#indieweb 2021-02-13

2021-02-13 UTC
[KevinMarks]: I don't think so
I need to get my site to a place where i can think and do it live
samwilson, shoesNsocks, [tantek], [schmarty], a_chou, harmetic and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Murray] it wouldn't fit the the sorts of examples you indicated show up over time as a thread, but if you have micropub support, you could reverse syndicate with ThreadReaderApp. It'd be sort of the same workflow as NoterLive, but adds some additional automation.
I'm pretty sure my WordPress set up would allow me to do the pattern you suggest but I'd have to look up the Tweet ID I was reply to each time to get the thread properly, and I would personally opt for sort of tag archive that others have suggested.
I've tried doing a primary post and then subsequent posts on the same page as comments and syndicating those using URL fragments to target the comments, but I'm pretty sure I need to tweak the mark up on my comments section for brid.gy to pick those up to work as a thread of comments on the same page.
[tw2113_Slack_], [tantek], [pfefferle], [Rose], nickodd, jetter, bw3, BinyaminGreen[m], reed, Gargron, calebjasik[m], mattl, beko, seekr, peterrother, danyao, ecobos, willnorris, myfreeweb, ludovicchabant, zootella, robla, j4yav, Jon, gbmor, andersju, wagle, nsh, Bitweasil, nolith2, reidab, aaronpk, jimpick, uncle_0gre, rinfo, dragontamer5788, Simounet, njd, voxpelli_, Ruxton, sknebel, NinjaTrappeur, yar, harmetic, lahacker, hasslon, cidney[m], nekr0z, fogrew[m], ecrosstexas[m], ouya, kolaente, paulopinto[m], [pioneer][m], dor[m], joshghent[m], aciccarello[m], benpa[m], Jeena, JackyAlcin[m], Caleb[m]1, fredcy_, marinin[m], cambridgeport90[, jaduncan[m], sknebel[m], jamietanna[m], coaltown[m], Alex[m]12, astrojl_matrix, Salt[m], cli[m], bltavares, jgee9, cbradford[m], smacko[m], pauho[m], Paul[m]3, confraria[m]1, dhanesh, Matthew[m], PaulB[m], perflyst[m], lionirdeadman, jdormit, Mikaela[meow], freekurt, samwilson, anotheryou, [KevinMarks], miklb and Danielstaleiny joined the channel
On the topic of Respectful Responses, this post had some good summary advice: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLNVCJojGsA/ (image text is repeated in the caption)
jetter, [schmarty] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
a founder friend reminded me that there’s nothing unreasonable in startup world about someone copying an idea. kinda yes BUT imo what is significant and abhorrent here is that i’m building something to solve an intensely personal pain that the copycats don’t get or empathize with https://twitter.com/triketora/status/1360009700612468737
[tw2113_Slack_], alex11, mauz555, Rich1, [tantek], [benatwork], [chrisaldrich], shoesNsocks, [schmarty], Danielstaleiny, mauz555_, chrisaldrich and cambridgeport90 joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[KevinMarks], apophys and zazazoom joined the channel