnatMight have been a bit farfetched, I was just trying to recall what types of “memex” have been discussed at different times.
sivoais_ joined the channel
#sknebelafaik getmemex/worldbrain is based on the same thing
#sknebelbut given Zegnat just pinged him we'll probably hear from the source soon :D
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#[snarfed][Murray] re tweet threads w/Bridgy, you can do it by posting a series of replies, https://brid.gy/about#reply , but otherwise there’s no explicit thread feature right now
#[snarfed]the main open question is how you’d post a thread on your site and mark it up with mf2, which Bridgy would then consume. i don’t know that we have much prior art on that
#[Murray]snarfed++ thanks for the reply and links, hadn't noticed the stuff on /reply-chain before
#Loqisnarfed has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (54 in all channels)
#[Murray]using replies was how I'd thought about it in my head; I guess the weird bit being that you'd need to post each instance, get the Twitter url, then post the next one with the correct reply URL. For a static site user (like me) I think that might be too big of a headache 😄 Doable, though...
#[snarfed]True! good point, that is indeed annoying
#[snarfed]I haven’t seen many people post threads literally on their site like this, ie as a series of separate reply posts. I doubt may people here have decent UXes for that on their site, esp anywhere near Twitter’s
#[snarfed]also not sure it’s something we want to optimize for or recreate literally. an alternative would be posting normal full-length posts, and then customizing them into threads just for Twitter, a la https://brid.gy/about#silo-content
#[snarfed]regardless, if you come up with a concrete feature request here, feel free to file it!
jetter, [KevinMarks] and jacky joined the channel; jacky left the channel
#[KevinMarks]noterlive.com kind of does that, except it doesn't keep the tweet id history, just makes an html version
#[KevinMarks]also it is tuned to the kind of live-quoting I do at conferences
[Rose] and kasdfa joined the channel; jacky left the channel
#[Murray]I've used NoterLive quite a bit - KevinMarks++
#LoqiKevinMarks has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (64 in all channels)
#[Murray]as you say, really great for conferences, but I ultimately end up compiling those kinds of threads into actual articles so I've never considered it
#[Murray]I think that's how most threads would work for me, not that they're something I do often: it's an article split up into chunks. In that case, I'd agree that just posting a normal article would make sense
#[Murray]I guess I was thinking this morning about starting up a long-term thread, something I just keep adding to
jacky, [benatwork], Jad and jamietanna joined the channel
#jamietanna[Murray] I've done threads from my site - I need to make sure I reply to my site's original post first (and make sure the reply syndicates to Twitter) but that works for me
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#[Murray]jamietanna: so how do you handle getting the url for each reply in the thread? (maybe a dev topic 😄) I seem to recall you're using static pages, so do you rebuild between each post?
[snarfed], jacky, [tonz] and [schmarty] joined the channel; jacky left the channel
#jackysame - I've written them out in a text file and then chain reply via Quill
#jackyit could be nice to have a "native" interface for that but truthfully, threads are specific to Twitter and are because blog posts aren't possible on Twitter
miklb_away, wolftune and apophys joined the channel
#treoraZegnat et al.: FYI WorldBrain's Memex (= getmemex.com) has some shared history with my WebMemex project; we collaborated for some months, then went in somewhat different directions; I focussed on web page snapshotting for a while, and got distracted with other things; WorldBrain's version added more and more features and got a lot closer to what I had in mind for WebMemex.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#treora(my work on memexy stuff was mostly in 2016–2018; I would like to get back to this stuff but well, there are many things competing for attention..)
[KevinMarks], mclemens, apophys, opal and [Murray] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
#[Murray]jacky: I agree that most threads are Twitter-specific, I guess I just see the examples I posted as something a little bit different. Related content, all sharing a specific theme, posted over a long period of time. That feels like a use for threads on my site 🤷
#[Murray]I guess I personally wouldn't want each update to have a unique post associated, more just a new entry on an existing page, but yeah looks similar
#aaronpklike, add a tag to the post, and if you have pages that list all posts with a tag, then that happens automatically
#[Murray]yeah, I have something similar to that for tags and categories already, I guess here it's about having just a single page where everything is kept because I explicitly don't want them to be connected to other posts
#jacky[Murray]: I don't think I follow in that last bit
#aaronpkah this sounds like the concept of “channels” on my site
#[Murray]jacky: no worries, I think at this point I'm talking more hyper-specific to my use case, less useful from a general "how would people do x" perspective 😄
#aaronpki don’t use them for topics, but i use them as roughly post type-ish sorting
#jackythat's cool! if you do have a way to flesh it out, def squeeze that into the Brainstorming bit on that page tbh
#jackyaaronpk: that's close to what I think I'm doing now