[schmarty]snarfed: I do! Particularly I have an IndieWeb-friendly podcast site with an FB page where each episode also has an FB post where people comment. Would be fun to backfeed those once again!
Ruxtonthere's a thing happening on FB here in Aus, where they've started squashing shared news links, they dont show up in my profile and if i click a notification for them, they 404 and the only way to find is pray to a higher power they show up in news feed
Ruxtonnot even disagreement, they're "at war" with Australian news orgs, they completley kill the reach on any post remotely looking like an australian news org
[tantek]even if you're not using FB/IG, I encourage installing snarfed's FF add-on above as it will help test it and let's just say that folks definitely look at various extension download/install numbers / rates
batkinthat's an old password. i only used it for NickServ and couldn't use it for any of my old names that I can think of. registered this one w/ a new password.
btremIIUC, `u-repost-of` is for putting something on your site and on a silo like Twitter. And not for publishing an article on a GitHub site and on one's own site. Is that right?
LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites https://indieweb.org/repost
LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another (typically someone else’s) post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, and sometimes across sites https://indieweb.org/repost